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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Joy To My World

Mr. and Mrs Lunminthang Dec 2010
Hechin Haokip - Pianist cum Gospel Singer
Voice with a Mission - Hlutei
L.Thinglhangphai Advent Christmas 2010
By: Lunminthang Haokip

Advent Christmas, 2010: The month of December, for every Christian is hectic with capital H. But I did not expect my world to be so joyously filled with back to back events this year round. As scheduled in my itinerary, Advent Christmas celebrations were conducted at three places of my routine frequent visits. The first meeting was held at my ancestral village, L. Thinglhangphai; the second at Myanmar’s north western township, Tamu; and the third at Manipur’s border town, Moreh. It was carols and the word of God all the way. The Lord was the shepherd indeed.

L.T Phai Meeting: On 11 December, 2010, the weather was limping back to a sunny day from a three day continuous drizzle in the preceding days. The backblock village, which also head quarters GGMI – Go Gospel Ministry, International, is situated 80 Kms south of Imphal. The pastoral rural settlement lies on the fringe of the fertile Serou valley just about one and a half Kms from Chakpi river over which the longest bridge in Manipur is under construction. Once the NEC-funded riverside flyover is opened for traffic, which hopefully will happen in March next year, nothing can stop domestic tourists from visiting the picturesque location in hordes. It will be joy to the region.

Gospel Blast: At 11 am on December 11 last, the otherwise quite village became alive with Gospel music. NJT hall of the area was almost full. In between Gospel messages preached with renewed vigour by this Author and Pastor Prakash of LEF, Imphal centre, top-notch Gospel crooners from Aizawl and Manipur sang carols that went down well from one’s soul to sole. C. Lalhmingmawii who earned the acronym of AVZ – Amazing voice of Zoram, sang Go Gospel number with unreserved passion. Hlutei from Aizawl, a YWAM – Youth With a Mission–trained singer, enthralled YWNM –Youth with No Mission – with her popular renditions. Hechin Haokip, an accredited Kuki Gospel crooner, also sang and moved hearts with her chart-rocking songs. It was joyous carols all the turns.

12 December, 2010: The hall in the premises of IBC –Immanuel Baptist Church - Tamu was packed to the brim by 1130 hrs. The Gospel trio of Mami, Hlutei and Hechin sang heart-softening numbers that prepared the audience for the main message. They were joined by Esther Sitlhou, the local voice of grace, in the combined Advent Christmas Worship Service of Tamu. Solo numbers were calculatingly used as baits for folks across the border to take the Word whole. Following IBC choir’s group song, this author spoke on the importance of the birth of Christ.

The Sermon: It went on after prayer. Men were separated from God due to the breaking of the Creator’s commandment. Curse came upon mankind through the disobedience of the first parents. Sin was so serious an issue that it cost nothing lesser than God’s only Son Jesus to take birth as a man, suffer as a man and die as a man so that humankind may settle the sin-factor by accepting Him as their Lord and Saviour. Through Him the world came to know the saving grace of God, the father, which hitherto was left to man’s imagination.

Moreh Meeting: On the same day, in the evening service of Lutheran Church, Moreh, this Author spoke again on the purpose of Jesus’ birth at Bethlehem. God provided a remedy for the malady called sin. It was Jehovah’s way of showering mercy to an un-deserving world devoid of righteousness. Man could not save himself. Sin is not something soap and detergent powder can rinse away. All the other earthly problems we struggle with are nothing in comparison. The Bible says, the price of sin is death. That means eternal burn in hellfire. Through the birth of our Lord, God offered a way out. The four Gospels represent completeness like the four corners and directions of the earth – north, south, East and west. Jesus is the Saviour. He alone can save completely from any type of sin.

“Wherefore He is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them (Hebrews 7:25)”.

