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Friday, August 13, 2010

MANIPUR: Too Rich For Poor Paradigm

View of Nature

By: Lunminthang Haokip

The Nehru-mind: The Indian Parliament was in session. The illustrious Jawaharlal Nehru was the Prime Minister. An opposition MP, in a spirited bid to score a debating point, took a personal pot-shot in sarcasm at the PM, "I would like to draw the attention of the august House that, for all the talk of pedigree and aristocracy, the Nehrus have nothing much to be proud of. The PM's great great grandfather served as an ordinary peon in the court of Bahadur Shah II".

Statesmanship Won: Pandemonium broke out. However, the seasoned leader was all calmness and composure. Flaunting his characteristic charm, he waved the enraged treasury-bench MPs to sit down and coolly said, " I congratulate that Hon'ble MP from the opposition who made an issue of my ancestry. In trying to pull me down, he had magnanimously conveyed to the house what I'd been trying to prove since I took charge as PM, that I am a man of the people". The statesman's statement silenced the House in awesome admiration .

The Rebuttal: A thought-provoking, but rabble-rousing article titled, "Manipur, a poor paradigm for Meghalaya", which was first published in The Shillong Times on 10 August, 2001, was reproduced verbatim in the 31 August 2001-issue of The Imphal Free Press. The critical column inked by a lady correspondent was well-written but ill-conceived in portions. When I was contemplating upon a rebuttal—rhetoric for rhetoric--a senior brother, Mr. C. Samarendro in his letter to the Editor of IFP on 5th September 2001, seemed to have stolen words right out of my mind. I am glad that in a satirical low-tone, the retired bureaucrat could ventilate the grieving grouse of thousands of IFP-readers.

Let Us Be Cautious: The Correspondent’s relentless crusade against frequent bundhs called by KSU and her vociferous exposure of political hypocrisy in her own land, simply deserves plaudit. But the same cannot be said of her journalistic brinkmanship in waxing negatively eloquent about a state she might not even have paid a visit to. State-bashing has the potential to whip up sentiments to a frenzy. So, let's hold in check impulses to be narrow-minded that we may remain.

Food For Thought: Nehru-minded. Taking a clue from our first PM's soothing expression in the historical anecdote cited earlier, I'd liked to use the said writer’s polemics to my advantage as a basis to echo the little known realities about a well-known state like Manipur. I thank her for providing me fast-food for recast-thought. At the same time, it impressed upon me that the wrongs in imagined opinion on Manipur needs to be righted.

The Shoot-Out: The daring columnist mentioned in her terse tirade, " Manipur must hang its head in shame for not being able to give minimum security to students from other states ". She might have been referring to the unfortunate shoot-out in the RIMS-premises that the entire state lamented over. To that I ask, which provincial govt. in the country provides fool-proof security to its educational institutions before they are being threatened seriously ? And who can foretell where lethal encounters will take place? It’s a part of the global madness sane people have nothing to do with.

Picnic Panicked: There were a few instances when Manipuri officials and students studying outside passed away under mysterious circumstances. Such deaths included employees too. But we had always been giving the benefit of doubt to the claims of the witnesses at the spot of occurrence. Recently, a Kuki boy and girl from Churachandpur district were drowned near Sweet-falls (which should be renamed as Bitter-falls) in the outskirts of Shillong. Reportedly, while they were posing for a photo-shoot, the earth below their feet slipped and sank down. They were brought home dead. What if the bereaved families blamed the Meghalaya administration for not displaying sufficient warning-signs to panic first-time picnickers around eroding river-banks ? Will that hold water ? No. Tears of sorrow were shed in silence, holding grudges on none. Accidents are accidents. Lives and deaths are in the Creator's hand.

Civility To Strangers: Credit should be given where it is due. I am a 44 year-old tribal by birth and a professing Christian by conversion. For the better part of my life, I'd been hobnobbing with the majority Meiteis--in school, college, university and offices. I don't remember any situation when I was roughed up or bombarded with diatribe on account of my tribe, or given a raw-deal for the sake of my faith. Neither do my children and relatives. Meiteis are highly cultured as a people. Youngsters respect the counsel of the elderly. Tradition vouches for it that a valley-brother, in his proper frame of mind, never harassed a stranger in his locality.

Good Samaritans: In my social circles, I came across guys who can sing pretty well in English but can't speak a sentence of it correctly. Likewise, we have men who can drive super-fast but know nothing about piecing nuts and wires together. Such amateurish motorists don't have to feel jittery. When a vehicle happens to conk out in his 'leikai', a Meitei-brother, equipped with his own lamp and tools, will put to use all the mechanical knowledge at his command to somehow repair the damage, restore its roadworthiness and see it off. The collective endorsement of such a "Good Samaritan"-like concern, by itself, is security enough to cover an outsider from harrn and danger in any Meitei neighbourhood.

Safe Environs: During my university days in the late 1970s, I was housed in an old sub-urban JNU (now MU)-Imphal Centre hostel. Being a movie-freak, then, every alternate day, I used to cycle back from city-theatres after late-night shows. Passing through Naorem Leikai, a much-feared residential colony, was inevitable. However, on the way back to my secluded Canchipur shanty, nothing pricked my peace of mind nor shook my sense of liberty, except, perhaps, the barking of a street-dog.

Shillong: A Gift from God: The writer also questioned "Do we have a rush of students from Meghalaya seeking college admission in Manipur? But we have hordes of students from the accursed state seeking admission here in Shillong". The awful author must thank God and the former British rulers for having first discovered the foggy township far away from the maddening crowd. Whatever the Whites touched turned into gold. The climate, location, altitude and the non-too-steep rolling hills of Shillong made it picture-perfect for a summer capital. And that was why it became—Assam's Rajdhani. Regional offices had to mushroom. The lush-green vegetation, refreshing air and clean environs, all God-gifted, attracted Missionaries to run reputed schools. Tourists were on cloud nine. And for young-in-heart parents, dropping children at the drizzling town during the monsoon was a kind of repeat honeymoon.

Well-Fed Hill Station: Therefore, if there is a mad-rush for college-admissions in the picturesque hill-station, is there anything to brag about for the local ? Meghalaya ought to be grateful to the other North-Eastern states for their craze for quality education and the enrichment of its coffers in the bargain. Remittances in favour of students enrolled there surely keep many home-fires burning. For all the patronage of the neighbours, a localite is often heard boasting, "Remember, this is Shillong". With paranoiac and parochial, outburst of emotions on the rise, as the prolific writer herself pointed out, the Meghalaya may no longer be as hot a scholastic destination in the future.

Prejudiced View: Another premature comment from the otherwise brilliant pen-pusher-in-issue was, "To look for one honest person in government there would be to look for a needle in a hay-stack". The needling implication is that there's none who's upright in GOM. Well, corruption is not the creation of my state. It's an all India-weakness and a world-wide-web that ensnares every worldly-inclined fellow. But to draw a conclusion that there is no single honest employee in the GOM will be like saying there's no other church except the Presbyterian in Meghalaya.

The Elijah Syndrome: I hope the columnist of the write-up-in-controversy is a believer and reads the Bible. In any case, her anxiety is akin to that of Elijah in 1 kings 19:14, " And he said, I have been very jealous for the Lord God of hosts; for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thy altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword: and I, even L only, am left.."

The Remnant: Incensed by the prophet's conquest at Mt. Carmel, Jezebel, the wicked queen of Israel, was after Elijah's blood. He fled and began to indulge in self-pity thinking there wasn't one soul, other than himself, who worshipped the true living God. But soon-after, God corrected him in verse 18, "Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal; and every mouth which hath not kissed him".

The Invisible Crusaders: Yes, there are many who do not bow down before mammon in officialdom, here. I knew of bureaucrats in high places who risked the wrath of their political masters in stick¬ing to their guns not to compromise. Years ago, an honest Collector prepared FCS-rice for the CM of the day and his entourage, which is not the done thing here. The DC told the VVIPs that he could only offer what the Authority supplied; better supply— better offer.

Small-size Pockets: Besides, there are Engineers who fine-tune their hearts with God's own and won't touch the ill-gotten stuff, even to save their lives; and Lecturers who live dangerously as they zero in on and show zero-tolerance upon any kind of unfair-means in exams. We also have Graduate Teachers holding SMD- Spiritual Master's Degree . When the Lord revealed the evils of proxy-teaching, defying the cares of the world, they resigned and restituted as they could.

Suffer For Christ: Another Range Officer of excellent integrity, fearing God who commands," and fire shall consume the tabernacles of bribery (Job 15:34)", shunned graft and endured social sanctions ever since. For their aversion to filthy lucre, several incumbents in the white-collar cadres, suffer isolation, reviling and mockery of their own peers and kindred. Such black-tea sipping and bicycle-riding ilk of other-worldly govt. servants are in no position to school their children in expensive places like Shillong. It's doubly frustrating when ignorance presumes that there isn't a single clean hand in the GOM.

Better Equals: The natural-man wants to equal his betters and better his equals. When he doesn't possess what others do, he feels left behind. The desire to take graft will never be outgrown as long as a man cannot do without certain comforts and luxuries he pampers himself with. And when he gets hooked on to a habituated standard of living, he can't settle for anything less. This accelerates the desire to grab even more. It's only when one isn't fussy about inconveniences, is immune to others' point of view on him and take life's indignities with dignity, that one will be contented with what one is and has. The Bible says, " But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition ".

" For the love of money is the root of all evil: (I Timothy 6:9 & 10)".

Change d System Required: We Christians are constantly reminded of these verses and many more that upbraid bribery, like, " And you shall take no bribe: for a bribe blinds the discerning, and perverts the words of the righteous (Exodus 23:8)". It's sad that most of us Christians do not have victory over it. Those who refuse to mend their greedy ways have many excuses and maintain that the ends justify the means. But to be accepted by God, both the means and the ends need to have the stamp of His approval. Instead of resorting to blame game, we must tire our brains to bring about changes in the system that righteousness may become a fashion; and not an exception.

Self-Searching First: Obedience, any day, is better than sacrifice. You can't hit the bull with the butt facing it, can you ? God is to be worshipped as He pleases and not as man does. After a century and a half of Gospel-preaching in our region, if most followers of Jesus, still find it tough to show forth consistent Christ-likeness and transparency in public life, how can we point a finger at those who had not even heard the Word of God ? And if we do, three of our own fingers are pointing at us, aren't they ?

