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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

By: Lunminthang Haokip

Introduction: For more than a decade, there was talk of one of the Asian Highways passing through the state of Manipur before it exits through Moreh, the state’s border trading point, to Myanmar or the other way round. Villagers and small town dreamers residing on the Mao – Moreh stretch of India’s NH-39 knew little about the preparation of the road, serpentine in most parts, and adjacent to their houses, for the big cross-country thoroughfare. Ignorance, however, did not stop them from hoping that, one day, the value of the land-holding under their possession, even if acquired for the ASEAN purpose, will shoot up. Some had started the mental plan to open eateries, motels, shops etc along the ‘imaginary’ AH that would be passing through their premises, if the Lord tarries. But, like the title of Harold Robins’ best seller novel, dreams die first. As of now, for the locals, trans-national highway is still a ‘notional highway’, highway lorry rubbery, a costly drudgery and ‘Look-East’ policy, just a ‘hook-minds’ policy in power-point presentations.

Advantage Tamu: The big picture of the total coverage of the concept of Asian Highways is to link the whole of Asia by road . China had already made its trading presence felt in almost all the ASEAN countries. The resurgent and reformed communist nation, projected to overtake the US in economic growth by 2050, not only floods the world market with its cleverly manufactured and heavily under-invoiced consumer goods, but has Mandarin as the language spoken by the largest number of people. Myanmar’s proximity to China provides the oxygen of trade for its citizens. Making capital on daily sale of such stuff, sprawling Namphalong market, built at the edge of the border opposite Moreh’s gate no.2, does a trading arm-twist on the hitherto thriving Moreh markets to leave the latter with few or no visitors, like materialism does to the Churches of England.

All roads lead to Moreh: The glut of consumer durables at Tamu, Moreh’s richer twin-brother, is with thanks to Asian Highway-3 that vertically runs into China from Mongolia to Myanmarese towns, Mongla. Taunggyi , Meiktila, Mandalay and Tamu. Yet another roadway to be marked AH-4 goes north from Mandalay to Lashio to enter southern China through Myanmar’s border town, Muse. It’s for nothing that Burmese tourism had advertised their land as “the home of Asia”. Four Asian highways run into the “Golden Land” as they give a second name to their country. AH-1, starting from Tokyo in Japan takes a long winding route through South Korea, eastern and southern china, Vietnam, Cambodia and Bangkok to finally enter southern Myanmar to Yangon. Then it turns north touching Toungon, Meiktila, Mandalay and Tamu. AH-2, in turn, takes off from Indonesia, cuts across Singapore, Malasia, Thailand to finally exit into Myanmar through northern Thai town, Mae Sai. The awesome good news for Manipur is that all the four highways to be stretched from China and Thailand, to wind through Myanmar, will meet at Tamu and Moreh first, and then link various towns and cities of Bangladesh, NE and mainland India.

The Commercial Equations: Formed on 8 August, 1967, step by step, ASEAN, the Association of South East Asian Nations (for economic development) roped in in its fold 10 nations – Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia. ASEAN take 10% of India’s exports mainly through the sea route. The 8 North East Indian states populated with 45 million people, only 11 millions short of Myanmar’s total of 56 millions, are by and large landlocked. Despite abundance of natural and human resources, NE Indians cannot have a share in the nation’s sea-route business. Of course, there is a proposal to connect Sittwe port in the western coast of Myanmar with Aizawl, Mizoram’s capital and other NE Indian states through river and road transport. The project may take years to complete. So, in the given situational paradox, the most logical means to push up the economic growth of NE India to be on par with the national average, is to speed up the proposal to build the 7603 KM long road network in the back-block regions of NE by 2003, and having done so, get cracking in do business with ASEAN.

The Road-block: Blockade or no blockade, the condition of the roads between Mandalay and Kalemyo in Myanmar, Moreh to Pallen and Kangpokpi to Mao in Manipur is bad, and nowhere near ASEAN standards. Contractors are on the job of the first phase. Unless the second phase follows suit swiftly, the bad portion, though helps in making the motor work-shop owners get fat, will remain a blot on the otherwise smooth run of the trans-Asian highway. The BRTF-paved 160 KM Tamu to Kalewah passage may be motorists’ delight but provides no total solace. A chain is as strong as its weakest link. The present focus is on the 1639 KM Guwahati – Bangkok surface route. It is no big deal compared to the 1959 KM distance between Guwahati and Delhi. The deplorable condition of the above stretch also slowed down, and threatened to bring to a screeching halt, the pace and volume of the well-begun Indo-Myanmar Trade Agreement. In also accounts for the pathetic state of affairs at Moreh border town. Once nick-named the El Dorado of North East India, Moreh, today, at its best, may be described as the proverbial cow which every visitor milks but forgets to feed.

Can Moreh carry the international Load?: That’s the million rupee question. Crores of rupees had been pumped in for development of the cutting-edge township. Buildings, hospitals, super-markets and guest houses had come up in good measures. Yet, tourists are naturally inclined to side-step Moreh and go to the well-planned Myanmarese counterpart, Tamu, for a sight-seeing or quality shopping. And they have reason to do what they do. Tamu simply is several times better-prepared to burn holes in its visitors’ pockets than our old-fashioned Block head quarter. The buzz across the border among Burmese traders is, “let us work hard like the Chinese, save money like the Marwaris, but let us not eat and make merry like the Burmese”. The wisdom in the resolve may smack of taking a dig at themselves, but it works wonders. With no high technology, no liberty and no big industries, they had put the high tech of India to shame in trading, at least in the twin towns of the disorderly border. If Tamu is leader, Moreh cannot be a follower; if Kate, the latter is a duplicate. With all the natural resources of river water, forest products, minerals, educated manpower, proximity to a teak-rich neighbour and with the might of an IT-super power sub-continent at its beck and call, Moreh still is the poorer brother of a conjoined inter-dependent twin-township. At this rate, the change-resisting and discipline-hating de-globalised citizenry of this potential ASEAN destination will soon be treated by its affluent better-half like a back-water step-brother.