Total Safety: Money may save one from poverty. Houses can save from severity of weather. Guns may save from real or imagined fear. But at the end of life, when a human being is about to become a human-been with fear of eternal death gnawing at the vitals, it is only total trust in the saviour Jesus and confession of sin that is going to save him for ever. Whether we appreciate it or not, that is what God had made clear for sin-burdened mortals through the scripture. There is no alternative solution to sin-problem.

Real Christmas: In Christmas season, spiritual ignorance makes many to eat, shop and hop from one pleasure trip to another. A Christmas celebration without Christ has become kind of fashionable. Frills like Santa Claus, Christmas tree, Christmas cake, Christmas parties and Lenkhom jokes are nothing but shallow deterrents to the essence of true Christmas spirit. A deeper look and read at the life of Jesus who did not carry two pairs of dress, sandals etc, who had to hire a donkey for His last journey, fish for coins to pay tax and who had no burial place, will wake us up from our spiritual stupor. Only then will the inner man experience real joy. Any other way of celebrating Christmas will end up in sorrow. God meant Christmas to be “Joy to the world”.

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Glut Of Diplomats

Moreh, the 20th September, 2010

Report by: Lunm,inthang haokip, ADC, Moreh, Manipur, India.

The Visit: 8 Heads of Missions of ASEAN countries were supposed to visit Moreh border town on the 20th of September, 2010. Finally 7 of them, with a Director of DONER and other officials of Manipur state, made it to Moreh. At 9:30 am , the officials of Chandel District Administration and the community leaders of Moreh welcomed the visiting diplomats at Trade Centre, Moreh.

The Team: The visitors were:
1. HE Gen (Retd) Andi Muhammad Ghalib, Ambassador,
Embassy of the republic of Indonesia.

2. HE Dato Paduka Haji Sidek Ali,
High commissioner, High commission of Brunei Darussaiam.

3. HE Mr. Thongpanh Syackhaphom ,
Ambassador, Embassy of People's Democratic Republic

4. HE Dato Tan Seng Sung,
high commissioner, High commission of malaysia.

5. HE Mr. Kyl Thein, Ambassador,
Embassy of the Union of Myanmar.

6. HE Mr. Calvin Eu,
high commissioner, High Commission of the Republic of Singapore.

7. HE Mr. Krit Kraichitti,
Ambassador, Embassy of the Kingdom of Thailand.

The Arrangements: Under the efficient leadership of Respected Chief Secretary of Manipur, Sir D.S Poonia, the concerned departments of the Government of Manipur got cracking from the first week of September. Several rounds of meetings were held at the brilliantly revamped and re-furnished office chamber of the C.S. The departments executed their responsibilities well in time and with finesse.

The Charges: The WAD was the overall in-charge department for providing hospitality, site-visits, cultural entertainment and presentation of gifts to the HoM team who were put up at the swanky Classic hotel. Commerce and Industries department co-ordinated the Moreh/ICP-site visits while the Manipur Police took stock of the security for the VIPs. As usually done, Assam Rifles provided facilities for breakfast for the HoM team on their way to Moreh and back at Tengnoupal.

The Short Stay: Thanks to the efforts of the Department of Industry and Commerce coupled with hard work put in by MANIDCO, the new imposing building of ITISFC, Moreh could be inaugurated in time on 19 September, 2010 by Hon'ble Minister, Ind & Comm, CAF & PD and Co-Operation. The Heads of Mission, with their personal staff and spouses in tow, were the first to occupy the VIP rooms of the Integrated Trade Information and Stay Facility Centre. Lunch was served at the ground floor dining hall of the new SFC.

The Tamu Visit: This writer who is the head of administration at the cutting edge of Moreh Block administration, took pains to get unofficial permit for the visiting diplomats to visit Tamu town on 20 September, 2010. The Myanmarese authorities granted Verbal permit for the said purpose on 19 September last. The Chairman, DPDC, Tamu, also co-operated in this regard. The Ambassadors enjoyed the pagoda visit, the market tour and the Tamu Chairman's sumptuous hospitality at his office premises.