Manipur is no perfect state. It's inhabited by over 23 lakh fallible mortal humans. They have their own strengths and weaknesses, triumphs and defeats and hits and misses. To understand the 'whys' and 'hows' of the behavior patterns of its citizenry, one has to be well-versed in its history, geography and sociology. Any judgment on the land-locked province will be lop-sided unless the strides it made in the fields of sports ( at national and international levels), medical science, Urbanization, Agriculture, Dress-sense, Technical Pursuits, Dietary Excellence, Classical Dances, Theatre, Cinema etc. are taken into consideration. At the same time, In earnest zeal, I implore my dear fellow-Manipuris to admit our mistakes in certain areas and policies and deplore to rectify the attitudinal errors. We'll do well not to ignore the bitter truth that we have become shakers, movers, news-makers, and a point of reference, all for the wrong rea¬son.

Need For paradigm Shift: The unsavoury remarks of the said pen-pusher were quite unflattering. She faltered in bits, blundered in parts, and reveled in half-truths. Nevertheless, her vehement affront in writing wasn't without an element of truth. Let's face it. Coming to terms with the truth about oneself, by itself, will help one to delve deep from sole to soul; and with renewed vigour and revived rigour, adopt a fresh system of living, earning and giving that would redress societal ills and usher in a new era of peace, liberty and prosperity

"And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32)". What and who is the truth? "Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6)".

An Appeal For Verdict: : It's true that Manipur is rocked often by ethnic and political upheavals. But by such surges, its people will be purged. It's also true that the wholeness of my state's amalgam occasionally threatens to burst; but it's certainly not true that it has degraded so low to be a poor paradigm. Given the option to settle there, I strongly feel that Manipur, for all the accepted norms we flout and the assorted clout we wield, is still a better place to dwell in than the abode-of-clouds called Meghalaya. And I sincerely believe that we have better quality natural, financial and human resources to make our state the best in NE India.

Testimony of Lunminthang Haokip

Lunminthang: the country-side settler

Background: I was born and brought up in a very nominal Christian family. My father was a Pastor who left his flock midfield, yielded o the lure of greener pastures and made a U-turn to the sheepfold at the flag-end of his life. Daddy’s years of backsliding saw me graduate from an obscure country- ‘wolf’ who didn’t even bother to put on a sheep’s clothing to an insecure social- climber who was good from far but far from good. There was no sin i didn’t commit and no commandment i didn’t break. The more enslaving among them were habitual fixation to cinema, sexual immorality, greed, deceit, drinking, self-seeking and bribe-taking. Motivated by the spirit of materialism, i was driven down to depts. Of degrading depravity by the seemingly insatiable desire to equal my betters and better my equals.

Nose-Diving Take-Off: Heaven in its goodness wedded me to a simple God-fearing lady who kept praying for my conversion. My better half packed me, her bitter half, up to stay put fully in one of Rev. Khaizakham’s revival camps in 1985. There and then, the spirit of God convicted me of my awfully sinful indulgences and the dire need to be saved. Weeks passed, and due to lack of proper guidance and follow up work. I became a spiritual weakling battling a declining impulse. Liquor appeared all the most irresistible. Soon my resistance crumbled and I stumbled in getting sizzled with a vengeance. Like a beast on the prowl, I got myself embroiled in street-growls and brawls that ended up in a crawl in stinking gutter water.

Candid To A fault: A restless wretch, I, in a bid to bargain for vain gains, saw myself pandering to the whims and fancies of junior civil servants of the IAS-cadre I couldn’t get into. I was flattered with tongue-in-check platitudes as long as I kept my tongue unchecked in revealing candour. But it hit hard where it hurt most when I realised that although the brainy clan were doting on me individually in private, in public, the place they reserved for me in the charmed circle was no better than that of the “Tulsi” plant –outside the ‘house’. Their high-brow bruising signalled a clear message that being caged under the leverage of a subordinate state service, to the professionally privileged, was a disparaging disadvantage. Things came to a head when an autocratic wife of a bureaucrat told her hubby’s democratic colleague that he was lowering his prestige- percentage in being seen together often with a small-time ‘brat’ like me.

The Clamour to Restore : Came 1993.unprecedented human butchery rewrote Christian history in blood in Manipur. God sent His servant, Joshua Daniel to my town. Among other exposures of the abominations that plagued the land, the international preacher launched a charged diatribe on bribery (“Your crores will crush you and your children”). And mixing Christianity with tribal traditions (“The murderous spirit of your forefathers is still operating in your midst”). The powerful word of God shattered the stronghold of false pride in me. I penned down every word of the heavenly prescription meet for regeneration of a degenerated soul like mine. Meeting the Evangelist, I sought prayer for an incurable stomach pain. He first asked me to stop taking bribe and prayed. I agreed to ; and was instantly healed.

The Entreating Retreat-94 A ten-day battering by heart-searing massages of uncle Joe in a scorching Madras Retreat further scotched me in spiritual tenterhooks. The stirring impact of the divinely revealed gems of spiritual truths, at the end of the day, tenderly hook me to the Book of life- the Bible. In the foggy flight back home, the aerial bumps heightened the fear of a possible crash—and death. Sadly stranded in Silchar, I confessed all the sins I could recall to a man of God with a broken resolve to restitute. There God gave me the assurance of salvation from John 5:14, “Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee”. In the next day’s Silchar-Imphal flight. I was sailing on cloud nine. My heart was pleasantly warmed. I thought I wouldn’t swap occupational places even with His Excellency, the Governor of Manipur, ho was in the same flight, if the joy of salvation was t be made a part of the deal.

Visual Filth: REACHING HIME I delinked and disposed off the erstwhile source of visual delights—the TV and dish antenna—and managed to throttle the inflow of inter-continental filth inside my living room. Volumes of stolen official books were returned with due apology. By His grace, I could reconcile myself with brothers estranged from and embittered by me following self-centric show-downs and face-offs. Whereas it wasn’t humanly possible to restitute every misused penny, I made a lump-sump estimate of things that pricked my conscience through sale of possessions, ancestral property and withdrawal of savings. My lord rewarded me with a heart sprinkled from the feeling of guilt. “....Because in his forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed (Romans 3:25)”.

Built Up In Faith : Living off filthy lucre while setting past accounts wasn’t easy. Denying oneself all the comforts one got used to over the years was unbearable at times. But whenever afflictions in Canaan tempted to take me back to Egypt, the prayer-popped pincer-grip and burden-laden corrective measures of Dr. S.V. Job put me back on the right course. The astute Evangelist’s disciplining during the hassle-prone austere struggle helped me build up myself in faith. His focussed chastisement developed in me spiritual muscles strong enough to endure a faith-shattering barb-wire-piercing bloody bicycle accident that tore five inches of my head and bloodrenched me from tip o toe.

Resisting Sin: Momentarily depressed, I pressed the panic button in passionate prayer. Heaven answered from Hebrew 2:4 “You have not yet resisted to bloodshed, striving against sin” and verse 6, “For whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives”. I learned it the hard way that in His crucifixion, my Lord had away the sting of punishment due to me and only chastened me softly as His child, of and on.

Insulated Suffering : Conversion certainly isn’t a roller-coaster ride for ever. Emotional Ups were spoiled by depressional downs and seasonal downs, quelled by Ups. Friends and relatives seized opportunities to tear me down to shreds. I left no stone unturned to tell them how Christ’s atonement brought an about turn in me. Some were moved to tears but others turned taciturn and left no turn of mine unstoned. My firm stand to defy unbiblical traditions was responded with resentment resulting in reckless notional derecognition on my humble credentials in social and ecclesiastical circles. However my God attached old habits, unlatched new doors, fetched new folks for me and matched them with new attitude. He even took special care of spheres of my pair concern like children’s studies and spiritualities.

The Promise: Whenever my faith was rocked by kindred’s expectation and the sinking feeling of the necessity to settle the imposing monthly family accounts, the promise in the following verse checked and balanced my trust in my living God. “If you take out the precious from the vile, you shall be as my mouth. Let them return to you, but you must not return to them (Jeremiah 15:19)”.Today, God’s spirit insulates me to rather joyfully suffer indignities i low-cost living than guiltily enjoy sinful pleasures i high-cost socialising. Having chosen to live a righteous life, when I land up in dire straits, favoured kinsmen, who live to please self and men, would distance themselves in pregnant silence.

The Succour: Suckered sadists, they are keen as kids, to see my faith collapse. But divine mercy frustrates such wily wishes. Needs are there always. Yet, His grace is sufficient for me. In bad times, it’s His promise in Isaiah 33:15 & 16,, that keeps me going. “He who walks righteously....despises the gain of oppressions, who gestures with his hands refusing bribes... He will dwell on high...Bread, will be given him, His water will be sure”.

BETTER IAS : looking back, i came a long way from a clumsily craven upstart with a brazen IAS—hand-up. God not only earthed petty earthly ambitions, but reinvented my entire outlook and gifted me a new heart and a much better IAS- I AM SAVED. In the Ministry of spiritual affairs, His Almightiness, over and above mundane responsibilities, issues a new order decreeing a life-long service “My son, do not be negligent now, for the Lord has chosen you to stand before Him to serve Him, and that you should minister to Him and burn incense (II Chronicles 29:11)”.



By: Lunminthang Haokip
Introduction : On 13 August, 2005, nearly all the roads of Sadar Hills led to roam around Kangpokpi T.D-built Community hall. At 10 a.m the crowd had already swelled up and the 600-capacity auditorium threatened to burst in the seams. In the part- Sadar Hills administration and part-SSA, Sadar Hills-sponsored musical jamboree, the invitees were not the usual stuff. Some of them couldn't walk, some couldn't talk and others couldn't see and hear.
Love The Unlovely: Neglected and high-strung, they thronged Kpi lread quarter with wounded pride to ventilate their long-suppressed feelings of hurt and longing for acknowledgement of their pitiable existence. The administration was ill-prepared to host and take care of such a mammoth gathering of God's specially abled children. Thanks to the Secretary S.W, DC/Spt, DSWO/Spt staff of ADC/Kpi, SHADC/Kpi, ZEO/Kpi, NYK volunteers. HODs of Saikul and Saitu, a rare spectacle of "Love for the unlovely" could be pulled off. God blessed the combined effort with distribution of aids and appliances to the actually needy persons. It indeed was the disable's day-out.