Action Plan: As a mid-level Administrator of sub-district governance in this far-flung part of my great country who, for no fault of his, is often treated like a “Tulsi” plant in Independent India’s own “Angan” (courtyard), I strongly feel Moreh needs immediate attention. The burgeoning urban settlement that does a daily business of tens of millions of Rupees and that attracts domestic tourists like a misplaced piece of broken cake does to hungry ants, demands restructuring on war footing. The success of ICP, Integrated Check Post, at the periphery of Moreh’s Gate no. 1 calls for the deep checking of our mental gate no. 1 –the mind, and gate no. 2 –the heart, amenability to better sense and imaginative response to out-of-the-box vision. Fiddling pretence must give way to a permanent sense of belongingness to the place we live in and will die in. Our education should challenge us. Why is Moreh the worst ill-planned future stop-over on the Asian Highway? When Bangkok can build skyscrapers, Mandalay has neat star hotels, Tamu has wide roads and spacious restaurants, China can make many things out of bamboo, and South India produces weather-proof hollow bricks out of sand and cement, why can’t we? And why shouldn’t we? Are we born to buy and watch only? It’s the will that charts the way. The blocking letters in the word ‘IMPOSSIBLE’ is I M meaning I am..

Connectivity: The be-all and end-all of the concept of Asian Highway is connectivity. Air, water and railway connectivity are the props but not the main issue here. The aim is road linkage. Along with it will come people, culture, media, technology and religion connectivity. Dietary tastes differ from country to country. International business transactions at the meeting point of 4 AHs will be unbecoming without the operation of Nationalised and Scheduled Commercial banks at the action station. So, it goes without saying that if trans-Asian Highway is not a joke played on us, which we know is certainly not, it’s high time we start building infrastructure commensurate with the shape of things to come, shortly.

Air Connectivity: A stitch in time saves nine. Flights save a lot of time. If Moreh is to take on the trade load of ASEAN and NE India, deals will be clinched at the rate of mobility of the trading functionaries across the nations in the fray. On road signs, we see warnings like, “Better to be Mr. Late than Late Mr.” It amuses commuters. But the road-side philosophy will find no takers in trans-national conferences. Mr. Late will cause delay for others and take business backwards in reverse gear. Delays, experience reminds, have dangerous ends. As a self-styled social analyst for the liveable border town I would like to, God willing, spend my retired life with re-tyred vigour in, I think it is not asking for too much to demand Aizawl’s Lengpui Airport-like airstrip at Moreh. Whether we like it or not, Moreh is not only the best port of call for Indian Chambers of commerce to export and import trade items to and from ASEAN through surface transport, but is the only corridor for the nation. The route of Asian Highways is no more up for negotiations at this stage. Unless we want to see ourselves caught napping and don’t desire to see NE India catching up fast with the rest in modernisation, all concerned will do well to give a serious fresh attention to the infrastructural requirements of the Region’s only inlet and outlet to boom-time.

Wholesome Approach: A port has a hinterland. A river is joined by its tributaries. To promote Moreh as the happening place, the importance of road connectivity of the border destination with other key towns of Chandel and the neighbouring districts should not be soft-pedalled. The construction of the 60 odd Km DC road from Moreh to New Samtal in the south easternmost corner of Manipur is already underway. Likewise, black-topping of the Chandel – Sugnu – Chakpikarong – Lonpi – Joupi –Khengjoy – road that ends at Molcham near Myanmar’s Zohmun will move things faster and lighten the burden of Moreh. Widening and improving the BRTF road from Tengnoupal to Machi and Ukhrul district will connect the hill districts better and enhance people to people contact. But all these ongoing proposals and projects will sadly miss its target unless Moreh becomes accommodating enough to welcome all the communities of North East India with open arms and psalms like, for example, Goa does to its own prosperity.

Love is the Greatest: All said and done, the Bible that we swear by, commands us to love our neighbours, to love strangers in our land and take good care of them. All the ASEAN metros prosper in direct proportion to the warmth of the hospitality they exhibit to strangers in their cities. God warned the Israelites that they too were strangers in Egypt when he planned their way out. Let us always remember that “Giving never empties the purse and loving never empties the heart”. Foreigners go again and again to Singapore, Bangkok, Kerala etc. because they know they will be treated well. Moreh ought to take the initiative to create an investment climate for big cash to flow in. Let us not be narrow-minded but be Nehru-minded.