Interactions Galore: The High commissioners and the Ambassadors' visit had a lasting impact on the residents of Moreh and Tamu. They were informal in their interactions with the officials of the state. The bonding had much to do with similarity of physical features they share with the local people. Curious to know more about Moreh, Tamu and the much hyped-up Asian Highway and Border Trade, the Diplomats gave as much info as the took from the visited.

The GGMI Inaugural Meeting At Tamu

IBC Soloist and Pianist
Naga Baptist Youth Trio; Tamu
Methodist Youth Choir Tamu
IBC Youth Choir, Tamu

Tamu, the 19th September, 2010

IBC Hall Filled: At the stroke of 1:30 pm, the new hall of Immanuel Baptist Church, Tamu was filled. About 200 young and old church people of Myanmar's north west border town gathered to participate in the inaugural monthly meeting of GGMI - Go Gospel Ministry International at Tamu. It was a good turn-out for a new ministry's maiden venture through mouth-to-mouth publicity.

The Motivation: Tamu has a sizable Christian population. The border township of Sagaing Division had become a happening business hub. Almost all the organised churches of Myanmar make their presence felt at Tamu. Given the right doses of the Gospel, churched folks out there are ripe and ready for harvest. If Moreh is the only functional eastern corridor for India, Tamu is Myanmar's only north western all-season trade outlet by road. The twin-corridors can be joined by frequent evangelical fellowships to form a spiritual channel for the business of cross-border Gospel transaction.

The Zeal To Learn English: Like many other ASEAN nations, Myanmar too had been bitten by the English bug. The victim age groups are more inclusive than exclusive. The itch to communicate to the world through the internet had triggered the young and the young-in-heart to have a working knowledge of the Queen's tongue. Other languages are also offered as media of communication; but where is the fun in corresponding only with one's ethnic friends. There is thrill in passing on the spirit that is one's own in a language that is not one's own. The only way to socially peak and go global is through mastery of the language the West speak. That is the lake of troubled waters where GGMI wants to fish with the English-craze as the bait.

The Facilitators: With the blessing of Rev Thangpao Haokip, Pastor, IBC who opened the service in the afternoon of 19 September, 2010, with invocation prayer, GGMI's first international meeting took off. The Youth department of IBC deserves commendation for their dedication and skill in setting the stage for inter-denominational worship. A lot of running around was required. Getting things done across the border was made easy by IBC's Youth Pastor who is fresh from a Bangalorean Seminary, Douthang Haokip. He made all the contacts on GGMI's behalf. In short, he was the man of the match.

The Warm-up: Apart from the two group song items IBC Youth enthused the audience by, Youth choir of Methodist Church, Naga Baptist Church and CBS, Tamu, warmed up hearts with Gospel numbers sung in English, Mizo and Burmese. Loud music played on keyboard lifted up the spirit of worship. Diction and fluency in speaking English, I encouraged the song teams, will improve by leaps and bounds if they learn how to think in English instead of their own dialect.

The GGMI Theme: I was made to preach with GGMI's theme "Give Youth The Truth" as the topic. Half-truths and the ignorance of the full Truth had ruined millions of souls who could have been wonderful achievers otherwise. Potential YWAM ended up as YWNM - Youth with no mission, all because they made the wrong choice at crucial turns of life. Giving the Truth in time, therefore, is saving the future of the Church from going berserk. The youth know many things they need not know. Bad knowledge brings one under bondage. One should be led to true knowledge. "You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free (John 8:32)".

Why Preach The Gospel?: Someday the good spell of grace will come to an abrupt end. We are living in extra time. The Giver of life can blow the end-whistle any time. And billions of Christ-ignoring citizens across the continents had not been saved. In Mark 16:15, the resurrected Jesus commanded His Disciples and future believers to "preach to every creature". It is our bounden duty to make His last commandment our first commitment. The Gospel is aptly named the Good News. It is the only news that has the power to cut a penitent sinner off his sinful past to start a life afresh. Every person, place and nation that was touched and influenced by the Gospel gained respect, honour and harmony.