Day Function : A galaxy of Gospel singing stars gladdened injured hearts with their chart-topping numbers. The musical cheering picked up to a crescendo with "God loves you all the more'" which was penned with the disables in mind by this author, set to tune by Ginmang Khongsai and sung with genuine emotions by the voice of grace, Esther Sitlhou. A key-note address on the theme by this author-focused on the spiritual inability of the so-called 'ables' and the special abilities of the disables was followed by a heart¬warming message from John Freddy, who is a believer, a teacher and a preacher rolled into

Lonely In A Crowd: one. The curious audience were enthralled by ageless melody queen, Mrs. Konnie Leivon's other-worldly number, Neicy Singson's high-pitched crooning, Onkholet Touthang's blind hit, Alen Chiru's moving presentation, Lalkhohen Chongloi's four-finger wonder item, group songs by TBA choir, Thangal Lalu and MTC choir. But the rendition that struck a chord with the mixed audience was this writer's testimonial song, "Lonely in a crowd", tuned by Seigoumang Lhouvum, instrumentally backed up by Tiken, Gugun, Milan, Minthang and John and sung with professional gait by Hechin Haokip, Lynda Neishiel and Seigoumang.

The Tear-Jerker : Mr. L.Lakher, Secretary, Social Welfare Deptt, could not attend the function. But the bureaucrat with a penchant to help the poor, saw to it that 20 Tri¬cycles, 7 wheel-chairs and 40 hearing-aids were distributed with the help of ALEMCO on the DD-out function. In appreciation of the heavenly song he composed, District administration honoured Lamkhohao Sitlhou, paralysed waist-downwards since 15 years, with the gift of a wheel-chair. The congregation was moved to tears when an emotion-choked Esther sitlhou, who received the wheel-chair on dear daddy's behalf, before presenting the song of life, "Van Jerusalem Thah"' briefly recollected the pangs of pain her family had undergone following daddy's disability. Tears actually dropped when the voice that launched a thousand CDs coolly appealed to her audience that it will be sad for the specially abled, after suffering infirmities on earth, to miss out on eternal rest with God in life thereafter. And that's possible only through being saved in Christ, she added.

The Motivating Factor : Disabilities are not a rare sight. There are all kinds of infirmities in our midst. It was Bunglienkung Hmar's heart-piercing composition, "New Heavenly Jerusalem " and the voice that popularized and endeared the promise of Revelation 21:4, "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying; neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away" When this author, in his responsibility as the chief administrator of Sadar Hills was getting hooked on the wording of the song mentioned above, it was time to get cracking with IED (Integrated Education for the Disabled children) under SSA, Sadar Hills. As IED covered children from 6 to 18, a medical assessment camp was also conducted hurriedly, with the assistance of Directorate of health, at Kpi on 11 August, 2005, with the aged infirm in mind. More than 280 handicapped persons turned up. ZEO/Kpi and CMO/Kpi's staff had a tough-time arranging things for segregation of infirmity. Nevertheless, the job got done.

Moving Scenes: The Chief Guest of the occasion, Mr. Thangminlen Kipgen, Hon'ble Circle MLA, was visibly moved when Miss Hekhol Thomsong, a Polio-affected limping child of God, trudged her way up to present a shawl to him. In his speech, the Chief Guest appealed all and sundry to take a good care of the physically challenged around us. Another scene of DD-Out that saddened every onlooker came when the last piece of Tri-Cycle was about to be handed out. One infirm child who wasn't supposed to get the last appliance sat on it and refused to be dragged out. With a heavy heart, the volunteers had to convince her about pre-assessment of disability which should be certified by a subject-specialist to be not less than 40% and that the beneficiaries' income shouldn't be less than Rs. 6500/- His maker was glorified when a single-handed Lalkhohen Chongloi effectively used the four fingers of his left hand both to hold the guitar chord and strum the strings with his small finger to follow the tune of a song. The viewers from near and far, weren't far from tears.
Breath-taking Break: After the day's proceedings, God's special children were invited to lunch with ADC, Kangpokpi. Some of them had to rush back home. Those who made it to the luncheon prepared with panache by Miss. Nengnou and friends had recipes that would spoil one's taste for ever to settle for nothing less. Bellies filled, a bus-load of the invitees were taken to Senapati to be welcomed with warmth by Mr. And Mrs. Prem Singh, DC/Senapati and Mr. And Mrs. Athem Muivah, ADM/Senapati. Pressure on time resulted in the spirited VSP's (Very special persons) inability to visit the picturesque Haipi village, the enchanting Mission compound and the pristine KVK, Hengbung. However, visit or no site-visit, the choice destinations would remain Wordsworth's "Yarrow the unvisited" to the blind.

Love-Aid-Concert: By 6:00 P.M. on 13th August, 2005, Kangpokpi was geared up for a musical blast to cheer up the VSPs of the day. The comperes, Lulun Touthang and Rosh/n Suantak put in inputs to enliven the show that ended late. The debutants, Akip Karong, Hoinu Vaiphei, Esther Kipgen, Salome, Tongkholen and Haoneo performed better than expected. They were the surprise items of the show of the year. However the professionals, Jeff Akai, Seiboi Tuboi, Neicy Singson, Hechin Haokip, MTC boys and Gugun's band were greeted with thundering applause that made the VSPs forget their plight for a few hours. MTC students presented a skit that carried a moving message and which was attentively watched by the VSPs. It's a little sad that the Gospel message of the evening, delivered to touch hearts, was greeted with a collective aashhh! Everyone has a streak of hedonism in him. Although no efforts were spared to offer free Gospel Musical entertainment, some resorted to stone-pelting and when asked about their dissatisfaction, they said they wanted more popular songs from Jeff Akai and Esther Sitlhou.

Spiritual Disability: It's easy to notice physical disability in others. But God looks at the heart. Adamic nature is inherent in every fallen man and woman. Unless saved by the blood of Jesus through confession of sin that usually results in forgiveness of sin. man by nature cannot do the good he wants to do and cannot avoid the evil he wants to avoid. Spiritual disability in us is something we should give a serious thought and strengthen the inner man to become an over-comer. On the other hand there are disables who are mentally able to do good and forsake evil. There are folks born with infirmities but who. through unflinching faith in God, turn the disadvantages into an advantage. All that one needs to know is that there's a merciful God who creates every soul with a special purpose. One has to find out one's own core-competence and persistently work on it to achieve excellence in one's chosen field. God helps those who helps themselves.

Theme Song: The theme-song of Disables's Day-Out at Kangpokpi. reproduced below for readers' benefit, which was penned with burden by this author, tells all succinctly.


1 .Never say brother, you cannot hear.
For God in your mind His thought can share; Never say sister, you cannot see.
He blinds some that they may better see;
Ear or no ear, eye or no eye,
Who hears Him and mourns deep shall notdie.

Coz you can't hear, God puts inner ear,
Coz you can't see, your mind's made to peer; Coz you can't speak, hand-signs do the trick, Coz you can't walk, help isn't far to seek;
For all pangs of woe infirm limbs bore.
Don't feel bad, God loves you all the more.
2. He gives ears that we may hear His word,
He makes mind that we may know He's Lord; He creates hands that all men may serve Him, He gifts hearts that ev'ry soul may love Him; But we end up doing things not noble,
So; to do good, we are disable.

3. This terse life on earth is but test,
we curse fate, yet that He does is best;
Some get it good now to rue later,
Some are sad to rejoice thereafter;
If God makes you suffer to the core
T'day, it's coz He loves you all the more.

4. For them who have new life in Christ
Tho'they're now denied limb-movement free.
More than they that with no thought of Christ,
Move limbs at will, blessed they shall be
So, don't you feel sadly ill at ease
One day your suffering shall come to cease.


Aizawl: City of Cheer
Downtown Aizawl
GGG DVD Label: Mami & Abea
Lmt : the author
By : Lunminthang Haokip

Introduction : In a country where state capitals also double up as capitals of communal divide and covered-up deeds worthy of capital punishment, Mizoram’s Hill top city, Aizawl is refreshingly different. If summer is gone from Ooty, as claimed in the add item relating to the sandal-wood smeared southern hill resort , crime and thievery are gone from Aizawl. It’s weird news to learn that the Jail authorities of Aizawl had to borrow Jail-birds from neighbouring states so as to fill up their empty Central Jail in order to bail themselves out from being sacked for lack of criminal in-mates. If the burgeoning musical capital of India is found wanting in any commitment, it is crime-commitment.

Background : Mizoram was far from being the flourishing hill town it is presently. In the year 1900, there was no structure on the ai ( a wild plant)- infested gorge-ridden present habitation of half a million people, save a couple of military barracks. Hard work rendered with a passion reserved for religion on the part of Presbyterian Missionaries, more than a century ago, and the spirited reciprocal response of the local folks together had built the up the hill-top wonder city brick by brick. The Church was/is still involved in every aspect of the wonder-state capital’s gigantic strides of mind- blowing progress. No wonder, the Lord of the Church “who seest us” (Genesis 16:13) was the unseen hand behind the fast-paced development of the thriving urban settlement.

Church- Taught Behaviour : “Tlawmngaihna” or “Sacrificial attitude towards one’s duty” is the key word to Aizawl’s speedy growth. God comes before everything else. The citizenry did what they could and that they could not, they left to the God of possibilities. The emotional unity to offensively promote the single dialect of “Duhlian” that became Mizo later, could have smacked of ethno-centrism. But the same was central to singularity of Mizo society. One man’s food could be another’s poison. The improved Mizo single-dialect that the early missionaries took pains to add grammatical and phonetic nuances to, turned out to be a super fast-food that all its users could feed themselves upon to linguistic and literary prosperity. The poison of subordinating or suppressing other lesser dialects, although sadly damaging to the affected groups, of course, was supportive to the building of the super-structure of Mizo ethnicity. This factor also accounts for high literacy-rate and the low rate of learning other languages.

Blessing from above : It’s no mean feat that Mizoram’s modernised capital town does not have the self goal–scoring slum pockets its counterparts in other states are burdened with. Agreed that the average Mizo has the above-average bent-of-mind to work with the herd–feeling ants share. Also agreed that the GoI has a soft-corner for the hill state in grant of funds that is due to a peaceful oasis of the otherwise turbulent NE India. But the greed to excel in societal welfare and display of civic sixth-sense is something the visitors to the cement-clad cliff-city find tough to disagree with.

