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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wordings of Gospel Goes Global Video album

By: Lunminthang Haokip
Tune : Abe-a Vocalist : Mami

1. Old song calls to Singapore ek bar,
New song tells all to go there bar bar;
Everyday people from near and far,
Ferry to island of cable cars
Goods and cash to make the nation spill,
And on the ashes of the sixties build.

Singapore, O Lee Kuan’s Singapore,
To thy shores blessings come more and more;
Sing praise for the neat city you have,
For such grace others can only crave;
No fear, no thief, no cheat and no bore,
For there is no poor in Singapore.

2. Leaders there for the good of all live,
Rulers care to net fruits to all give;
Workers do their job as of their own,
Traders woo to shop with their best shown;
Why the fair folks out there don’t defraud?
Coz key-folks go by the Truth of God.

3. Finesse make way for Asians to peak,
As Chinese, Malays and Indians, all tick;
Coz Christians love souls and look East,
It pays and make the city harvest;
For the C-begins now the world thirsts,
The youth there dot on Big C that’s Christ.


By: Lunminthang Haokip
Tune: Chris
Vocalists: C. Lalhmingmawii & Abea

1. God told Adam not to eat the fruit,
Eve got sold on lies that hid the Truth;
Win for Satan, heaven was saddened,
Sin of Eden gave men a burden;
The good that he wants, he cannot do,
The evil he hates, he cannot spew.

We do what we like and guilt we get,
We rue o’er our lot and for sin fret;
The Word is grave but the world’s naive,
The Lord in Love calls His own to save;
Coz God wants to sin in all dispel,
The old Gospel is going global.

2. To the globe’s ends His trained the Lord sent,
That them who grope and faint may repent;
The Spirit moves, good- spell goes global,
Here creed dupes and Gospel goes tribal;
It’s time to re-link self with soul’s thirst,
Let’s rethink and put things of God first.

3. Crises have men bold, led down and fall,
Jesus loves souls and shed blood for all,
That all who life had pained to lose hope,
May come back to Him and regain hope;
That at home the Good News each may get,
God made Word go global in the net.


By : Lunminthang Haokip
Tune: Abea

1. Well-fed and high-bred in heavenly shire
Of West Virginia that many desire;
The burden that God laid upon you all,
Had driven the will to braid on the call
To save those bound tight in lies of darkness
With which devils ride and the world harness.

We knew no God, all shamed by a dark spell,
You sued low gods, not ashamed of Gospel,
Fueled by American Baptist Churches,
Grace-held Lord-led Yankees, geared by hunches;
You came out of bliss to for Jesus fight
That you might be blessed to lead Life of Light.

2. Wild and vile, Manipur’s tribes were ruthless,
Mired in guile, money-poor folks were restless,
Blissful in sin, their real need they knew not,
Beautiful were the feet that their need brought;
That the light that shone lit and lifts up lives
Tells that the Good News in power of God thrives.

3. Prayer for us and gifts of faith we get,
Ever grip good minds to for Christ souls net;
Where the Truth is yet to have an impact,
The path you tread on to save souls-at-stake
Sure shall rake in gains and make heaven act;
‘For it’s more blessed to give than to take’.

4. Best in prayer-list, we delight to mention
A . B . C and the W . V . B. C,
That sacrifices it made didn’t go waste;
Church-edifices ‘dorn the hills in haste;
Great is the Sprit that the Missions drove
And still binds hearts of Nations in His Love


Vocalist: C. Lalhmingmawii

1. Are marriages made in high heaven?
Why are they at sixes and seven?
Coz we drop heaven and prop the heart,
We crib and teardrops are shed on the earth;
Prayer-fed shires build up truth society;
Spirit-led pairs spill good family;
If new home’s to be filled with goodwill,
It’s due that couples first seek God’s will.