The Right choice: Choices make or unmake a man. David made a wrong choice after making many right choices. His choice to rubber-neck around from a balcony, when he should have been focusing on the battle, brought total chaos and bloodshed in his family. He was known more for his wrong choice than the right choices. In Exodus 32:26, Moses threw a challenge on his people. In the thick of idol-worship, the towering Jewish leader insisted that whoever was on the Lord's side should follow him. When the 11 tribes of Israel turned away, the Levites chose Moses and secured their future as a priestly clan. Matthew chose to give up a lucrative Collector's job to follow Jesus. Matt. 9:9. He never looked back. He got the privilege of recording the Lord's first Gospel and became a household name.

Choices For The Youth: Coke or Pepsi may be touted as the right choice in the ad slogans. It's right as far as cold drinks are concerned. But when it concerns eternal life and death, only Jesus is the right choice. In making choices, a miss is as good as a mile. The remedy for the curse of Genesis 3:16 is given at John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life". When a guy does not choose to claim the promise of God in John 3:16, chances are that he may end up holding an M-16 in distress. The devil hides the bitter truth of the consequences of choosing M-16 over John 3:16. Preaching the Gospel highlights the demerit of the former and the merit of the latter.

Friday, September 17, 2010

GGMI Making Tamu Debut

The author, Lmt, relaxing at leisure
Tamu IBC Service; 11 September, 2010
IBC - Half-filled
IBC Tamu. Leaders' gallery
IBC Choir presenting group song

The Days gone By:

Moreh, the 11th September, 2010:

Crossing the Border for The Cross: I was invited to preach in IBC - Immanuel Baptist Church, Tamu, Myanmar. The 500 odd membership Church had half of its members attending the Sunday morning meeting on that day. The singing was full-throated, the music passable and leaders enthusing. It was always my pleasure to have been offered the pulpit there in the lively congregation of Sagaing Division's north west border town.

Tithe-Hype: One thing that attracted me inside the church building was the writing on the wall, "Lung-tup: ......Kyats; Musa: ........Kyats". Translated roughly, the writing meant, " Target (Tithe): .....Kyats; In Hand: .......Kyats". The notification on tithe-stats was simple, succinct and straight. The preliminaries of church, service, however, were not. I liked their sense and style of brief dialect usage. brevity, certainly, is the soul of wit; if not of soul-winning.

The Message: The text was taken from Ecl. 1: 1 to 11. King Solomon lamented over the earth and its inhabitants as a Scientist (Nothing is changed -v. 4-7) first and later as a Philosopher(Nothing is new; v. 8-11). The end-result of everything he did with great hopes turned out to be vanity. What the king of wisdom kindled but left unsaid was that the only things of spiritual value, that would keep us in good stead, in the life beyond death, are the ones we do reluctantly, now, for our Lord. To that I added my own experience on the Solomonic line of thinking.

Life of Monotony: An old college joke: Put Mona and Tony together and it becomes monotony. Jokes aside, our lives too are not different. At times, I ask myself. Why do I work? To get money is the logical answer. Then, why do I want money? To buy food for sustenance. Why should I buy food-stuff? To gain and maintain strength, every guy who is not insane would say. Okay. if someone asks me, why do you have to gain strength? The only rational answer at my mental disposal will be, "I need to gain strength to enable myself to work". So, it's back to square one: the first question. Monotony.

I endorsed Solomonic take on Lifee: It dawned upon me that I had to give my IBC audience something novel that they could identify themselves with. Yes, there was nothing new. I wake up every morning to wash up, meet people, attend meetings and get ready in haste to either go to Moreh, the place of my placement, or drive at break-neck speed from Moreh in order not to be late for an importing meeting at Imphal or my DHQ, Chandel. Nothing new. The only new thing is that I had to break another door-lock and buy a new one. In geeting ready in a hurry at Moreh, I leave behind Imphal-key and vice versa. In my case, it is "ready in haste and repent at leisure". I could see folks in the pew bursting in amusement.

