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Give Youth The Truth

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Monday, September 20, 2010

The Glut Of Diplomats

Moreh, the 20th September, 2010

Report by: Lunm,inthang haokip, ADC, Moreh, Manipur, India.

The Visit: 8 Heads of Missions of ASEAN countries were supposed to visit Moreh border town on the 20th of September, 2010. Finally 7 of them, with a Director of DONER and other officials of Manipur state, made it to Moreh. At 9:30 am , the officials of Chandel District Administration and the community leaders of Moreh welcomed the visiting diplomats at Trade Centre, Moreh.

The Team: The visitors were:
1. HE Gen (Retd) Andi Muhammad Ghalib, Ambassador,
Embassy of the republic of Indonesia.

2. HE Dato Paduka Haji Sidek Ali,
High commissioner, High commission of Brunei Darussaiam.

3. HE Mr. Thongpanh Syackhaphom ,
Ambassador, Embassy of People's Democratic Republic

4. HE Dato Tan Seng Sung,
high commissioner, High commission of malaysia.

5. HE Mr. Kyl Thein, Ambassador,
Embassy of the Union of Myanmar.

6. HE Mr. Calvin Eu,
high commissioner, High Commission of the Republic of Singapore.

7. HE Mr. Krit Kraichitti,
Ambassador, Embassy of the Kingdom of Thailand.

The Arrangements: Under the efficient leadership of Respected Chief Secretary of Manipur, Sir D.S Poonia, the concerned departments of the Government of Manipur got cracking from the first week of September. Several rounds of meetings were held at the brilliantly revamped and re-furnished office chamber of the C.S. The departments executed their responsibilities well in time and with finesse.

The Charges: The WAD was the overall in-charge department for providing hospitality, site-visits, cultural entertainment and presentation of gifts to the HoM team who were put up at the swanky Classic hotel. Commerce and Industries department co-ordinated the Moreh/ICP-site visits while the Manipur Police took stock of the security for the VIPs. As usually done, Assam Rifles provided facilities for breakfast for the HoM team on their way to Moreh and back at Tengnoupal.

The Short Stay: Thanks to the efforts of the Department of Industry and Commerce coupled with hard work put in by MANIDCO, the new imposing building of ITISFC, Moreh could be inaugurated in time on 19 September, 2010 by Hon'ble Minister, Ind & Comm, CAF & PD and Co-Operation. The Heads of Mission, with their personal staff and spouses in tow, were the first to occupy the VIP rooms of the Integrated Trade Information and Stay Facility Centre. Lunch was served at the ground floor dining hall of the new SFC.

The Tamu Visit: This writer who is the head of administration at the cutting edge of Moreh Block administration, took pains to get unofficial permit for the visiting diplomats to visit Tamu town on 20 September, 2010. The Myanmarese authorities granted Verbal permit for the said purpose on 19 September last. The Chairman, DPDC, Tamu, also co-operated in this regard. The Ambassadors enjoyed the pagoda visit, the market tour and the Tamu Chairman's sumptuous hospitality at his office premises.

Interactions Galore: The High commissioners and the Ambassadors' visit had a lasting impact on the residents of Moreh and Tamu. They were informal in their interactions with the officials of the state. The bonding had much to do with similarity of physical features they share with the local people. Curious to know more about Moreh, Tamu and the much hyped-up Asian Highway and Border Trade, the Diplomats gave as much info as the took from the visited.

The GGMI Inaugural Meeting At Tamu

IBC Soloist and Pianist
Naga Baptist Youth Trio; Tamu
Methodist Youth Choir Tamu
IBC Youth Choir, Tamu

Tamu, the 19th September, 2010

IBC Hall Filled: At the stroke of 1:30 pm, the new hall of Immanuel Baptist Church, Tamu was filled. About 200 young and old church people of Myanmar's north west border town gathered to participate in the inaugural monthly meeting of GGMI - Go Gospel Ministry International at Tamu. It was a good turn-out for a new ministry's maiden venture through mouth-to-mouth publicity.