We seek self-will and manage to shock,
Soon in sad grill, marriage’s on the rock;
We choose, fetch and clinch solely in haste,
Such a match will be folly-marriage,
That the strain of past-age be shut off,
And sin-chain of lineage be cut off;
It’s God’s bidding that you don’t elope
But with godly- wedding you take off.

2. Mod guys are pros to make flings an art,
Hep girls are prone to think with their heart;
If they sin and marry sans Maker,
They’ll not be happy ever after;
Lovers think they best know their future,
But sink down as they in tests venture;
That you mayn’t fail in life’s foxy lanes
Woo Him who will foretell what’s in hand.

3. Bone was not taken from Adam’s head,
So, Madam her Adam shouldn’t look down;
Neither was it cut from the foot-edge,
A wife’s not to be trampled upon;
The rib-bone was removed from his side,
Eve and her man were same in His sight;
Ripped ‘part was flesh closer to male’s heart,
Partners must love much and never part.


By: Lunminthang Haokip
Vocal: Abea

1. Born and bred outside your will O Lord,
Torn by shreds of pride, all not of God;
On tipsy lanes, self walked in a blur,
And like vain hippy, talked in a slur;
Deep in pet sins, I wove nest and hive
That haunted me for the rest of my life.

We call it sin, it was tough to shun;
To commit sin, it sure was great fun;
Now I see them roll back on my kids,
How I rue when their deeds my heart hit!
I plead your pardon Lord, forgive me
That condoned they be that’re part of me.

2. Being human, we do good and bad things;
We want the good to us blessing bring
And the bad not to harm our offspring;
The way of God is right and suits most,
The sins we yielded to are never lost;
For them, shielded ones pay heavy cost.

3. “Remember your sins will find you out”
Says the God of Love who warns us loud;
When my past makes my dear child suffer,
Where can I go ‘xcept to her Maker?
My sins found me out, I confess Lord;
Help me set right and us live Thy Word.


By: Lunminthang Haokip

1. Losing years of the spirit’s slumber,
Saw the Gospel-ardor go lesser;
An error in echoing the Good News
Armed terror in causing the sad news;
The hard-minds soft-pedal The Creator
Here where the top evil-prone prospers;
God’s bliss odd men’s lethal–bent shatters
And land’s peace, periled, lies in tatters.

Need sieves into the leaders’ psyche,
Creed creeps into the followers’ frailty;
In truth the wild youth had not been bred,
And the fruit of fraud is widely spread;
Defying the sorrow of the morrow,
Deified desire tapers one’s borough;
There where sin’s tease and turns sow discord,
Let fights cease and peace return O Lord.

2. Fear and tear trail the trap terror lays,
Weak in ire’s the pale man called to pay;
‘Alms’ are shelled out to an eerie frown,
Lest one be offered a thorny crown,
Crippled are trade and learning lane’s pace,
Throttled is the voice of divine grace;
Where flesh rules and ears don’t hear thy Word,
Let flare-ups cool and peers cheer Thee Lord.

3. As true bearers of the cross we preach,
And few repairers of the gross breach;
Let’s all repent and to God beseech
That come peace be the war cry of each;
Where the mind’s under devil’s seize,
Let, in His shine, heat of anger freeze;
In regions where saints are ill-at-ease,
Let not in good-will, passion’s prayer cease.

By: Lunminthang Haokip

1. On the fertile banks of sung Jamuna,
A mile away from the Sangam-mania;
God and Sam, at the unique spot once met,
There, for Agri-univ, the stage was set;
Past century saw old-tech yield to new,
With new tech and zeal, AAIDU’s hi-yield grew.

Pained by sorrow of the-men-with-the-hoe,
Wired to know ways and means to deal their woe;
The Lord burdened Sam to His word follow,
And build on a theme called Gospel and plough;
The hungry were fed and the sick got healed,
For God reigns AAIDU and His will’s revealed.