Is Life Worth Living? Solomon questioned>. The implied meaning is that generations of people came and went. Old systems gave way for new ones. Lifestyles and fashions changed, decade after decade, but the essence of life and permanence of planet earth remained the same. "As sure as the world", the Author echoed. And one sure thing man wants to undo, but cannot, is the brevity of life and the certainty of death. That there is a time for everything which chapter 3 of Ecclesiastes elaborates, may as well be the wise Author's between-the-line appeal to his future readers to "choose the precious from the vile (Jer 15:19)" in the limited time-frame offered between birth and death.

The Closing Impact: Men fear death, I geared up to wind up my message, so that might the sermon hearers may not think loud in their minds, "the good rain and the bad preacher do not know when to stop". We all go for life insurance. But what does insurance insure for the one who saves and suffers to pay up the periodical premium installments? For all his sacrificial living and saving, someone else will get the deposits and benefits after his death. Is it worth the trouble?

The Cross is Best Insurance Policy: I challenged the attentive congregation staring straight at me from the pew, that the should try the only true life insurance, that is having Lord Jesus as one's personal Saviour. In Christ, and trusting Him totally, you have eternal life insurance you will benefit now on earth, and in the life beyond death. So, taking up the cross is the best insurance policy. The collective nodding on the pew, by itself, proved my point. Confession of sin, setting things right with God and men and receiving forgiveness of the Lord are the only affordable premiums you have to pay to get your life eternally covered, here and thereafter.

The Key Players in IBC: Pastor Thangkhopao Haokip runs the show in IBC affairs. He conducts the services in the Baptist congregation. The fact that the Pastor enjoys the support of a motivated team of fellow-workers makes his job easier. Rev Khupthang, the General Secretary of KVTBA, under the fold of which which IBC comes, seldom throws his weight around IBC affairs. He has better things to do in the Lord's vineyard. KVTBA stands for Kabaw Valley Thadou Baptist Association. The prominent NW Myanmar Christian Association is anchored to ZBC, Falam, Chin Hills-based Zomi Baptist Convention of Myanmar.

The Crutches: Mrs Tingkholam takes good care of the Women issues of Immanuel Baptist Church, Tamu. Flaunting a permanent smile wherever she goes, the Women leaders had given a run for her male colleagues in her organisational set-up. Fresh from a Theological course done in Bangalore in India, Brother Douthang is the vibrant Youth Pastor of IBC. A close interaction with the Youth leader made me convinced that not every student of Theology takes the course to be a Me-ology.

GGMI To Make Its Tamu Debut: God willing, Go Gospel Ministry International is going to hold its first service in the outhouse hall of IBC on 19 September, 2010. The idea is to evangelise Tamu and its neighborhood through Gospel music and searching sermons. The medium of preaching will be English interpreted in Burmese. The target: Every community of Tamu. Soul in hand: Nil. The hall had been constructed by KVTBA with generous contributions from Pu Thangminlen Kipgen, Hon'ble Chairman, Hill Area Committee, Manipur and Pu Seiboi Singsit, respected Principal Chief Conservator of Forest, Govt. of Manipur. May God bless them a hundredfold.

Attached below is the GO GOSPEL theme song that I wrote in 2007. The Go-Gospel Concert song had gone global with the Amazing Voice of Zoram, AVZ C. Lalhmingmawii making it a part of the recently launched Gospel Goes Global Video album.


Author: Lunminthang Haokip
Tune: Seigoumang Lhouvum

1. Love of men makes the world go round,
Love of God saves many who are hell-bound;
Sway of the crores lures the world to strife,
Way of the cross leads the soul to life;
That you love’s the way you want to go,
Let’s love the Lord and Gospel’s way go.

Say no to yourself and life of ease,
Say no to old-self and type that tease;
Things that please you are food for the flesh,
Links that bless you will the soul make fresh;
Turn shy from thy stray, it’s God’s good spell,
Let’s deny ourselves and go Gospel.

