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Monday, September 6, 2010

35th Wedding Anniversary of Mr & Mrs Ngamthang Haokip

Dish-co-munching at Gamnom Sapormaina
Favouring Shot; Dr DD Haokip IFS
KBC Local Choir
Mr and Mrs Ngamthang Haokip on stage

Imphal, the 6th September, 2010

35th wedding anniversary: Ngamthang Haokip of Gamnom Sapormaina (a corrupted word for sapers and miners camp)is a household name in the state of Manipur. The former Minister of this state may as well be referred as the showman of Sadar Hills. He does not know how to throw a small bash. If it is his, it has to be grand and pompous. The 35th anniversary of his marriage with his beloved wife, Heshi Haokip who he lovingly addresses as "kajinu" was no exception. All roads led to Sapormaina today.

The speeches:: Apart from the host, his elder brother, Seikholen Haokip, amused the 3000 strong well-wishers of the socially popular couple in his brief but entertaining speech."My brother Ngamthang, in his speech said he wishes to see their 50th wedding anniversary too", Seikholen said in jocular spirit. "But We all must wish and pray that my brother and my sister-in-law celebrate their 100th wedding anniversary too", saying thus, the only elder brother of Ngamthang who he respects like a dad concluded his talk.

The Entertainers: The Nepali dance performed by make-belief Nepalis of the locality was superb. The well-choreographed dance steps kept the audience glued to their seats with some artistic turns and moves of the body. The dance added feathers to the total festivity of the anniversary celebration. The juvenile touch of the vertical movements, later, energised the host and the hostess to shake a leg and wave a hand to the tune of Lenkhom song.

The Gospel song renditions: KBC Gamnom Sapormaina local Church choir presented a group song item to felicitate the host couple on their D-day. The number went well with the hearers. It was followed by the chrt-rocking Gospeel song item rendered solo by the much under-rated T2K @ Tintin Kipgen of Keithelmanbi.In the auspicious occasion, T2K shone like Wordsworth's Lucy -like a star when only one is shining in the sky.

The Crowd: None was lonely in the big crowd that came, invited or otherwise, to the community hall of Gamnom Sapormaina this day.Credit must be given to the event-managers of the anniversary jamboree. Not less than 3000 people well fed with sumptuous meals. It was quite a sight to watch folks from all walks of life feasting together to their hearts' content. The host wanted it big and eventful, and it exactly turned out to be so.

The VVIPs and VIPs: Among the politicos, Pu Thangso Baite, Hon'ble MP and his wife, Mrs Hatkhoneng Baite were most visible. Many Former and Ex-Ministers like Pu Korungthang, Former MLAs and Party functionaries also made their presence felt in the jam-packed anniversary bash. The unexpected guest was Pu LS John, former Minister.Pu Seipu Sitlhou, Hon'ble Chairman, Sadar Hills District Council and most of the newly sworn in MDCs of SH-ADC also turned up.

The Bureaucrats: Mr P.Sharat IAS, DG, SAT; WL Hangshing, IAS, Commissioner(PHED), Mr Pachuau IPS, IGP(Admn), Dr. DD Haokip IFS and SP/Chandel, among others, were seen around in the anniversary event till the end. Their full-bodied participation, for sure, gave a shot in the arm to the morale of Mr and Mrs Ngamthang Haokip.

The Spiritual Brigade: Dr. Hawlngam Haokip was the Minister of the function. Rev V. Sitlhou, GS, MBC, offered prayer in saying grace before the feast. Pastor N. Baite of KBC acted as the master of ceremonies. Most of the KBC Pastors and Reverends including the Ex Secretary, Rev Thangsat Kipgen showed up to wish the Haokip twossome. The bash concluded in a cheerful note with vote of thanks from Tongkhohao Haokip of Saitu.

-Lunminthang Haokip

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