2. In AAIDU, you can go for any choice,
It’s true that Theology, there’s another course;
One from M. Tech to Mass com, you just name,
Dairy of Forestry, their Forms are same;
All that they care’s to impart new ideas
That grads’ll share as experts in need-areas.

3. That which makes AAIDU stand out above par,
Isn’t the know-how they lend to near and far;
It’s the Gospel-ball named “Yeshu Darbar”
Where spell-bound thousands of souls come bar bar;
Sinners see sense and rinse life’s tin and dross,
And the Wise C’s not ashamed of the cross.

4. Dear young boys and girls living in AAIDU,
Fear God coz He sees all things you do;
That you do when alone Lord monitors,
Like in building, the unseen part matters;
Read the Word daily and let your prayer peak,
Seven days without prayer makes one weak.


By: Lunminthang Haokip
Vocalist: C.Lalhmingmawii

1. In this crazy mess between two poles,
In His savvy tests to prune true souls;
The just, in bad times, limp to suffer,
The unjust, in crimes, seem to prosper;
And when I as Lord’s own ponder—
Why a trend of woe on me hovers,

God nudges that His mind I may know,
God judges His that all pray in awe;
“Coz I believe but didn’t grip fast,
Coz you redeem but I grieved you first,
You make me earn the depths of sorrow
That I may learn steps of the morrow,”

2. The traits I’s born with are really bad,
Trades in fraud made me a wily lad;
Waits upon the Lord were more of a fad,
Tirade’ gainst my own lot makes me sad;
And when the loner in me wonders—
Why saner guys end up as losers,

3. Things I did for my Lord were little,
Rings from God to peak makes me fiddle;
Taught in truth to souls win and perform,
Odds shrewd, duped by sin, fouls to sap form;
And when in defeat, I plead and mourn
As to why I repeat sin and groan,


By: Lunminthang Haokip
Vocalist: C.Lalhmingmawii

1. If autumn and spring in the hills come
Can Eimi kut-Fest be far behind?
If rythm of strings make the hills hum,
It’s Eigam’s good fest that years rewind;
And he who gets from kut a welcome,
Forgets who he is from nine to nine.

2. “Let’s dine, let us wine and make merry,
It’s fine, time is mine, let us marry”;
That’s the bad and mad cry of the youth
The brat is the fruit and sin its root;
It’s sad that kut-freedom set the trend
When the good Lord’s kingdom is at hand.

For all Eimi-links, it is a truth-
In Eigam, ties cling to good old kut;
Kut of yore was a post-harvest spree,
Kut of ours is a high cost-fest free;
Old folks sowed seed and wined in kut-hype,
Let’s, on kut-day, sow the seed of life.

3. Kut’s a carnal spree oldies nurture,
Kut’s a vocal plea for bold culture,
Kut’s a flip to uplift our stature,
But kut is a trip back to nature.
Where the Lord’s ordained can never reign,
How will godly refrain ever gain?

4. Songs enthrall as the show larks and crams,
Catcalls follow catwalks on the ramp;
Labours to grab ‘boooty’ knows no pain,
“Favour beguiles and beauty is vain,
A woman who fears God shall be praised”;
For Miss Kut, why not Miss Good be raised?

By: Lunminthang Haokip

1. Hillman wills that fit sons fill houses;
That well-heeled he may be in crises;
Be the man richer or poorer type,
Settled he’s not till male-wish hits five;
But in times good, better and bitter,
It’s daughters that matter and differ;
To in tests terse or sad, grind and grill,
Hold on fast to that mom and dad will.

Sons parents dot on keep on bungling,
And daughters keep the home-fires burning ;
It’s blessed to be born a woman,
It’s asset not to have woe of men;
God’s good to lass of North-east India,
She’s free from ills that hot up media;
In all she does, she’s cheered and well-placed,
‘ But woman who fears god shall be praised’.

2. Past her prime, any dame must move out
From the cozy hive she grew up in;
Cheated by hope, love fades out in doubt,
Jilted snobs by false suitors’re done in,
Swift twists and turns of a lover’s lane,
Leads to pain that forever ties train;
Hunches hold if His will’s first taken,
Matches God makes for you in Heaven.