Hassle-free-accident : The recklessness of the accelerator-happy Mizo youth on the steep and twisted roads of Aizawl keeps the concerned parents in mental tenterhooks. Familiarity to peculiarity of bending lanes could have saved lots of potential accidents. Yet in highway and local motor rubbery, road-mishaps do occur out there. Sometimes vehicular accidents turned fatal but unlike in other places , one does not see full-throated shouts and fist-of-fury flying on the wrong riders’ chin. Head-on vehicular collision that could have resulted in collar-pulls towards the nearest Police outposts coolly ends up in smile-exchanging pacification. If that is not a habit formed by decades of preaching the Gospel, what else is? Situations that could have generated heated temperament of 80% temper and 20% mental elsewhere, usually boil down to the reverse in Mizo city.

Midnight musical chill-outs in the open: This author happened to be a part of the milling crowd that braved out of their cozy homes and hotel rooms on the last night of 2009 in the public places of Aizawl where no-ticket musical shows were organised . Magdalene, the Gospel band that rocked the national competitions, drew the largest crowd. Their own chart-rocking numbers echoing heavy metal through world-class sound system kept the whole of Aizawl’s Treasury-Square awake and shaking a leg on the streets till the break of New Year 2010. The serene hassle-free atmosphere, by itself, beckons you to go there again and again.

Music –The Food of Love: A Gospel pop rendition from the budding Mizo-Idol winner, Zoramchhani, went on well with the footloose midnight audience. Enthused fans, holding hands in small groups, danced merrily and hummed the songs in tune with the stage performers. Music for sure is the food of love in Mizoram. And it was played on in high decibel pitch in every street corner. One joke that circulates around Chandel DHQ in Manipur is that, given the mike, and the space, even a Mizo tailor-girl straight from the sewing-machine, can sing better than the local bests. You don’t need to teach a Marwari the rules of trading. And you don’t have to teach a Mizo youth the art of singing.

Disgrace of progress : The Mizo-resilience is simply commendable. Their ability to fight back on the ashes of major setbacks was on par with that of Dhirubai Ambani in the corporate world. Battered and shattered by the MNF-related bombing of the North East Indian town in 1978, Aizawl had rebuilt itself with the zeal and grit the Japs exhibited following the Hiroshima-Nagasaki bombing. The economic boom ever since had been enormous and Jap-like. Every tourist or Govt of India-employee from outside who had been posted there were in no mood to go back or when transferred, reluctantly did so.

Aizawl Insular? The hilltop city is like a big tree providing shade to every visiting Kuki/Zomi kindred. The only grudge the ethnic kindred of the Mizos settled in other parts CHIKIM habitations nurse is the sad truth that compatriots from a certain NE state, who were motivated to fight along for the revolutionary-cause in the spirit of talked-in ethnic-bonhomie in the movement of the 1960s, had been conveniently soft-pedalled in post-statehood insular comfort, by and large. Had ice, well- utilised in summer, been given up in winter?, they ask themselves.

Righteousness Exalts Mizoram: Credit must be given to the Missionaries who endured pains to labour and win souls in the then Lushai hills. Nowhere in India Church buildings had been taken so much care and concern of. A tourist heading for Aizawl or Lunglei should make it a point to have a good look at the awesome concrete buildings, superb interior wood-work and classic musical paraphernalia that the prayer-halls out there are famous for. Worship-attendance is habitual and obligatory for all. The Lord’s day is honoured with choicest sartorial propriety. Businesses thrive on the strength of Biblical righteousness. Bank-loans are repaid in time.

Long Face for Wrong Parking Place: Breaking traffic rules raises a forest of eyebrows there on the narrow roads of the capital of the second most literate . Once I happened to park my vehicle the wrong way. I could hear the traffic policeman hissing in Mizo, “This vehicle owner must have come from Manipur”, He was not wrong. I found it tough to hold back a laugh at my mistake. The town planners also keep the traffic congestion in mind. Every new house built on the road sides should have enough space in the basement for parking of four-wheelers. That sagacious thought stretches the width of the streets by several feet.

Old World Goodness: Cabs and lanes are small but cabbies display big hearts in maintaining ethical integrity in returning personal belongings of careless commuters through well-connected networks. This level of distilled nunmawi is as rare as panties from Alaska in a world where a section of the populace make an easy living out of the forgetfulness of travellers. Civilian rules are observed and the citizenry, including the tipsy lot, who walk in a blur and talk in a slur, struggle to behave well in public. No wonder, the para-military forces and civil police posted there have little or no work to do. The milk of human kindness spills over full-splash as uniformed starred patrol-vehicle riders offer lifts to strangers strolling on the side-walks. Hats off to such a culture Aizawl nurtures.

Sum-Up: 21st century had witnessed disastrous natural calamities one after another. Tsunami, earthquake, Katrina, super-cyclone, nargis etc. collectively did a fox-trot upon global economic advancement. Poorer countries like Haiti aren’t likely to recover in the near future from the impact of recent earth-shake. When the world witnessed more of gloom and doom, Aizawl had been a consistent city of cheer since the signing of Rajiv Gandhi-led peace-accord in 1986. The most visible and tangible truth that almost half of the total population of a state take concrete shelter on a ridge-ridden hill-top, like bees do around a beehive, itself is proof enough that it is “the most High who rules in the affairs of Aizawl and hold the township intact”. None else but the living God could have made the seemingly impossible possible. The Almighty, for sure, takes good care of the churched city that produces Gospel songs like Mumbai does movies.

AVZ and GGG Release: Mingling with the common folks of the dominantly Mizo township and getting under the skin of the lifestyle of this peace-loving, music-inclined, church-influenced and orderliness-fixated cheerful residents of Aizawl, this author had been inspired to write the following poem which had been made a Gospel song audio-recorded and video-shot by AVZ – amazing voice of Zoram, C. Lalhmingmawii in GGMI’s Gospel Goes Global video Album which is due for worldwide release at Mizoram House, Vasant Vihar, Delhi, on 28 August, 2010 at 3:30 pm. Former super-cop and present Vice-Chairperson of NCM, National Commission for Minorities, Dr. H.T. Sangliana will grace the occasion as the Chief Guest.


1. Atop hills where deep-root buildings grow,
Across ridges cut for motor-flow;
Amidst ranges left by men-with-hoe,
Along gorges on which decked-homes glow;
There sprawls God-made Zo-city Aizawl,
Blessed with structures nestled cheek-by-jowl.

If you get bored with life of your make,
If you wish for thine youth a retake;
If you feel you need a break that saves,
If you want music your soul craves;
Get set and for Aizawl up you gear;
With care awaits the city of cheer.

2. In a world where folks don’t go by faith,
But try to trick and loot the fool’s fate;
On Aizawl’s lanes, stealing doesn’t happen
Even though things are left in the open;
This feat is no mere freak incidence,
Decades of preaching taught saner sense.

3. Them that honour Him God will honour,
The Lord’s day in Aizawl’s a splendour;
Seeing all shops shut, first-timer’s baffled,
Eyeing all wears hep-designed, one’s dazzled;
Why does God for Zoram His peace keep?
Coz on the Lord’s day, all folks worship.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Gospel Goes Global (Promo)

Lunminthang Haokip: The Author


By: Lunminthang Haokip

Introduction: The Gospel was there even in the Old Testament times in the implied sense in the shadow of the shape of things to come. Among other things that decorated Eden garden, the Creator left the masterpiece of His creativity in the form of Adam, and later, in Eve. However, Eve’s refusal to take divine warning seriously led to the subsequent fall of all the descendents of the original parentage. Adam wasn’t pro-active enough to get the lure of sin shut out in time. Banking heavily on falsity and fishing in the troubled waters of Eve’s vulnerability, the devil won in Eden and set up dens of its control over human affairs then, and even in the present times.

Author of life: But the baiter could never upstage the Maker. The Word of God, potent as ever, in the shade of moments, had always proved for all the world to know that it is He who “rules over the affairs of men (Daniel 5:21)” and have the final say in every situation in this mad bad world. The Gospel was the guideline and the means for the Almighty’s master-plan to restore the fallen nature of humankind, bind the adversary, write a new law on the table of a wretched heart and find a way out for a sin-bedevilled soul to be harmoniously re-linked to the real Author of life.

` Global Gospel: It all began in the Bible land – the places Lord Jesus treaded upon in his brief life-time. The “God who sees us”( Gen. 16:13) saw through appearances. Unlike in the present century, smartness and upward mobility were no plus points when Christ chose His disciples. In the hard-working fishing brothers, Peter and Andrew, the Master saw potential that if they followed Him, the unlettered duo could be made fishers of men (Matthew 4:19). Except for Judas Iscariot who betrayed Him at the end of the day, the rest of the chosen Eleven had no proper grounding in formal education.

Man from Above: The sagacious parables and other-worldly utterances of the Man from heaven needed proper recording. So, the wisdom of the Son of God felt the need to have a pen-pusher by His side to write down the historic miraculous events. The void was filled by Matthew, the pen-wielding Collector,,“Follow Me. And he arose and followed Him (Mt. 9:9)”. The hated tax collector, who could have ended as a mere wealthy local mortal, gave up worldly privileges, heeded the Saviour’s call and got His writing on the Gospel eternally etched in the all-time best seller, the Holy Bible.

Universality of the Gospel: Jesus was a Jew hailing from the Middle-East. But the
four Gospels on his action-packed earthly sojourn were meant for all the races settling in the four quarters of the globe - the North, the South, the East and the West. “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost (Mt. 28:19)”. In the Words of the Lord, one can feel the universal love, concern and empathy that endearingly match His command and authority. To a believer, the urgency to make the last Commandment the first commitment, is the be-all and the end-all of the Gospel. Nothing meets the needs of men better than the “Good News” does. The mirage-like answer that the most revered philosopher, atheist and scientist search in vain, if penitently sought, can be found with a revelation in the verses of the Holy Scripture. Nationalities and communities may dissect, divide and classify humanity and their nature. But the basic model-type of the mind in all the reasoning beings of the continents is the same. The Maker set the bytes and bit-rates of the cardiac beat in such a way that until or unless the mooring, emoting and yearning of the heart is in tune with the teaching of the Gospel, men will never have a soul-satisfying good spell .

Global Trouble: Kingdoms came, but were tamed, sooner or later. Dynasties ruled and got literally ruled out by another. But it’s amazing to delve upon the glaring historical fact that no force on earth could stop the spread of the “Good News” to establish Christ’s kingdom worldwide. Prophet Isaiah revealed the mind of God on the future of His Son’s reign 700 years before Christ was born. “Of the increase of His government and peace, there shall be no end (Isaiah 9:7)”. Despite gigantic odds put badly against the Good news, His government continues to make deep inroads into human sanity oblivious of the rule of other worldly forces and factors.