By: Lunminthang Haokip

Introduction: The Gospel was there even in the Old Testament times in the implied sense in the shadow of the shape of things to come. Among other things that decorated Eden garden, the Creator left the masterpiece of His creativity in the form of Adam, and later, in Eve. However, Eve’s refusal to take divine warning seriously led to the subsequent fall of all the descendents of the original parentage. Adam wasn’t pro-active enough to get the lure of sin shut out in time. Banking heavily on falsity and fishing in the troubled waters of Eve’s vulnerability, the devil won in Eden and set up dens of its control over human affairs then, and even in the present times. But the baiter could never upstage the Maker. The Word of God, potent as ever, in the shade of moments, had always proved for all the world to know that it is He who “rules over the affairs of men (Daniel 5:21)” and have the final say in every situation in this mad bad world. The Gospel was the guideline and the means for the Almighty’s master-plan to restore the fallen nature of humankind, bind the adversary, write a new law on the table of a wretched heart and find a way out for a sin-bedevilled soul to be harmoniously re-linked to the real Author of life.

` Global Gospel: It all began in the Bible land – the places Lord Jesus treaded upon in his brief life-time. The “God who sees us”( Gen. 16:13) saw through appearances. Unlike in the present century, smartness and upward mobility were no plus points when Christ chose His disciples. In the hard-working fishing brothers, Peter and Andrew, the Master saw potential that if they followed Him, the unlettered duo could be made fishers of men (Matthew 4:19). Except for Judas Iscariot who betrayed Him at the end of the day, the rest of the chosen Eleven had no proper grounding in formal education. The sagacious parables and other-worldly utterances of the Man from heaven needed proper recording. So, the wisdom of the Son of God felt the need to have a pen-pusher by His side to write down the historic miraculous events. The void was filled by Matthew, the pen-wielding Collector, Matthew, “Follow Me. And he arose and followed Him (Mt. 9:9)”. The hated tax collector, who could have ended as a mere wealthy local mortal, gave up worldly privileges, heeded the Saviour’s call and got His writing on the Gospel eternally etched in the all-time best seller, the Holy Bible.

Universality of the Gospel: Jesus was a Jew hailing from the Middle-East. But the
four Gospels on his action-packed earthly sojourn were meant for all the races settling in the four quarters of the globe - the North, the South, the East and the West. “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost (Mt. 28:19)”. In the Words of the Lord, one can feel the universal love, concern and empathy that endearingly match His command and authority. To a believer, the urgency to make the last Commandment the first commitment, is the be-all and the end-all of the Gospel. Nothing meets the needs of men better than the “Good News” does. The mirage-like answer that the most revered philosopher, atheist and scientist search in vain, if penitently sought, can be found with a revelation in the verses of the Holy Scripture. Nationalities and communities may dissect, divide and classify humanity and their nature. But the basic model-type of the mind in all the reasoning beings of the continents is the same. The Maker set the bytes and bit-rates of the cardiac beat in such a way that until or unless the mooring, emoting and yearning of the heart is in tune with the teaching of the Gospel, men will never have a soul-satisfying good spell .

Global Trouble: Kingdoms came, but were tamed, sooner or later. Dynasties ruled and got literally ruled out by another. But it’s amazing to delve upon the glaring historical fact that no force on earth could stop the spread of the “Good News” to establish Christ’s kingdom worldwide. Prophet Isaiah revealed the mind of God on the future of His Son’s reign 700 years before Christ was born. “Of the increase of His government and peace, there shall be no end (Isaiah 9:7)”. Money had been lavishly spent to blunt the cutting edge of the Gospel. No trick and ploy had been left unemployed to nib Christianity in the bud by the likes of Herod the great, the High Priests and the 20th century non-believers of the ‘Word of life’. But every move to throttle the Voice of the Saviour was calamitously met, action for action, with an earthquake, a spell of darkness, a breaking up of United Republics, a super-cyclone, a Tsunami, a Katrina or a Nargis in different regions of the globe. The disasters could have been avoided had the writing on the wall in Romans 1:18 been trusted by all concerned in letter and spirit, “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness”.

Gospel Went Global: What we called accidents of history, to the Supreme Ruler, were stage-managed plots to promote the cause of the Gospel further in the global orbit. The Roman empire had been nudged from above to construct roads in Bible-land towards the fag end of the B.C-era. In the first century A.D, St. Paul and the other Apostles used the same roads to drive the message of the Good News home. When Science and Technology were in mind-boggling doubt as to whether the earth was round or flat, Christopher Columbus was divinely guided, around the close of the 15th century, to locate and find the answer in Isaiah 40:22, “It is He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth”. This singular verse led the adventurous marine hero to ultimately discover America. USA, in turn, was prepared to be strong enough to leave no stone unturned to see the teachings of Jesus go global. Faithful servants of God were equipped with savoir faire and skill to win souls for their Lord among the nations of the world. D.L Moody for USA and UK, John Wesley for England, David Livingstone for Africa, William Carey for India, Adoniram Judson for Burma etc. were raised with the purpose to save sinners from hellfire.