3. It’s a high gift of God the Maker
That a bride ‘dapts ways to suit taker;
Picking the tips of change right from scratch,
To a strange fresh way on she may latch;
Out of bridal garb, life is new leash,
Who she grabs, she must’ve to the finish;
To hypes of new home she may be shy,
But wife’s fate lies in not to ask why.


Song Writer: Lunminthang Haokip
Tune composer: Mangheta (Aizawl)
Vocalist: C. Lalhmingmawii

1. “Be holy”, says He “as I am holy”,
It’s God’s only tip to Aids-worry;
‘Who cares’, says the nut that seeks the needle;
He dares and strays off to in fits fiddle;
Riled by sin of men, God sends a disease;
To cure it, wit of men’s always amiss.

It’s a mad bad world; yet the Lord holds sway,
It’s sad for the whole to have World Aids Day;
All that ill-fate had spared from Aids’ ordeal,
Let’s call Him who hears; and vow in a deal,
That we’ll win souls with the Word as the key,
And make this mess-between-two-poles Aids-free.

2. Odd are the fads of wild desires let loose,
He who’s hooked knows not it is death he woos;
Sin trips lured partners to by virus flood
When love tricks for queer blood to touch pure blood;
Wives and babes too’re done in by the potion;
For’em, to live’s wait for death in slow-motion.

3. When goods get snapped, we go to the dealer,
If our being’s sapped, let’s call on the Maker;
Sin lies to give joy but makes you suffer;
The cross offers ploy to get over;
The God who can breathe life and make you live
Sure can turn a gone case get really well.


Author: Lunminthang Haokip
Tune composer: R. Lalbiakthanga (Abe-a)

1. Nearer home is a shire non-lesser,
A border sapphire that links Myanmar;
Hills and dales that God’s wishes unveil;
In a no frills county called North East,
That warm vibes His own may share and fuse,
The Lord wills firm tribes to dwell in peace.

We like pride and to the land bring fears,
We love fights and to women bring tears;
Lure of wealth covers cure of the Word;
Word of men rules o’er way of the Lord;
Mend your flaws and live God’s laws will sail
As end-chant to bail and hail North East.

2. Shrewd plans badly moved our own folds ail,
Good moves sadly proved make the soul wail;
Life–lifting schemes make us all scheming,
High-living cream too keep on seeking;
Will this augur well to thirst for more,
Here where Christ gave His all and sins bore?

3. The riches the Maker blessed us with,
The Churches sinners in stress visit;
Will do less to lift up ties and traits,
Unless we give up lies in true-faith,
When the world pants in vain to Look East
The whole stands to gain most in Look Christ.


Author: Lunminthang Haokip
Vocalists: Abea, Hluteii & co.

1. Where there’s no vision, people perish,
Where there’s no will-of-God, widows increase;
My own folks, you love one another,
Says our good Lord and God the father;
Love of land, tribe and self is greater,
Among the nations, we are smaller.

In a bid to build church of own choice,
Coz each wants to lead own fold’s sad voice;
Church-folks who once sang in one accord,
Are now split followers of one Lord;
That we may regain spiritual strength,
The binding KCFI, let’s all make ours.

2. We may be parted by land borders,
Maybe we’re bound by rules and orders;
But, like the trees, our roots of origin
And branches, in Christ are enjoined;
That the poor and deprived may get well,
Let’s put to use might of the Gospel.

3. To be stewards, on earth we were kept,
To be honoured in God, we were left;
But we swap His will with vain passions,
We’re below our due among nations,
Wake up, let’s cease to for Christ seize land,
Let Christ for Kukis be the peace-chant.