Wrath Of God: Money had been lavishly spent to blunt the cutting edge of the Gospel. No trick and ploy had been left unemployed to nib Christianity in the bud by the likes of Herod the great, the High Priests and the 20th century non-believers of the ‘Word of life’. But every move to throttle the Voice of the Saviour was calamitously met, action for action, with an earthquake, a spell of darkness, a breaking up of United Republics, a super-cyclone, a Tsunami, a Katrina or a Nargis in different regions of the globe. The disasters could have been avoided had the writing on the wall in Romans 1:18 been trusted by all concerned in letter and spirit, “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness”.

Gospel Went Global: What we called accidents of history, to the Supreme Ruler, were stage-managed plots to promote the cause of the Gospel further in the global orbit. The Roman empire had been nudged from above to construct roads in Bible-land towards the fag end of the B.C-era. In the first century A.D, St. Paul and the other Apostles used the same roads to drive the message of the Good News home. When Science and Technology were in mind-boggling doubt as to whether the earth was round or flat, Christopher Columbus was divinely guided, around the close of the 15th century, to locate and find the answer in Isaiah 40:22, “It is He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth”.

The Magic Verse: This singular verse led the adventurous marine hero to ultimately discover America. USA, in turn, was prepared to be strong enough to leave no stone unturned to see the teachings of Jesus go global. Faithful servants of God were equipped with savoir faire and skill to win souls for their Lord among the nations of the world. D.L Moody for USA and UK, John Wesley for England, David Livingstone for Africa, William Carey for India, Adoniram Judson for Burma etc. were raised with the purpose to save sinners from hellfire.

Global Technologies: Great preachers like Billy Graham and Joshua Daniel trotted the globe preaching the Good News in the 20th and 21st centuries. To convenience preaching from country to country through air-travel, the master Engineer put in inputs, in the beginning of the 20th century, in the minds of the God-fearing Wright Brothers to take heavy loads in the sky and not fall. The indelible imprint of the Creator was there in every technological discovery and its advancement. Be it Wireless set, motor engine, remedial medicines, radio and TV, printing machine, audio and visual devices, satellite TV or the Internet, despite men’s unfortunate misuses, were heavenly inspired and invented to speed up the pace of passing on the Good News that majority of the citizens of this ultra-modern world do not know is their prior and basic need. The Lord of Host, could even use wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to send devout Christians in the rank and file of US and South Korean Armies to witness in the battlefields and save souls to the uttermost.

Gospel and North East India: The Word of God had been given in ample doses for the past one and a half century to the people of North East India. Heathen cultures and traditions, that initially challenged the smooth inflow of the Spirit’s work, had undergone a drastic overhauling. Outlooks changed, lifestyles were given a lift, education dispelled and rediscovered ignorance, superstitious leanings gave way to institutional learning, Church buildings came up chock-a-block in earlier places of pagan worship and in government of states like Meghalaya, Nagaland, Mizoram and parts of Manipur, the Church was seen flexing its influential muscles in the right spirit in Civil Administration process.

Music Capital: Musically-inclined state like Mizoram, thanks to the pioneer Presbyterian missionaries’ lyrical bent of mind, took to Gospel singing as Mumbai does to movie-making, and qualified itself to be dubbed the “Music capital of India.” At the same time, labourers in the Lord’s vineyard have a lot to do, and pray for, to revive the spiritual wasteland of the churched region to make the will of God prevail over the will of the flesh. In some cases, the universal Truth of the Gospel took a beating under the suppressive impact of traditional norms to force the Gospel to go, but tribal. There were moves to intimidate professors of the Faith. Yet, the cheering words of Isaiah 54:17, “No weapon formed against thee shall prosper” had steered clear God’s children out of danger zone.

GOSPEL GOES GLOBAL Video Album: To salute and celebrate the globalisation of the Word, this obscure author, who also writes Gospel songs out of the overflow of a heart grateful for the Divine gift to piece words together in a readable manner and partly to unwind himself gainfully from the additional burdens of provincial administration, in a bid to make his writings read globally, scribbled down many songs. Eleven of the songs had been recorded in Hauhnar studio, Aizawl, Mizoram, India and shot in avi video format in the picturesque natural landscapes of the peaceful hill-town.

The GGG Team: Talented tune composers like JH Vanlalngheta, R. Lalbiakthanga, Chris MS Dawngkima, Mama, and Seigoumang Lhouvum had showcased their flairs in songs like, Gospel Goes Global Aids song, Go Gospel, Holy Marriage, Lonely in a crowd, I grieved Thee first, Hail North East, Kut, Light of life, Aizawl city and 50 years of blessing. The video cam-men, Zova and Patea, took the shots in professional proficiency around Mizoram’s capital hill-top city-of-cheer. The Gospel Goes Global audio CD and video DVD, produced by Mrs Nengkim Haokip under the banner of Go Gospel Ministry International, L. Thinglhangphai, Manipur, India is ready for worldwide release in the month of August, 2010. OM Books, Hyderabad will take care of sales in their network of Book stores across the globe except in parts of NE India and North West Myanmar. VIBES, Goa is to push sales of the DVD album within Goa state.

The Main Vocalist: The name is C (Chawngthu). Lalhmingmawii. She sings Gospel numbers like Jaci V, looks stunningly Latino and emotes like B. Mori. Her first Mizo audio album, “Kumsang Bithar” was a total sell-out. 30,000 copies bought across the NE Indian states in 2001 was no mean feat by regional standards. Yet, success never went to her head nor failure, to her heart. Her second and third ventures, “Remna Palai” and “Kachakna Lalpa” made her a household name in greater Zoram and NW Myanmar. With her twanged Yankee accent, picked up from her musical tour of 22 states, with a choir of kids in concert, in the western coast of US of A from August 2002 to July 2004, she recorded her first English audio, VOG’s “Go Gospel” in 2007 and GGMI’s “Gospel Goes Global” in 2010. Lonely in a crowd, the testimonial song of this author, was a part of GO Gospel audio album. The Mangheta composed number had become the fave choice of the wannabe singers (Zaihuai) for presentation in social functions.

Awards Came Early: Inspired by Mariah Carey internationally and nearer home, by the old-time Mizo female crooner, Lalduhawmi, Mami, as she is popularly known, in year 2001, added another feather in her musical cap. She won the coveted Rimawi Khawvel - “Best new Artist Award”. Accolades and applauses thundered every event the dusky husky new singer in town sang in, ever since. But the typical Piscean that she is, the level-headed Mami never bit the bait of ultra-glam offers that came her way to be an air-hostess, sing secular songs etc. Tempting though the lucrative offers on the surface were, the fish would not come out of water.

Christian Life: Well-groomed by her spiritually discerned daddy, C. Lalrinkima, Lalhmingmawii never strayed out of the bounds of Church activities and in-service values. Forenoon and evening time callers to her bsnl number usually get no response. She’d be either teaching in school or seated on a church-pew hearing a sermon . This savvy well-self-managed itinerary vocalist, when she is not lighting up Christian bashes in Manipur, Mizoram and Guwahati and Shillong, goes to take class 6 times, and to Church service 5 times in a week, sings hymns with the Vengchhak Presbyterian KTP-choir, helps mom in household chores and relaxes with country gospel music tuned on in her cozy ITI veng home.

Simple Desire: Emotionally attached to her dad and kid brother, Mami is proud of being a Mizo, loves to wear the locally woven wrap-around called ‘Puan’, delights in savouring Indian and Chinese dishes and dots on Psalm chapter 37 reading which gives her the spiritual succour to take on the sad side of life. Her burgeoning fan-following, that includes top-notch mandarins of the bureaucracy of home and neighbouring states, may look her up as a star-performer. But Mami’s main ambition is down-to-earth. As a daughter, she wishes to settle down via a holy marriage with a pliable, reliable, amenable and honest man who can read her moods and let her live a hassle-free life ever after.

The shooting of GGG: To make the video shoots of Gospel Goes Global songs look visually eye-catching, Mami took a month’s leave from duty in June, 2010. A perfect motivator and organiser that she is, she called the shots over locations, dresses to be worn, shot-angles and participation of back-up artists. It speaks well of the social good-will she enjoys that Vengchhak choir, on her request, willingly put up with the patience-taxing retakes for ‘World Aids Day’ shoot. She also managed to get permission from the state’s Arts & Culture department to shoot Kut song in the latter’s otherwise prohibited premises. The toil and sweat paid off well. The previews were commented upon in glowing terms.

WAD Song: Hot Favourite: The Aids song which had been already uploaded on Youtube Lunhaok or Aids C. Lalhmingmawii is the vocalist’s favourite. Mami also thinks highly of the tune-composition style of the title song by Chris, Gospel Goes global. In the theme song, GGG, which was superbly shot indoors inside a hall, Mami and Abea managed to raise the bar in Gospel song picturisation. Barring 3 songs of the album in which Abea provided the back-vocals and duet-partnership, it was Mami’s show all the way. Watching the ace performer act out and voice the high-flown words of this song-writer with poise and ease, without missing a beat, like a duck takes to water, it will not be a mismatch to sub-title C. Lalhmingmawii as AVZ –Amazing Voice of Zoram.

If God blesses the songs of this nondescript North East Indian Gospel album to actually go global, the credit should go to the hard work rendered by the Tune-Composers, the Studio Technicians, the Videographers and Editors, the Distributors and specially to the main Vocalist who gave the brilliant shots that made the song wordings come alive in video frames.

The Final Release: In the run-up to the October, 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi, hiring a decent auditorium in the NCR had for a lesser purpose had become almost impossible at this juncture. Thanks to their Christian brotherly attitude, Mizoram House, Vasant Vihar, Delhi, had agreed to let GGMI use their hall for the release bash of GGG video album on 28 august, 2010 at 3:30 pm. God willing, if things go well, Dr. H.T. Sangliana, the dynamic former super-cop-turned-MP who is presently serving the nation as Vice-Chairperson, NCM –National Commission For Minorities, had consented to grace the occasion as the Chief Guest.

Dedication: The Gospel album that showcases the latent talents of North east Indian artists will be dedicated for world-wide release by Rev Dino L Touthang, CEO, Habitat for humanity, New Delhi who also doubles up as Senior Pastor, KWS –Kuki Worship Service, Delhi, and the Chair, Micah Network. Rev/Pastor Paothang Haokip of OM fame who also serves the Lord as the Pastor of Good Shepherd Community Church, Hyderabad, will be the master of ceremonies. All Kuki-Mizo-Zomi friends of this author and the vocalists are invited to pray and attend the event.