Global Technologies: Great preachers like Billy Graham and Joshua Daniel trotted the globe preaching the Good News in the 20th and 21st centuries. To convenience preaching from country to country through air-travel, the master Engineer put in inputs, in the beginning of the 20th century, in the minds of the God-fearing Wright Brothers to take heavy loads in the sky and not fall. The indelible imprint of the Creator was there in every technological discovery and its advancement. Be it Wireless set, motor engine, remedial medicines, radio and TV, printing machine, audio and visual devices, satellite TV or the Internet, despite men’s unfortunate misuses, were heavenly inspired and invented to speed up the pace of passing on the Good News that majority of the citizens of this ultra-modern world do not know is their prior and basic need. The Lord of Host, could even use wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to send devout Christians in the rank and file of US and South Korean Armies to witness in the battlefields and save souls to the uttermost.
Gospel and North East India: The Word of God had been given in ample doses for the past one and a half century to the people of North East India. Heathen cultures and traditions, that initially challenged the smooth inflow of the Spirit’s work, had undergone a drastic overhauling. Outlooks changed, lifestyles were given a lift, education dispelled and rediscovered ignorance, superstitious leanings gave way to institutional learning, Church buildings came up chock-a-block in earlier places of pagan worship and in government of states like Meghalaya, Nagaland, Mizoram and parts of Manipur, the Church was seen flexing its influential muscles in the right spirit in Civil Administration process. Musically-inclined state like Mizoram, thanks to the pioneer Presbyterian missionaries’ lyrical bent of mind, took to Gospel singing as Mumbai does to movie-making, and qualified itself to be dubbed the “Music capital of India.” At the same time, labourers in the Lord’s vineyard have a lot to do, and pray for, to revive the spiritual wasteland of the churched region to make the will of God prevail over the will of the flesh. In some cases, the universal Truth of the Gospel took a beating under the suppressive impact of traditional norms to force the Gospel to go, but tribal. There were moves to intimidate professors of the Faith. Yet, the cheering words of Isaiah 54:17, “No weapon formed against thee shall prosper” had steered clear God’s children out of danger zone.

GOSPEL GOES GOBAL Video Album: To salute and celebrate the globalisation of the Word, this obscure author, who also writes Gospel songs out of the overflow of a heart grateful for the Divine gift to piece words together in a readable manner and partly to unwind himself gainfully from the additional burdens of provincial administration, in a bid to make his writings read globally, scribbled down many songs. Eleven of the songs had been recorded in Hauhnar studio, Aizawl, Mizoram, India and shot in avi video format in the picturesque natural landscapes of the peaceful hill-town. Talented tune composers like JH Vanlalngheta, R. Lalbiakthanga, Chris MS Dawngkima, Mama, and Seigoumang Lhouvum had showcased their flairs in songs like, Gospel Goes Global Aids song, Go Gospel, Holy Marriage, Lonely in a crowd, I grieved Thee first, Hail North East, Kut, Light of life, Aizawl city and 50 years of blessing. The video cam-men, Zova and Patea, took the shots in professional proficiency around Mizoram’s capital hill-top city-of-cheer. The Gospel Goes Global audio CD and video DVD, produced by Mrs Nengkim Haokip under the banner of Go Gospel Ministry International, L. Thinglhangphai, Manipur, India is ready for worldwide release in the month of August, 2010. OM Books, Hyderabad will take care of sales in their network of Book stores across the globe except in parts of NE India and North West Myanmar. VIBES, Goa is to push sales of the DVD album within Goa state.

The Main Vocalist: The name is C (Chongthu). Lalhmingmawii. She sings Gospel numbers like Jaci V, looks stunningly Latino and emotes like B. Mori. Her first Mizo audio album, “Kumsang Bithar” was a total sell-out. 30,000 copies bought across the NE Indian states in 2001 was no mean feat by regional standards. Yet, success never went to her head nor failure, to her heart. Her second and third ventures, “Remna Palai” and “Kachakna Lalpa” made her a household name in greater Zoram and NW Myanmar. With her twanged Yankee accent, picked up from her musical tour of 22 states, with a choir of kids in concert, in the western coast of US of A from August 2002 to July 2004, she recorded her first English audio, VOG’s “Go Gospel” in 2007 and GGMI’s “Gospel Goes Global” in 2010. Inspired by Mariah Carey internationally and nearer home, by the old-time Mizo female crooner, Lalduhawmi, Mami, as she is popularly known, in year 2001, added another feather in her musical cap. She won the coveted Rimawi Khawvel - “Best new Artist Award”. Accolades and applauses thundered every event the dusky husky new singer in town sang in, ever since. But the typical Piscean that she is, the level-headed Mami never bit the bait of ultra-glam offers that came her way to be an air-hostess, sing secular songs etc. Tempting though the lucrative offers on the surface were, the fish would not come out of water.

Christian Life: Well-groomed by her spiritually savvy daddy, C. Lalhmingmawii never strayed out of the bounds of Church activities and in-service values. Forenoon and evening time callers to her bsnl number usually get no response. She’d be either teaching in school or seated on a church-pew hearing a sermon . This pretty well-self-managed itinerary vocalist, when she is not lighting up Christian bashes in Manipur, Mizoram and Guwahati and Shillong, goes to take class 6 times, and to Church service 5 times in a week, sings hymns with the Vengchhak Presbyterian KTP-choir, helps mom in household chores and relaxes with country gospel music tuned on in her cozy ITI veng home. Emotionally attached to her dad and kid brother, Mami is proud of being a Mizo, loves to wear the locally woven wrap-around called ‘Puan’, delights in savouring Indian and Chinese dishes and dots on Psalm chapter 37 reading which gives her the spiritual succour to take on the sad side of life. Her burgeoning fan-following, that includes top-notch mandarins of the bureaucracy, may look her up as a star-performer. But Mami’s main ambition is down-to-earth. As a daughter, she wishes to settle down via a holy marriage with a pliable, reliable, amenable and honest man who can read her moods and let her live a hassle-free life ever after.