2. In the morning, ev’ry news is a bad news,
In ev’ry mourning, sorrow’s deal is due;
Greed to grab serves demands overdose,
Losers spared to breathe pay thru their nose;
If there’s no cease-fear in this sad spell,
It’s because we don’t live the Gospel.

3. Go ye, says the Lord, ye preach and teach,
What you get freely, give and reach each;
We go- but the pace is really slow,
We give but not fit to make ‘em grow
His voice let’s listen, set to hasten
That the earth by Gospel be shaken.

Monday, September 6, 2010

35th Wedding Anniversary of Mr & Mrs Ngamthang Haokip

Dish-co-munching at Gamnom Sapormaina
Favouring Shot; Dr DD Haokip IFS
KBC Local Choir
Mr and Mrs Ngamthang Haokip on stage

Imphal, the 6th September, 2010

35th wedding anniversary: Ngamthang Haokip of Gamnom Sapormaina (a corrupted word for sapers and miners camp)is a household name in the state of Manipur. The former Minister of this state may as well be referred as the showman of Sadar Hills. He does not know how to throw a small bash. If it is his, it has to be grand and pompous. The 35th anniversary of his marriage with his beloved wife, Heshi Haokip who he lovingly addresses as "kajinu" was no exception. All roads led to Sapormaina today.

The speeches:: Apart from the host, his elder brother, Seikholen Haokip, amused the 3000 strong well-wishers of the socially popular couple in his brief but entertaining speech."My brother Ngamthang, in his speech said he wishes to see their 50th wedding anniversary too", Seikholen said in jocular spirit. "But We all must wish and pray that my brother and my sister-in-law celebrate their 100th wedding anniversary too", saying thus, the only elder brother of Ngamthang who he respects like a dad concluded his talk.

The Entertainers: The Nepali dance performed by make-belief Nepalis of the locality was superb. The well-choreographed dance steps kept the audience glued to their seats with some artistic turns and moves of the body. The dance added feathers to the total festivity of the anniversary celebration. The juvenile touch of the vertical movements, later, energised the host and the hostess to shake a leg and wave a hand to the tune of Lenkhom song.

The Gospel song renditions: KBC Gamnom Sapormaina local Church choir presented a group song item to felicitate the host couple on their D-day. The number went well with the hearers. It was followed by the chrt-rocking Gospeel song item rendered solo by the much under-rated T2K @ Tintin Kipgen of Keithelmanbi.In the auspicious occasion, T2K shone like Wordsworth's Lucy -like a star when only one is shining in the sky.

The Crowd: None was lonely in the big crowd that came, invited or otherwise, to the community hall of Gamnom Sapormaina this day.Credit must be given to the event-managers of the anniversary jamboree. Not less than 3000 people well fed with sumptuous meals. It was quite a sight to watch folks from all walks of life feasting together to their hearts' content. The host wanted it big and eventful, and it exactly turned out to be so.

The VVIPs and VIPs: Among the politicos, Pu Thangso Baite, Hon'ble MP and his wife, Mrs Hatkhoneng Baite were most visible. Many Former and Ex-Ministers like Pu Korungthang, Former MLAs and Party functionaries also made their presence felt in the jam-packed anniversary bash. The unexpected guest was Pu LS John, former Minister.Pu Seipu Sitlhou, Hon'ble Chairman, Sadar Hills District Council and most of the newly sworn in MDCs of SH-ADC also turned up.

The Bureaucrats: Mr P.Sharat IAS, DG, SAT; WL Hangshing, IAS, Commissioner(PHED), Mr Pachuau IPS, IGP(Admn), Dr. DD Haokip IFS and SP/Chandel, among others, were seen around in the anniversary event till the end. Their full-bodied participation, for sure, gave a shot in the arm to the morale of Mr and Mrs Ngamthang Haokip.