Reproduced hereunder is the wording of this Song writer’s poetic take on God’s globalisation of the Gospel:


1. God told Adam not to eat the fruit,
Eve got sold on lies that hid the Truth;
Win for Satan, heaven was saddened,
Sin of Eden gave men a burden;
The good that he wants, he cannot do,
The evil he hates, he cannot spew.

We do what we like and guilt we get,
We rue o’er our lot and for sin fret;
The Word is grave but the world’s naive,
The Lord in Love calls His own to save;
Coz God wants to sin in all dispel,
The old Gospel is going global.

2. To the globe’s ends His trained the Lord sent,
That them who grope and faint may repent;
The Spirit moves, good- spell goes global,
Here creed dupes and Gospel goes tribal;
It’s time to re-link self with soul’s thirst,
Let’s rethink and put things of God first.

3. Crises have men bold, led down and fall,
Jesus loves souls and shed blood for all,
That all who life had pained to lose hope,
May come back to Him and regain hope;
That at home the Good News each may get,
God made Word go global in the net.

Gospel Goes Global (Promo)


By: Lunminthang Haokip

Introduction: The Gospel was there even in the Old Testament times in the implied sense in the shadow of the shape of things to come. Among other things that decorated Eden garden, the Creator left the masterpiece of His creativity in the form of Adam, and later, in Eve. However, Eve’s refusal to take divine warning seriously led to the subsequent fall of all the descendents of the original parentage. Adam wasn’t pro-active enough to get the lure of sin shut out in time. Banking heavily on falsity and fishing in the troubled waters of Eve’s vulnerability, the devil won in Eden and set up dens of its control over human affairs then, and even in the present times.

Author of life: But the baiter could never upstage the Maker. The Word of God, potent as ever, in the shade of moments, had always proved for all the world to know that it is He who “rules over the affairs of men (Daniel 5:21)” and have the final say in every situation in this mad bad world. The Gospel was the guideline and the means for the Almighty’s master-plan to restore the fallen nature of humankind, bind the adversary, write a new law on the table of a wretched heart and find a way out for a sin-bedevilled soul to be harmoniously re-linked to the real Author of life.

` Global Gospel: It all began in the Bible land – the places Lord Jesus treaded upon in his brief life-time. The “God who sees us”( Gen. 16:13) saw through appearances. Unlike in the present century, smartness and upward mobility were no plus points when Christ chose His disciples. In the hard-working fishing brothers, Peter and Andrew, the Master saw potential that if they followed Him, the unlettered duo could be made fishers of men (Matthew 4:19). Except for Judas Iscariot who betrayed Him at the end of the day, the rest of the chosen Eleven had no proper grounding in formal education.

Man from Above: The sagacious parables and other-worldly utterances of the Man from heaven needed proper recording. So, the wisdom of the Son of God felt the need to have a pen-pusher by His side to write down the historic miraculous events. The void was filled by Matthew, the pen-wielding Collector,,“Follow Me. And he arose and followed Him (Mt. 9:9)”. The hated tax collector, who could have ended as a mere wealthy local mortal, gave up worldly privileges, heeded the Saviour’s call and got His writing on the Gospel eternally etched in the all-time best seller, the Holy Bible.

Universality of the Gospel: Jesus was a Jew hailing from the Middle-East. But the
four Gospels on his action-packed earthly sojourn were meant for all the races settling in the four quarters of the globe - the North, the South, the East and the West. “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost (Mt. 28:19)”. In the Words of the Lord, one can feel the universal love, concern and empathy that endearingly match His command and authority. To a believer, the urgency to make the last Commandment the first commitment, is the be-all and the end-all of the Gospel. Nothing meets the needs of men better than the “Good News” does. The mirage-like answer that the most revered philosopher, atheist and scientist search in vain, if penitently sought, can be found with a revelation in the verses of the Holy Scripture. Nationalities and communities may dissect, divide and classify humanity and their nature. But the basic model-type of the mind in all the reasoning beings of the continents is the same. The Maker set the bytes and bit-rates of the cardiac beat in such a way that until or unless the mooring, emoting and yearning of the heart is in tune with the teaching of the Gospel, men will never have a soul-satisfying good spell .

Global Trouble: Kingdoms came, but were tamed, sooner or later. Dynasties ruled and got literally ruled out by another. But it’s amazing to delve upon the glaring historical fact that no force on earth could stop the spread of the “Good News” to establish Christ’s kingdom worldwide. Prophet Isaiah revealed the mind of God on the future of His Son’s reign 700 years before Christ was born. “Of the increase of His government and peace, there shall be no end (Isaiah 9:7)”. Despite gigantic odds put badly against the Good news, His government continues to make deep inroads into human sanity oblivious of the rule of other worldly forces and factors.

Wrath Of God: Money had been lavishly spent to blunt the cutting edge of the Gospel. No trick and ploy had been left unemployed to nib Christianity in the bud by the likes of Herod the great, the High Priests and the 20th century non-believers of the ‘Word of life’. But every move to throttle the Voice of the Saviour was calamitously met, action for action, with an earthquake, a spell of darkness, a breaking up of United Republics, a super-cyclone, a Tsunami, a Katrina or a Nargis in different regions of the globe. The disasters could have been avoided had the writing on the wall in Romans 1:18 been trusted by all concerned in letter and spirit, “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness”.

Gospel Went Global: What we called accidents of history, to the Supreme Ruler, were stage-managed plots to promote the cause of the Gospel further in the global orbit. The Roman empire had been nudged from above to construct roads in Bible-land towards the fag end of the B.C-era. In the first century A.D, St. Paul and the other Apostles used the same roads to drive the message of the Good News home. When Science and Technology were in mind-boggling doubt as to whether the earth was round or flat, Christopher Columbus was divinely guided, around the close of the 15th century, to locate and find the answer in Isaiah 40:22, “It is He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth”.

The Magic Verse: This singular verse led the adventurous marine hero to ultimately discover America. USA, in turn, was prepared to be strong enough to leave no stone unturned to see the teachings of Jesus go global. Faithful servants of God were equipped with savoir faire and skill to win souls for their Lord among the nations of the world. D.L Moody for USA and UK, John Wesley for England, David Livingstone for Africa, William Carey for India, Adoniram Judson for Burma etc. were raised with the purpose to save sinners from hellfire.

Global Technologies: Great preachers like Billy Graham and Joshua Daniel trotted the globe preaching the Good News in the 20th and 21st centuries. To convenience preaching from country to country through air-travel, the master Engineer put in inputs, in the beginning of the 20th century, in the minds of the God-fearing Wright Brothers to take heavy loads in the sky and not fall. The indelible imprint of the Creator was there in every technological discovery and its advancement. Be it Wireless set, motor engine, remedial medicines, radio and TV, printing machine, audio and visual devices, satellite TV or the Internet, despite men’s unfortunate misuses, were heavenly inspired and invented to speed up the pace of passing on the Good News that majority of the citizens of this ultra-modern world do not know is their prior and basic need. The Lord of Host, could even use wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to send devout Christians in the rank and file of US and South Korean Armies to witness in the battlefields and save souls to the uttermost.

Gospel and North East India: The Word of God had been given in ample doses for the past one and a half century to the people of North East India. Heathen cultures and traditions, that initially challenged the smooth inflow of the Spirit’s work, had undergone a drastic overhauling. Outlooks changed, lifestyles were given a lift, education dispelled and rediscovered ignorance, superstitious leanings gave way to institutional learning, Church buildings came up chock-a-block in earlier places of pagan worship and in government of states like Meghalaya, Nagaland, Mizoram and parts of Manipur, the Church was seen flexing its influential muscles in the right spirit in Civil Administration process.

Music Capital: Musically-inclined state like Mizoram, thanks to the pioneer Presbyterian missionaries’ lyrical bent of mind, took to Gospel singing as Mumbai does to movie-making, and qualified itself to be dubbed the “Music capital of India.” At the same time, labourers in the Lord’s vineyard have a lot to do, and pray for, to revive the spiritual wasteland of the churched region to make the will of God prevail over the will of the flesh. In some cases, the universal Truth of the Gospel took a beating under the suppressive impact of traditional norms to force the Gospel to go, but tribal. There were moves to intimidate professors of the Faith. Yet, the cheering words of Isaiah 54:17, “No weapon formed against thee shall prosper” had steered clear God’s children out of danger zone.

GOSPEL GOES GLOBAL Video Album: To salute and celebrate the globalisation of the Word, this obscure author, who also writes Gospel songs out of the overflow of a heart grateful for the Divine gift to piece words together in a readable manner and partly to unwind himself gainfully from the additional burdens of provincial administration, in a bid to make his writings read globally, scribbled down many songs. Eleven of the songs had been recorded in Hauhnar studio, Aizawl, Mizoram, India and shot in avi video format in the picturesque natural landscapes of the peaceful hill-town.

The GGG Team: Talented tune composers like JH Vanlalngheta, R. Lalbiakthanga, Chris MS Dawngkima, Mama, and Seigoumang Lhouvum had showcased their flairs in songs like, Gospel Goes Global Aids song, Go Gospel, Holy Marriage, Lonely in a crowd, I grieved Thee first, Hail North East, Kut, Light of life, Aizawl city and 50 years of blessing. The video cam-men, Zova and Patea, took the shots in professional proficiency around Mizoram’s capital hill-top city-of-cheer. The Gospel Goes Global audio CD and video DVD, produced by Mrs Nengkim Haokip under the banner of Go Gospel Ministry International, L. Thinglhangphai, Manipur, India is ready for worldwide release in the month of August, 2010. OM Books, Hyderabad will take care of sales in their network of Book stores across the globe except in parts of NE India and North West Myanmar. VIBES, Goa is to push sales of the DVD album within Goa state.

The Main Vocalist: The name is C (Chawngthu). Lalhmingmawii. She sings Gospel numbers like Jaci V, looks stunningly Latino and emotes like B. Mori. Her first Mizo audio album, “Kumsang Bithar” was a total sell-out. 30,000 copies bought across the NE Indian states in 2001 was no mean feat by regional standards. Yet, success never went to her head nor failure, to her heart. Her second and third ventures, “Remna Palai” and “Kachakna Lalpa” made her a household name in greater Zoram and NW Myanmar. With her twanged Yankee accent, picked up from her musical tour of 22 states, with a choir of kids in concert, in the western coast of US of A from August 2002 to July 2004, she recorded her first English audio, VOG’s “Go Gospel” in 2007 and GGMI’s “Gospel Goes Global” in 2010. Lonely in a crowd, the testimonial song of this author, was a part of GO Gospel audio album. The Mangheta composed number had become the fave choice of the wannabe singers (Zaihuai) for presentation in social functions.