Author: Lunminthang Haokip
Tune composer: R. Lalbiakthanga (Abe-a)

4. Nearer home is a shire non-lesser,
A border sapphire that links Myanmar;
Hills and dales that God’s wishes unveil;
In a no frills county called Chandel,
That warm vibes His own may share and fuse,
The Lord wills firm tribes to dwell in peace.

We like pride and to the land bring fears,
We love fights and to women bring tears;
Lure of wealth covers cure of the Word;
Word of men rules o’er way of the Lord;
Mend your flaws and live God’s laws will sail
As end-chant to bail and hail North East.

5. Shrewd plans badly moved our own folds ail,
Good moves sadly proved make the soul wail;
Life–lifting schemes make us all scheming,
High-living cream too keep on seeking;
Will this augur well to thirst for more,
Here where Christ gave His all and sins bore?

6. The riches the Maker blessed us with,
The Churches sinners in stress visit;
Will do less to lift up ties and traits,
Unless we give up lies in true-faith,
When the world pants in vain to Look East
The whole stands to gain most in Look Christ.

By: Lunminthang Haokip
Tune : Abe-a Vocalist : Mami

1. Old song calls to Singapore ek bar,
New song tells all to go there bar bar;
Everyday people from near and far,
Ferry to island of cable cars
Goods and cash to make the nation spill,
And on the ashes of the sixties build.

Singapore, O Lee Kuan’s Singapore,
To thy shores blessings come more and more;
Sing praise for the neat city you have,
For such grace others can only crave;
No fear, no thief, no cheat and no bore,
For there is no poor in Singapore.

2. Leaders there for the good of all live,
Rulers care to net fruits to all give;
Workers do their job as of their own,
Traders woo to shop with their best shown;
Why the fair folks out there don’t defraud?
Coz key-folks go by the Truth of God.

3. Finesse make way for Asians to peak,
As Chinese, Malays and Indians, all tick;
Coz Christians love souls and look East,
It pays and make the city harvest;
For the C-begins now the world thirsts,
The youth there dot on Big C that’s Christ.

By: Lunminthang Haokip
Tune : Abe-a Vocalist : Mami

1. Old song calls to Singapore ek bar,
New song tells all to go there bar bar;
Everyday people from near and far,
Ferry to island of cable cars
Goods and cash to make the nation spill,
And on the ashes of the sixties build.

Singapore, O Lee Kuan’s Singapore,
To thy shores blessings come more and more;
Sing praise for the neat city you have,
For such grace others can only crave;
No fear, no thief, no cheat and no bore,
For there is no poor in Singapore.

2. Leaders there for the good of all live,
Rulers care to net fruits to all give;
Workers do their job as of their own,
Traders woo to shop with their best shown;
Why the fair folks out there don’t defraud?
Coz key-folks go by the Truth of God.

3. Finesse make way for Asians to peak,
As Chinese, Malays and Indians, all tick;
Coz Christians love souls and look East,
It pays and make the city harvest;
For the C-begins now the world thirsts,
The youth there dot on Big C that’s Christ.

By: Lunminthang Haokip
Tune : Abe-a Vocalist : Mami

1. Old song calls to Singapore ek bar,
New song tells all to go there bar bar;
Everyday people from near and far,
Ferry to island of cable cars
Goods and cash to make the nation spill,
And on the ashes of the sixties build.

Singapore, O Lee Kuan’s Singapore,
To thy shores blessings come more and more;
Sing praise for the neat city you have,
For such grace others can only crave;
No fear, no thief, no cheat and no bore,
For there is no poor in Singapore.

2. Leaders there for the good of all live,
Rulers care to net fruits to all give;
Workers do their job as of their own,
Traders woo to shop with their best shown;
Why the fair folks out there don’t defraud?
Coz key-folks go by the Truth of God.

3. Finesse make way for Asians to peak,
As Chinese, Malays and Indians, all tick;
Coz Christians love souls and look East,
It pays and make the city harvest;
For the C-begins now the world thirsts,
The youth there dot on Big C that’s Christ.

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