The Motivation: Tamu has a sizable Christian population. The border township of Sagaing Division had become a happening business hub. Almost all the organised churches of Myanmar make their presence felt at Tamu. Given the right doses of the Gospel, churched folks out there are ripe and ready for harvest. If Moreh is the only functional eastern corridor for India, Tamu is Myanmar's only north western all-season trade outlet by road. The twin-corridors can be joined by frequent evangelical fellowships to form a spiritual channel for the business of cross-border Gospel transaction.

The Zeal To Learn English: Like many other ASEAN nations, Myanmar too had been bitten by the English bug. The victim age groups are more inclusive than exclusive. The itch to communicate to the world through the internet had triggered the young and the young-in-heart to have a working knowledge of the Queen's tongue. Other languages are also offered as media of communication; but where is the fun in corresponding only with one's ethnic friends. There is thrill in passing on the spirit that is one's own in a language that is not one's own. The only way to socially peak and go global is through mastery of the language the West speak. That is the lake of troubled waters where GGMI wants to fish with the English-craze as the bait.

The Facilitators: With the blessing of Rev Thangpao Haokip, Pastor, IBC who opened the service in the afternoon of 19 September, 2010, with invocation prayer, GGMI's first international meeting took off. The Youth department of IBC deserves commendation for their dedication and skill in setting the stage for inter-denominational worship. A lot of running around was required. Getting things done across the border was made easy by IBC's Youth Pastor who is fresh from a Bangalorean Seminary, Douthang Haokip. He made all the contacts on GGMI's behalf. In short, he was the man of the match.

The Warm-up: Apart from the two group song items IBC Youth enthused the audience by, Youth choir of Methodist Church, Naga Baptist Church and CBS, Tamu, warmed up hearts with Gospel numbers sung in English, Mizo and Burmese. Loud music played on keyboard lifted up the spirit of worship. Diction and fluency in speaking English, I encouraged the song teams, will improve by leaps and bounds if they learn how to think in English instead of their own dialect.

The GGMI Theme: I was made to preach with GGMI's theme "Give Youth The Truth" as the topic. Half-truths and the ignorance of the full Truth had ruined millions of souls who could have been wonderful achievers otherwise. Potential YWAM ended up as YWNM - Youth with no mission, all because they made the wrong choice at crucial turns of life. Giving the Truth in time, therefore, is saving the future of the Church from going berserk. The youth know many things they need not know. Bad knowledge brings one under bondage. One should be led to true knowledge. "You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free (John 8:32)".

Why Preach The Gospel?: Someday the good spell of grace will come to an abrupt end. We are living in extra time. The Giver of life can blow the end-whistle any time. And billions of Christ-ignoring citizens across the continents had not been saved. In Mark 16:15, the resurrected Jesus commanded His Disciples and future believers to "preach to every creature". It is our bounden duty to make His last commandment our first commitment. The Gospel is aptly named the Good News. It is the only news that has the power to cut a penitent sinner off his sinful past to start a life afresh. Every person, place and nation that was touched and influenced by the Gospel gained respect, honour and harmony.

The Right choice: Choices make or unmake a man. David made a wrong choice after making many right choices. His choice to rubber-neck around from a balcony, when he should have been focusing on the battle, brought total chaos and bloodshed in his family. He was known more for his wrong choice than the right choices. In Exodus 32:26, Moses threw a challenge on his people. In the thick of idol-worship, the towering Jewish leader insisted that whoever was on the Lord's side should follow him. When the 11 tribes of Israel turned away, the Levites chose Moses and secured their future as a priestly clan. Matthew chose to give up a lucrative Collector's job to follow Jesus. Matt. 9:9. He never looked back. He got the privilege of recording the Lord's first Gospel and became a household name.

Choices For The Youth: Coke or Pepsi may be touted as the right choice in the ad slogans. It's right as far as cold drinks are concerned. But when it concerns eternal life and death, only Jesus is the right choice. In making choices, a miss is as good as a mile. The remedy for the curse of Genesis 3:16 is given at John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life". When a guy does not choose to claim the promise of God in John 3:16, chances are that he may end up holding an M-16 in distress. The devil hides the bitter truth of the consequences of choosing M-16 over John 3:16. Preaching the Gospel highlights the demerit of the former and the merit of the latter.