Awards Came Early: Inspired by Mariah Carey internationally and nearer home, by the old-time Mizo female crooner, Lalduhawmi, Mami, as she is popularly known, in year 2001, added another feather in her musical cap. She won the coveted Rimawi Khawvel - “Best new Artist Award”. Accolades and applauses thundered every event the dusky husky new singer in town sang in, ever since. But the typical Piscean that she is, the level-headed Mami never bit the bait of ultra-glam offers that came her way to be an air-hostess, sing secular songs etc. Tempting though the lucrative offers on the surface were, the fish would not come out of water.

Christian Life: Well-groomed by her spiritually discerned daddy, C. Lalrinkima, Lalhmingmawii never strayed out of the bounds of Church activities and in-service values. Forenoon and evening time callers to her bsnl number usually get no response. She’d be either teaching in school or seated on a church-pew hearing a sermon . This savvy well-self-managed itinerary vocalist, when she is not lighting up Christian bashes in Manipur, Mizoram and Guwahati and Shillong, goes to take class 6 times, and to Church service 5 times in a week, sings hymns with the Vengchhak Presbyterian KTP-choir, helps mom in household chores and relaxes with country gospel music tuned on in her cozy ITI veng home.

Simple Desire: Emotionally attached to her dad and kid brother, Mami is proud of being a Mizo, loves to wear the locally woven wrap-around called ‘Puan’, delights in savouring Indian and Chinese dishes and dots on Psalm chapter 37 reading which gives her the spiritual succour to take on the sad side of life. Her burgeoning fan-following, that includes top-notch mandarins of the bureaucracy of home and neighbouring states, may look her up as a star-performer. But Mami’s main ambition is down-to-earth. As a daughter, she wishes to settle down via a holy marriage with a pliable, reliable, amenable and honest man who can read her moods and let her live a hassle-free life ever after.

The shooting of GGG: To make the video shoots of Gospel Goes Global songs look visually eye-catching, Mami took a month’s leave from duty in June, 2010. A perfect motivator and organiser that she is, she called the shots over locations, dresses to be worn, shot-angles and participation of back-up artists. It speaks well of the social good-will she enjoys that Vengchhak choir, on her request, willingly put up with the patience-taxing retakes for ‘World Aids Day’ shoot. She also managed to get permission from the state’s Arts & Culture department to shoot Kut song in the latter’s otherwise prohibited premises. The toil and sweat paid off well. The previews were commented upon in glowing terms.

WAD Song: Hot Favourite: The Aids song which had been already uploaded on Youtube Lunhaok or Aids C. Lalhmingmawii is the vocalist’s favourite. Mami also thinks highly of the tune-composition style of the title song by Chris, Gospel Goes global. In the theme song, GGG, which was superbly shot indoors inside a hall, Mami and Abea managed to raise the bar in Gospel song picturisation. Barring 3 songs of the album in which Abea provided the back-vocals and duet-partnership, it was Mami’s show all the way. Watching the ace performer act out and voice the high-flown words of this song-writer with poise and ease, without missing a beat, like a duck takes to water, it will not be a mismatch to sub-title C. Lalhmingmawii as AVZ –Amazing Voice of Zoram.

If God blesses the songs of this nondescript North East Indian Gospel album to actually go global, the credit should go to the hard work rendered by the Tune-Composers, the Studio Technicians, the Videographers and Editors, the Distributors and specially to the main Vocalist who gave the brilliant shots that made the song wordings come alive in video frames.

The Final Release: In the run-up to the October, 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi, hiring a decent auditorium in the NCR had for a lesser purpose had become almost impossible at this juncture. Thanks to their Christian brotherly attitude, Mizoram House, Vasant Vihar, Delhi, had agreed to let GGMI use their hall for the release bash of GGG video album on 28 august, 2010 at 3:30 pm. God willing, if things go well, Dr. H.T. Sangliana, the dynamic former super-cop-turned-MP who is presently serving the nation as Vice-Chairperson, NCM –National Commission For Minorities, had consented to grace the occasion as the Chief Guest.

Dedication: The Gospel album that showcases the latent talents of North east Indian artists will be dedicated for world-wide release by Rev Dino L Touthang, CEO, Habitat for humanity, New Delhi who also doubles up as Senior Pastor, KWS –Kuki Worship Service, Delhi, and the Chair, Micah Network. Rev/Pastor Paothang Haokip of OM fame who also serves the Lord as the Pastor of Good Shepherd Community Church, Hyderabad, will be the master of ceremonies. All Kuki-Mizo-Zomi friends of this author and the vocalists are invited to pray and attend the event.

Reproduced hereunder is the wording of this Song writer’s poetic take on God’s globalisation of the Gospel:


1. God told Adam not to eat the fruit,
Eve got sold on lies that hid the Truth;
Win for Satan, heaven was saddened,
Sin of Eden gave men a burden;
The good that he wants, he cannot do,
The evil he hates, he cannot spew.

We do what we like and guilt we get,
We rue o’er our lot and for sin fret;
The Word is grave but the world’s naive,
The Lord in Love calls His own to save;
Coz God wants to sin in all dispel,
The old Gospel is going global.

2. To the globe’s ends His trained the Lord sent,
That them who grope and faint may repent;
The Spirit moves, good- spell goes global,
Here creed dupes and Gospel goes tribal;
It’s time to re-link self with soul’s thirst,
Let’s rethink and put things of God first.

3. Crises have men bold, led down and fall,
Jesus loves souls and shed blood for all,
That all who life had pained to lose hope,
May come back to Him and regain hope;
That at home the Good News each may get,
God made Word go global in the net.
Lunminthang Haokip: The Author


By: Lunminthang Haokip

Introduction: The Gospel was there even in the Old Testament times in the implied sense in the shadow of the shape of things to come. Among other things that decorated Eden garden, the Creator left the masterpiece of His creativity in the form of Adam, and later, in Eve. However, Eve’s refusal to take divine warning seriously led to the subsequent fall of all the descendents of the original parentage. Adam wasn’t pro-active enough to get the lure of sin shut out in time. Banking heavily on falsity and fishing in the troubled waters of Eve’s vulnerability, the devil won in Eden and set up dens of its control over human affairs then, and even in the present times.

Author of life: But the baiter could never upstage the Maker. The Word of God, potent as ever, in the shade of moments, had always proved for all the world to know that it is He who “rules over the affairs of men (Daniel 5:21)” and have the final say in every situation in this mad bad world. The Gospel was the guideline and the means for the Almighty’s master-plan to restore the fallen nature of humankind, bind the adversary, write a new law on the table of a wretched heart and find a way out for a sin-bedevilled soul to be harmoniously re-linked to the real Author of life.

` Global Gospel: It all began in the Bible land – the places Lord Jesus treaded upon in his brief life-time. The “God who sees us”( Gen. 16:13) saw through appearances. Unlike in the present century, smartness and upward mobility were no plus points when Christ chose His disciples. In the hard-working fishing brothers, Peter and Andrew, the Master saw potential that if they followed Him, the unlettered duo could be made fishers of men (Matthew 4:19). Except for Judas Iscariot who betrayed Him at the end of the day, the rest of the chosen Eleven had no proper grounding in formal education.

Man from Above: The sagacious parables and other-worldly utterances of the Man from heaven needed proper recording. So, the wisdom of the Son of God felt the need to have a pen-pusher by His side to write down the historic miraculous events. The void was filled by Matthew, the pen-wielding Collector,,“Follow Me. And he arose and followed Him (Mt. 9:9)”. The hated tax collector, who could have ended as a mere wealthy local mortal, gave up worldly privileges, heeded the Saviour’s call and got His writing on the Gospel eternally etched in the all-time best seller, the Holy Bible.

Universality of the Gospel: Jesus was a Jew hailing from the Middle-East. But the
four Gospels on his action-packed earthly sojourn were meant for all the races settling in the four quarters of the globe - the North, the South, the East and the West. “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost (Mt. 28:19)”. In the Words of the Lord, one can feel the universal love, concern and empathy that endearingly match His command and authority. To a believer, the urgency to make the last Commandment the first commitment, is the be-all and the end-all of the Gospel. Nothing meets the needs of men better than the “Good News” does. The mirage-like answer that the most revered philosopher, atheist and scientist search in vain, if penitently sought, can be found with a revelation in the verses of the Holy Scripture. Nationalities and communities may dissect, divide and classify humanity and their nature. But the basic model-type of the mind in all the reasoning beings of the continents is the same. The Maker set the bytes and bit-rates of the cardiac beat in such a way that until or unless the mooring, emoting and yearning of the heart is in tune with the teaching of the Gospel, men will never have a soul-satisfying good spell .

Global Trouble: Kingdoms came, but were tamed, sooner or later. Dynasties ruled and got literally ruled out by another. But it’s amazing to delve upon the glaring historical fact that no force on earth could stop the spread of the “Good News” to establish Christ’s kingdom worldwide. Prophet Isaiah revealed the mind of God on the future of His Son’s reign 700 years before Christ was born. “Of the increase of His government and peace, there shall be no end (Isaiah 9:7)”. Despite gigantic odds put badly against the Good news, His government continues to make deep inroads into human sanity oblivious of the rule of other worldly forces and factors.

Wrath Of God: Money had been lavishly spent to blunt the cutting edge of the Gospel. No trick and ploy had been left unemployed to nib Christianity in the bud by the likes of Herod the great, the High Priests and the 20th century non-believers of the ‘Word of life’. But every move to throttle the Voice of the Saviour was calamitously met, action for action, with an earthquake, a spell of darkness, a breaking up of United Republics, a super-cyclone, a Tsunami, a Katrina or a Nargis in different regions of the globe. The disasters could have been avoided had the writing on the wall in Romans 1:18 been trusted by all concerned in letter and spirit, “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness”.

Gospel Went Global: What we called accidents of history, to the Supreme Ruler, were stage-managed plots to promote the cause of the Gospel further in the global orbit. The Roman empire had been nudged from above to construct roads in Bible-land towards the fag end of the B.C-era. In the first century A.D, St. Paul and the other Apostles used the same roads to drive the message of the Good News home. When Science and Technology were in mind-boggling doubt as to whether the earth was round or flat, Christopher Columbus was divinely guided, around the close of the 15th century, to locate and find the answer in Isaiah 40:22, “It is He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth”.