The shooting of GGG: To make the video shoots of Gospel Goes Global songs look visually eye-catching, Mami took a month’s leave from duty in June, 2010. A perfect motivator and organiser that she is, she called the shots over locations, dresses to be worn, shot-angles and participation of back-up artists. It speaks well of the social good-will she enjoys that Vengchhak choir, on her request, willingly put up with the patience-taxing retakes for ‘World Aids Day’ shoot. She also managed to get permission from the state’s Arts & Culture department to shoot Kut song in the latter’s otherwise prohibited premises. The toil and sweat paid off well. The previews were commented upon in glowing terms. The Aids song which had been already uploaded on Youtube is the vocalist’s favourite. Mami also thinks highly of the tune-composition style of the title song by Chris, Gospel Goes global. Barring 3 songs of the album in which Abea provided the back-vocals and duet-partnership, it was Mami’s show all the way. Watching the ace performer act out and voice the high-flown words of this song-writer with poise and ease, without missing a beat, like a duck takes to water, it will not be a mismatch to sub-title C. Lalhmingmawii as AVZ –Amazing Voice of Zoram.

If God blesses the songs of this nondescript North East Indian Gospel album to actually go global, the credit should go to the hard work rendered by the Tune-Composers, the Studio Technicians, the Videographers and Editors, the Distributors and specially to the main Vocalist who gave the brilliant shots that made the song wordings come alive in video frames.

Reproduced hereunder is the wording of this Song writer’s poetic take on God’s globalisation of the Gospel:


1. God told Adam not to eat the fruit,
Eve got sold on lies that hid the Truth;
Win for Satan, heaven was saddened,
Sin of Eden gave men a burden;
The good that he wants, he cannot do,
The evil he hates, he cannot spew.

We do what we like and guilt we get,
We rue o’er our lot and for sin fret;
The Word is grave but the world’s naive,
The Lord in Love calls His own to save;
Coz God wants to sin in all dispel,
The old Gospel is going global.

2. To the globe’s ends His trained the Lord sent,
That them who grope and faint may repent;
The Spirit moves, good- spell goes global,
Here creed dupes and Gospel goes tribal;
It’s time to re-link self with soul’s thirst,
Let’s rethink and put things of God first.

3. Crises have men bold, led down and fall,
Jesus loves souls and shed blood for all,
That all who life had pained to lose hope,
May come back to Him and regain hope;
That at home the Good News each may get,
God made Word go global in the net.

Wordings of Gospel Goes Global Video album

By: Lunminthang Haokip
Tune : Abe-a Vocalist : Mami

1. Old song calls to Singapore ek bar,
New song tells all to go there bar bar;
Everyday people from near and far,
Ferry to island of cable cars
Goods and cash to make the nation spill,
And on the ashes of the sixties build.

Singapore, O Lee Kuan’s Singapore,
To thy shores blessings come more and more;
Sing praise for the neat city you have,
For such grace others can only crave;
No fear, no thief, no cheat and no bore,
For there is no poor in Singapore.

2. Leaders there for the good of all live,
Rulers care to net fruits to all give;
Workers do their job as of their own,
Traders woo to shop with their best shown;
Why the fair folks out there don’t defraud?
Coz key-folks go by the Truth of God.

3. Finesse make way for Asians to peak,
As Chinese, Malays and Indians, all tick;
Coz Christians love souls and look East,
It pays and make the city harvest;
For the C-begins now the world thirsts,
The youth there dot on Big C that’s Christ.


By: Lunminthang Haokip
Tune: Chris
Vocalists: C. Lalhmingmawii & Abea

1. God told Adam not to eat the fruit,
Eve got sold on lies that hid the Truth;
Win for Satan, heaven was saddened,
Sin of Eden gave men a burden;
The good that he wants, he cannot do,
The evil he hates, he cannot spew.

We do what we like and guilt we get,
We rue o’er our lot and for sin fret;
The Word is grave but the world’s naive,
The Lord in Love calls His own to save;
Coz God wants to sin in all dispel,
The old Gospel is going global.

2. To the globe’s ends His trained the Lord sent,
That them who grope and faint may repent;
The Spirit moves, good- spell goes global,
Here creed dupes and Gospel goes tribal;
It’s time to re-link self with soul’s thirst,
Let’s rethink and put things of God first.

3. Crises have men bold, led down and fall,
Jesus loves souls and shed blood for all,
That all who life had pained to lose hope,
May come back to Him and regain hope;
That at home the Good News each may get,
God made Word go global in the net.


By : Lunminthang Haokip
Tune: Abea

1. Well-fed and high-bred in heavenly shire
Of West Virginia that many desire;
The burden that God laid upon you all,
Had driven the will to braid on the call
To save those bound tight in lies of darkness
With which devils ride and the world harness.

We knew no God, all shamed by a dark spell,
You sued low gods, not ashamed of Gospel,
Fueled by American Baptist Churches,
Grace-held Lord-led Yankees, geared by hunches;
You came out of bliss to for Jesus fight
That you might be blessed to lead Life of Light.

2. Wild and vile, Manipur’s tribes were ruthless,
Mired in guile, money-poor folks were restless,
Blissful in sin, their real need they knew not,
Beautiful were the feet that their need brought;
That the light that shone lit and lifts up lives
Tells that the Good News in power of God thrives.

3. Prayer for us and gifts of faith we get,
Ever grip good minds to for Christ souls net;
Where the Truth is yet to have an impact,
The path you tread on to save souls-at-stake
Sure shall rake in gains and make heaven act;
‘For it’s more blessed to give than to take’.

4. Best in prayer-list, we delight to mention
A . B . C and the W . V . B. C,
That sacrifices it made didn’t go waste;
Church-edifices ‘dorn the hills in haste;
Great is the Sprit that the Missions drove
And still binds hearts of Nations in His Love


Vocalist: C. Lalhmingmawii

1. Are marriages made in high heaven?
Why are they at sixes and seven?
Coz we drop heaven and prop the heart,
We crib and teardrops are shed on the earth;
Prayer-fed shires build up truth society;
Spirit-led pairs spill good family;
If new home’s to be filled with goodwill,
It’s due that couples first seek God’s will.

We seek self-will and manage to shock,
Soon in sad grill, marriage’s on the rock;
We choose, fetch and clinch solely in haste,
Such a match will be folly-marriage,
That the strain of past-age be shut off,
And sin-chain of lineage be cut off;
It’s God’s bidding that you don’t elope
But with godly- wedding you take off.

2. Mod guys are pros to make flings an art,
Hep girls are prone to think with their heart;
If they sin and marry sans Maker,
They’ll not be happy ever after;
Lovers think they best know their future,
But sink down as they in tests venture;
That you mayn’t fail in life’s foxy lanes
Woo Him who will foretell what’s in hand.

3. Bone was not taken from Adam’s head,
So, Madam her Adam shouldn’t look down;
Neither was it cut from the foot-edge,
A wife’s not to be trampled upon;
The rib-bone was removed from his side,
Eve and her man were same in His sight;
Ripped ‘part was flesh closer to male’s heart,
Partners must love much and never part.


By: Lunminthang Haokip
Vocal: Abea

1. Born and bred outside your will O Lord,
Torn by shreds of pride, all not of God;
On tipsy lanes, self walked in a blur,
And like vain hippy, talked in a slur;
Deep in pet sins, I wove nest and hive
That haunted me for the rest of my life.

We call it sin, it was tough to shun;
To commit sin, it sure was great fun;
Now I see them roll back on my kids,
How I rue when their deeds my heart hit!
I plead your pardon Lord, forgive me
That condoned they be that’re part of me.

2. Being human, we do good and bad things;
We want the good to us blessing bring
And the bad not to harm our offspring;
The way of God is right and suits most,
The sins we yielded to are never lost;
For them, shielded ones pay heavy cost.

3. “Remember your sins will find you out”
Says the God of Love who warns us loud;
When my past makes my dear child suffer,
Where can I go ‘xcept to her Maker?
My sins found me out, I confess Lord;
Help me set right and us live Thy Word.


By: Lunminthang Haokip

1. Losing years of the spirit’s slumber,
Saw the Gospel-ardor go lesser;
An error in echoing the Good News
Armed terror in causing the sad news;
The hard-minds soft-pedal The Creator
Here where the top evil-prone prospers;
God’s bliss odd men’s lethal–bent shatters
And land’s peace, periled, lies in tatters.

Need sieves into the leaders’ psyche,
Creed creeps into the followers’ frailty;
In truth the wild youth had not been bred,
And the fruit of fraud is widely spread;
Defying the sorrow of the morrow,
Deified desire tapers one’s borough;
There where sin’s tease and turns sow discord,
Let fights cease and peace return O Lord.

2. Fear and tear trail the trap terror lays,
Weak in ire’s the pale man called to pay;
‘Alms’ are shelled out to an eerie frown,
Lest one be offered a thorny crown,
Crippled are trade and learning lane’s pace,
Throttled is the voice of divine grace;
Where flesh rules and ears don’t hear thy Word,
Let flare-ups cool and peers cheer Thee Lord.

3. As true bearers of the cross we preach,
And few repairers of the gross breach;
Let’s all repent and to God beseech
That come peace be the war cry of each;
Where the mind’s under devil’s seize,
Let, in His shine, heat of anger freeze;
In regions where saints are ill-at-ease,
Let not in good-will, passion’s prayer cease.

By: Lunminthang Haokip

1. On the fertile banks of sung Jamuna,
A mile away from the Sangam-mania;
God and Sam, at the unique spot once met,
There, for Agri-univ, the stage was set;
Past century saw old-tech yield to new,
With new tech and zeal, AAIDU’s hi-yield grew.

Pained by sorrow of the-men-with-the-hoe,
Wired to know ways and means to deal their woe;
The Lord burdened Sam to His word follow,
And build on a theme called Gospel and plough;
The hungry were fed and the sick got healed,
For God reigns AAIDU and His will’s revealed.

2. In AAIDU, you can go for any choice,
It’s true that Theology, there’s another course;
One from M. Tech to Mass com, you just name,
Dairy of Forestry, their Forms are same;
All that they care’s to impart new ideas
That grads’ll share as experts in need-areas.

3. That which makes AAIDU stand out above par,
Isn’t the know-how they lend to near and far;
It’s the Gospel-ball named “Yeshu Darbar”
Where spell-bound thousands of souls come bar bar;
Sinners see sense and rinse life’s tin and dross,
And the Wise C’s not ashamed of the cross.

4. Dear young boys and girls living in AAIDU,
Fear God coz He sees all things you do;
That you do when alone Lord monitors,
Like in building, the unseen part matters;
Read the Word daily and let your prayer peak,
Seven days without prayer makes one weak.