The Magic Verse: This singular verse led the adventurous marine hero to ultimately discover America. USA, in turn, was prepared to be strong enough to leave no stone unturned to see the teachings of Jesus go global. Faithful servants of God were equipped with savoir faire and skill to win souls for their Lord among the nations of the world. D.L Moody for USA and UK, John Wesley for England, David Livingstone for Africa, William Carey for India, Adoniram Judson for Burma etc. were raised with the purpose to save sinners from hellfire.

Global Technologies: Great preachers like Billy Graham and Joshua Daniel trotted the globe preaching the Good News in the 20th and 21st centuries. To convenience preaching from country to country through air-travel, the master Engineer put in inputs, in the beginning of the 20th century, in the minds of the God-fearing Wright Brothers to take heavy loads in the sky and not fall. The indelible imprint of the Creator was there in every technological discovery and its advancement. Be it Wireless set, motor engine, remedial medicines, radio and TV, printing machine, audio and visual devices, satellite TV or the Internet, despite men’s unfortunate misuses, were heavenly inspired and invented to speed up the pace of passing on the Good News that majority of the citizens of this ultra-modern world do not know is their prior and basic need. The Lord of Host, could even use wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to send devout Christians in the rank and file of US and South Korean Armies to witness in the battlefields and save souls to the uttermost.

Gospel and North East India: The Word of God had been given in ample doses for the past one and a half century to the people of North East India. Heathen cultures and traditions, that initially challenged the smooth inflow of the Spirit’s work, had undergone a drastic overhauling. Outlooks changed, lifestyles were given a lift, education dispelled and rediscovered ignorance, superstitious leanings gave way to institutional learning, Church buildings came up chock-a-block in earlier places of pagan worship and in government of states like Meghalaya, Nagaland, Mizoram and parts of Manipur, the Church was seen flexing its influential muscles in the right spirit in Civil Administration process.

Music Capital: Musically-inclined state like Mizoram, thanks to the pioneer Presbyterian missionaries’ lyrical bent of mind, took to Gospel singing as Mumbai does to movie-making, and qualified itself to be dubbed the “Music capital of India.” At the same time, labourers in the Lord’s vineyard have a lot to do, and pray for, to revive the spiritual wasteland of the churched region to make the will of God prevail over the will of the flesh. In some cases, the universal Truth of the Gospel took a beating under the suppressive impact of traditional norms to force the Gospel to go, but tribal. There were moves to intimidate professors of the Faith. Yet, the cheering words of Isaiah 54:17, “No weapon formed against thee shall prosper” had steered clear God’s children out of danger zone.

GOSPEL GOES GLOBAL Video Album: To salute and celebrate the globalisation of the Word, this obscure author, who also writes Gospel songs out of the overflow of a heart grateful for the Divine gift to piece words together in a readable manner and partly to unwind himself gainfully from the additional burdens of provincial administration, in a bid to make his writings read globally, scribbled down many songs. Eleven of the songs had been recorded in Hauhnar studio, Aizawl, Mizoram, India and shot in avi video format in the picturesque natural landscapes of the peaceful hill-town.

The GGG Team: Talented tune composers like JH Vanlalngheta, R. Lalbiakthanga, Chris MS Dawngkima, Mama, and Seigoumang Lhouvum had showcased their flairs in songs like, Gospel Goes Global Aids song, Go Gospel, Holy Marriage, Lonely in a crowd, I grieved Thee first, Hail North East, Kut, Light of life, Aizawl city and 50 years of blessing. The video cam-men, Zova and Patea, took the shots in professional proficiency around Mizoram’s capital hill-top city-of-cheer. The Gospel Goes Global audio CD and video DVD, produced by Mrs Nengkim Haokip under the banner of Go Gospel Ministry International, L. Thinglhangphai, Manipur, India is ready for worldwide release in the month of August, 2010. OM Books, Hyderabad will take care of sales in their network of Book stores across the globe except in parts of NE India and North West Myanmar. VIBES, Goa is to push sales of the DVD album within Goa state.

The Main Vocalist: The name is C (Chawngthu). Lalhmingmawii. She sings Gospel numbers like Jaci V, looks stunningly Latino and emotes like B. Mori. Her first Mizo audio album, “Kumsang Bithar” was a total sell-out. 30,000 copies bought across the NE Indian states in 2001 was no mean feat by regional standards. Yet, success never went to her head nor failure, to her heart. Her second and third ventures, “Remna Palai” and “Kachakna Lalpa” made her a household name in greater Zoram and NW Myanmar. With her twanged Yankee accent, picked up from her musical tour of 22 states, with a choir of kids in concert, in the western coast of US of A from August 2002 to July 2004, she recorded her first English audio, VOG’s “Go Gospel” in 2007 and GGMI’s “Gospel Goes Global” in 2010. Lonely in a crowd, the testimonial song of this author, was a part of GO Gospel audio album. The Mangheta composed number had become the fave choice of the wannabe singers (Zaihuai) for presentation in social functions.

Awards Came Early: Inspired by Mariah Carey internationally and nearer home, by the old-time Mizo female crooner, Lalduhawmi, Mami, as she is popularly known, in year 2001, added another feather in her musical cap. She won the coveted Rimawi Khawvel - “Best new Artist Award”. Accolades and applauses thundered every event the dusky husky new singer in town sang in, ever since. But the typical Piscean that she is, the level-headed Mami never bit the bait of ultra-glam offers that came her way to be an air-hostess, sing secular songs etc. Tempting though the lucrative offers on the surface were, the fish would not come out of water.

Christian Life: Well-groomed by her spiritually discerned daddy, C. Lalrinkima, Lalhmingmawii never strayed out of the bounds of Church activities and in-service values. Forenoon and evening time callers to her bsnl number usually get no response. She’d be either teaching in school or seated on a church-pew hearing a sermon . This savvy well-self-managed itinerary vocalist, when she is not lighting up Christian bashes in Manipur, Mizoram and Guwahati and Shillong, goes to take class 6 times, and to Church service 5 times in a week, sings hymns with the Vengchhak Presbyterian KTP-choir, helps mom in household chores and relaxes with country gospel music tuned on in her cozy ITI veng home.

Simple Desire: Emotionally attached to her dad and kid brother, Mami is proud of being a Mizo, loves to wear the locally woven wrap-around called ‘Puan’, delights in savouring Indian and Chinese dishes and dots on Psalm chapter 37 reading which gives her the spiritual succour to take on the sad side of life. Her burgeoning fan-following, that includes top-notch mandarins of the bureaucracy of home and neighbouring states, may look her up as a star-performer. But Mami’s main ambition is down-to-earth. As a daughter, she wishes to settle down via a holy marriage with a pliable, reliable, amenable and honest man who can read her moods and let her live a hassle-free life ever after.

The shooting of GGG: To make the video shoots of Gospel Goes Global songs look visually eye-catching, Mami took a month’s leave from duty in June, 2010. A perfect motivator and organiser that she is, she called the shots over locations, dresses to be worn, shot-angles and participation of back-up artists. It speaks well of the social good-will she enjoys that Vengchhak choir, on her request, willingly put up with the patience-taxing retakes for ‘World Aids Day’ shoot. She also managed to get permission from the state’s Arts & Culture department to shoot Kut song in the latter’s otherwise prohibited premises. The toil and sweat paid off well. The previews were commented upon in glowing terms.

WAD Song: Hot Favourite: The Aids song which had been already uploaded on Youtube Lunhaok or Aids C. Lalhmingmawii is the vocalist’s favourite. Mami also thinks highly of the tune-composition style of the title song by Chris, Gospel Goes global. In the theme song, GGG, which was superbly shot indoors inside a hall, Mami and Abea managed to raise the bar in Gospel song picturisation. Barring 3 songs of the album in which Abea provided the back-vocals and duet-partnership, it was Mami’s show all the way. Watching the ace performer act out and voice the high-flown words of this song-writer with poise and ease, without missing a beat, like a duck takes to water, it will not be a mismatch to sub-title C. Lalhmingmawii as AVZ –Amazing Voice of Zoram.

If God blesses the songs of this nondescript North East Indian Gospel album to actually go global, the credit should go to the hard work rendered by the Tune-Composers, the Studio Technicians, the Videographers and Editors, the Distributors and specially to the main Vocalist who gave the brilliant shots that made the song wordings come alive in video frames.

The Final Release: In the run-up to the October, 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi, hiring a decent auditorium in the NCR had for a lesser purpose had become almost impossible at this juncture. Thanks to their Christian brotherly attitude, Mizoram House, Vasant Vihar, Delhi, had agreed to let GGMI use their hall for the release bash of GGG video album on 28 august, 2010 at 3:30 pm. God willing, if things go well, Dr. H.T. Sangliana, the dynamic former super-cop-turned-MP who is presently serving the nation as Vice-Chairperson, NCM –National Commission For Minorities, had consented to grace the occasion as the Chief Guest.

Dedication: The Gospel album that showcases the latent talents of North east Indian artists will be dedicated for world-wide release by Rev Dino L Touthang, CEO, Habitat for humanity, New Delhi who also doubles up as Senior Pastor, KWS –Kuki Worship Service, Delhi, and the Chair, Micah Network. Rev/Pastor Paothang Haokip of OM fame who also serves the Lord as the Pastor of Good Shepherd Community Church, Hyderabad, will be the master of ceremonies. All Kuki-Mizo-Zomi friends of this author and the vocalists are invited to pray and attend the event.

Reproduced hereunder is the wording of this Song writer’s poetic take on God’s globalisation of the Gospel:


1. God told Adam not to eat the fruit,
Eve got sold on lies that hid the Truth;
Win for Satan, heaven was saddened,
Sin of Eden gave men a burden;
The good that he wants, he cannot do,
The evil he hates, he cannot spew.

We do what we like and guilt we get,
We rue o’er our lot and for sin fret;
The Word is grave but the world’s naive,
The Lord in Love calls His own to save;
Coz God wants to sin in all dispel,
The old Gospel is going global.

2. To the globe’s ends His trained the Lord sent,
That them who grope and faint may repent;
The Spirit moves, good- spell goes global,
Here creed dupes and Gospel goes tribal;
It’s time to re-link self with soul’s thirst,
Let’s rethink and put things of God first.

3. Crises have men bold, led down and fall,
Jesus loves souls and shed blood for all,
That all who life had pained to lose hope,
May come back to Him and regain hope;
That at home the Good News each may get,
God made Word go global in the net.