By: Lunminthang Haokip
Vocalist: C.Lalhmingmawii

1. In this crazy mess between two poles,
In His savvy tests to prune true souls;
The just, in bad times, limp to suffer,
The unjust, in crimes, seem to prosper;
And when I as Lord’s own ponder—
Why a trend of woe on me hovers,

God nudges that His mind I may know,
God judges His that all pray in awe;
“Coz I believe but didn’t grip fast,
Coz you redeem but I grieved you first,
You make me earn the depths of sorrow
That I may learn steps of the morrow,”

2. The traits I’s born with are really bad,
Trades in fraud made me a wily lad;
Waits upon the Lord were more of a fad,
Tirade’ gainst my own lot makes me sad;
And when the loner in me wonders—
Why saner guys end up as losers,

3. Things I did for my Lord were little,
Rings from God to peak makes me fiddle;
Taught in truth to souls win and perform,
Odds shrewd, duped by sin, fouls to sap form;
And when in defeat, I plead and mourn
As to why I repeat sin and groan,


By: Lunminthang Haokip
Vocalist: C.Lalhmingmawii

1. If autumn and spring in the hills come
Can Eimi kut-Fest be far behind?
If rythm of strings make the hills hum,
It’s Eigam’s good fest that years rewind;
And he who gets from kut a welcome,
Forgets who he is from nine to nine.

2. “Let’s dine, let us wine and make merry,
It’s fine, time is mine, let us marry”;
That’s the bad and mad cry of the youth
The brat is the fruit and sin its root;
It’s sad that kut-freedom set the trend
When the good Lord’s kingdom is at hand.

For all Eimi-links, it is a truth-
In Eigam, ties cling to good old kut;
Kut of yore was a post-harvest spree,
Kut of ours is a high cost-fest free;
Old folks sowed seed and wined in kut-hype,
Let’s, on kut-day, sow the seed of life.

3. Kut’s a carnal spree oldies nurture,
Kut’s a vocal plea for bold culture,
Kut’s a flip to uplift our stature,
But kut is a trip back to nature.
Where the Lord’s ordained can never reign,
How will godly refrain ever gain?

4. Songs enthrall as the show larks and crams,
Catcalls follow catwalks on the ramp;
Labours to grab ‘boooty’ knows no pain,
“Favour beguiles and beauty is vain,
A woman who fears God shall be praised”;
For Miss Kut, why not Miss Good be raised?

By: Lunminthang Haokip

1. Hillman wills that fit sons fill houses;
That well-heeled he may be in crises;
Be the man richer or poorer type,
Settled he’s not till male-wish hits five;
But in times good, better and bitter,
It’s daughters that matter and differ;
To in tests terse or sad, grind and grill,
Hold on fast to that mom and dad will.

Sons parents dot on keep on bungling,
And daughters keep the home-fires burning ;
It’s blessed to be born a woman,
It’s asset not to have woe of men;
God’s good to lass of North-east India,
She’s free from ills that hot up media;
In all she does, she’s cheered and well-placed,
‘ But woman who fears god shall be praised’.

2. Past her prime, any dame must move out
From the cozy hive she grew up in;
Cheated by hope, love fades out in doubt,
Jilted snobs by false suitors’re done in,
Swift twists and turns of a lover’s lane,
Leads to pain that forever ties train;
Hunches hold if His will’s first taken,
Matches God makes for you in Heaven.

3. It’s a high gift of God the Maker
That a bride ‘dapts ways to suit taker;
Picking the tips of change right from scratch,
To a strange fresh way on she may latch;
Out of bridal garb, life is new leash,
Who she grabs, she must’ve to the finish;
To hypes of new home she may be shy,
But wife’s fate lies in not to ask why.


Song Writer: Lunminthang Haokip
Tune composer: Mangheta (Aizawl)
Vocalist: C. Lalhmingmawii

1. “Be holy”, says He “as I am holy”,
It’s God’s only tip to Aids-worry;
‘Who cares’, says the nut that seeks the needle;
He dares and strays off to in fits fiddle;
Riled by sin of men, God sends a disease;
To cure it, wit of men’s always amiss.

It’s a mad bad world; yet the Lord holds sway,
It’s sad for the whole to have World Aids Day;
All that ill-fate had spared from Aids’ ordeal,
Let’s call Him who hears; and vow in a deal,
That we’ll win souls with the Word as the key,
And make this mess-between-two-poles Aids-free.

2. Odd are the fads of wild desires let loose,
He who’s hooked knows not it is death he woos;
Sin trips lured partners to by virus flood
When love tricks for queer blood to touch pure blood;
Wives and babes too’re done in by the potion;
For’em, to live’s wait for death in slow-motion.

3. When goods get snapped, we go to the dealer,
If our being’s sapped, let’s call on the Maker;
Sin lies to give joy but makes you suffer;
The cross offers ploy to get over;
The God who can breathe life and make you live
Sure can turn a gone case get really well.


Author: Lunminthang Haokip
Tune composer: R. Lalbiakthanga (Abe-a)

1. Nearer home is a shire non-lesser,
A border sapphire that links Myanmar;
Hills and dales that God’s wishes unveil;
In a no frills county called North East,
That warm vibes His own may share and fuse,
The Lord wills firm tribes to dwell in peace.

We like pride and to the land bring fears,
We love fights and to women bring tears;
Lure of wealth covers cure of the Word;
Word of men rules o’er way of the Lord;
Mend your flaws and live God’s laws will sail
As end-chant to bail and hail North East.

2. Shrewd plans badly moved our own folds ail,
Good moves sadly proved make the soul wail;
Life–lifting schemes make us all scheming,
High-living cream too keep on seeking;
Will this augur well to thirst for more,
Here where Christ gave His all and sins bore?

3. The riches the Maker blessed us with,
The Churches sinners in stress visit;
Will do less to lift up ties and traits,
Unless we give up lies in true-faith,
When the world pants in vain to Look East
The whole stands to gain most in Look Christ.


Author: Lunminthang Haokip
Vocalists: Abea, Hluteii & co.

1. Where there’s no vision, people perish,
Where there’s no will-of-God, widows increase;
My own folks, you love one another,
Says our good Lord and God the father;
Love of land, tribe and self is greater,
Among the nations, we are smaller.

In a bid to build church of own choice,
Coz each wants to lead own fold’s sad voice;
Church-folks who once sang in one accord,
Are now split followers of one Lord;
That we may regain spiritual strength,
The binding KCFI, let’s all make ours.

2. We may be parted by land borders,
Maybe we’re bound by rules and orders;
But, like the trees, our roots of origin
And branches, in Christ are enjoined;
That the poor and deprived may get well,
Let’s put to use might of the Gospel.

3. To be stewards, on earth we were kept,
To be honoured in God, we were left;
But we swap His will with vain passions,
We’re below our due among nations,
Wake up, let’s cease to for Christ seize land,
Let Christ for Kukis be the peace-chant.


Author: Lunminthang Haokip
Tune composer: R. Lalbiakthanga (Abe-a)

4. Nearer home is a shire non-lesser,
A border sapphire that links Myanmar;
Hills and dales that God’s wishes unveil;
In a no frills county called Chandel,
That warm vibes His own may share and fuse,
The Lord wills firm tribes to dwell in peace.

We like pride and to the land bring fears,
We love fights and to women bring tears;
Lure of wealth covers cure of the Word;
Word of men rules o’er way of the Lord;
Mend your flaws and live God’s laws will sail
As end-chant to bail and hail North East.

5. Shrewd plans badly moved our own folds ail,
Good moves sadly proved make the soul wail;
Life–lifting schemes make us all scheming,
High-living cream too keep on seeking;
Will this augur well to thirst for more,
Here where Christ gave His all and sins bore?

6. The riches the Maker blessed us with,
The Churches sinners in stress visit;
Will do less to lift up ties and traits,
Unless we give up lies in true-faith,
When the world pants in vain to Look East
The whole stands to gain most in Look Christ.

By: Lunminthang Haokip
Tune : Abe-a Vocalist : Mami

1. Old song calls to Singapore ek bar,
New song tells all to go there bar bar;
Everyday people from near and far,
Ferry to island of cable cars
Goods and cash to make the nation spill,
And on the ashes of the sixties build.

Singapore, O Lee Kuan’s Singapore,
To thy shores blessings come more and more;
Sing praise for the neat city you have,
For such grace others can only crave;
No fear, no thief, no cheat and no bore,
For there is no poor in Singapore.

2. Leaders there for the good of all live,
Rulers care to net fruits to all give;
Workers do their job as of their own,
Traders woo to shop with their best shown;
Why the fair folks out there don’t defraud?
Coz key-folks go by the Truth of God.

3. Finesse make way for Asians to peak,
As Chinese, Malays and Indians, all tick;
Coz Christians love souls and look East,
It pays and make the city harvest;
For the C-begins now the world thirsts,
The youth there dot on Big C that’s Christ.

By: Lunminthang Haokip
Tune : Abe-a Vocalist : Mami

1. Old song calls to Singapore ek bar,
New song tells all to go there bar bar;
Everyday people from near and far,
Ferry to island of cable cars
Goods and cash to make the nation spill,
And on the ashes of the sixties build.

Singapore, O Lee Kuan’s Singapore,
To thy shores blessings come more and more;
Sing praise for the neat city you have,
For such grace others can only crave;
No fear, no thief, no cheat and no bore,
For there is no poor in Singapore.

2. Leaders there for the good of all live,
Rulers care to net fruits to all give;
Workers do their job as of their own,
Traders woo to shop with their best shown;
Why the fair folks out there don’t defraud?
Coz key-folks go by the Truth of God.

3. Finesse make way for Asians to peak,
As Chinese, Malays and Indians, all tick;
Coz Christians love souls and look East,
It pays and make the city harvest;
For the C-begins now the world thirsts,
The youth there dot on Big C that’s Christ.

By: Lunminthang Haokip
Tune : Abe-a Vocalist : Mami

1. Old song calls to Singapore ek bar,
New song tells all to go there bar bar;
Everyday people from near and far,
Ferry to island of cable cars
Goods and cash to make the nation spill,
And on the ashes of the sixties build.

Singapore, O Lee Kuan’s Singapore,
To thy shores blessings come more and more;
Sing praise for the neat city you have,
For such grace others can only crave;
No fear, no thief, no cheat and no bore,
For there is no poor in Singapore.

2. Leaders there for the good of all live,
Rulers care to net fruits to all give;
Workers do their job as of their own,
Traders woo to shop with their best shown;
Why the fair folks out there don’t defraud?
Coz key-folks go by the Truth of God.

3. Finesse make way for Asians to peak,
As Chinese, Malays and Indians, all tick;
Coz Christians love souls and look East,
It pays and make the city harvest;
For the C-begins now the world thirsts,
The youth there dot on Big C that’s Christ.