The Spiritual Brigade: Dr. Hawlngam Haokip was the Minister of the function. Rev V. Sitlhou, GS, MBC, offered prayer in saying grace before the feast. Pastor N. Baite of KBC acted as the master of ceremonies. Most of the KBC Pastors and Reverends including the Ex Secretary, Rev Thangsat Kipgen showed up to wish the Haokip twossome. The bash concluded in a cheerful note with vote of thanks from Tongkhohao Haokip of Saitu.

-Lunminthang Haokip

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The GGG Launch

Super- Cop-turned-Superb-Orator
The Vocalists, and song-writer of GGG; Mami, Lmt and Abea

Rev Dino Touthang dedicating GGG


By: Lunminthang Haokip

Mizoram House, Vasant Vihar, Delhi: The stage was set on 28 August, 2010 at Delhi’s swanky Mizoram house. At the stroke of 3:30, the punctuality freaks among the invitees had socially underlined their arrival. The chairman of the invitation committee, Pu L. Singson was a trifle worried that the majority of the guests to attend GGMI (Go Gospel Ministry, International) had not come full force. Early presence of dignitaries like Rev Dino Touthang, CEO, Habitat For Humanity, Delhi, Brother Sunder Singh, Senior Consultant, Standard Chartered Bank and Mrs Diki Hauzel, however, made up for the initial emptiness of the hall.

The Master of Ceremonies: Some guys cannot do away with their pride; others cannot shed their humility. Hyderabad-based Senior Pastor of GSCH – Good Shepherd Community Church, India, Rev. Paothang Haokip belongs to the latter category. Cheerful with a 100-watt smile always intact on his lips, the mobile OM (Operation Mobilization) dynamo took centre-stage following Rev. Letlal Haokip’s invocation. True to titular charge, Rev Paothang proved to all that one’s gift of the gab, not only could aptly fill up an event’s lapses and gaps, but could as well lift up the mood of the audience.

The Show Went On: The proceedings of music album release bash gained momentum after the surprisingly competent compeer, Miss Kimneo Haokip of HFH, invited the star performers of the show, Miss C. Lalhmingmawii and R. Lalbiakthanga from downtown Aizawl, the city of cheer, to render the theme song. The crooning duo’s fresh rendition of GGG in a new place captured the imagination of Gospel music lovers. Pu T. Misao, Chairman, KWS, Delhi, welcomed all invitees after that.

The Recitation: To drive the message home in clearer terms, Miss/Dr. Eunice Chonghoi Haokip, Post-Grad student of NIFW, New Delhi, was called on stage to read out the wording of the title song, Gospel Goes Global. The poem was set to soul-haunting tune by Chris MS Dawngkima of Magdalene’s fame. The number turned out to be every hearer’s favourite. That includes Mami, the vocalist herself. That nobody is sensitive enough to take time to appreciate the song-writer, of course, is an ignorance all lyricists try hard to ignore ( I am joking seriously).

The Pen-Pusher: This author who wrote all the 11 songs recorded in the DVD that was launched in the event was the opening batsman in giving speech. Addressing the dignitaries, it dawned in me to correlate, by the literary technique of “violent yoking of dissimilars”, situation that I could recall in the professional adventures of former super-cop and the day’s Chief Guest, Dr. H.T Sangliana who presently serves GOI as the Vice Chairperson of NCM, National Commission For Minorities. The focused audience forced a sneer when I, the otherwise serious-looking non-socialite, made an attempt to split jaws by citing witty anecdotes featuring GB Shaw and W. Churchill etc.

The Making of GGG: 8 of the GGG video items were handled solo by Mami with Abea’s lip-smacking back-vocal support here and there. The rest of the 3 song items were recorded as duets with both the main vocalists lending their voices. In the location shoots, Mami doubled up as the Director, costume designer, production manager etc in the producer’s absence. Credit should go to her for having so beautifully organised the tedious video shoot of songs like Aids, Lonely in a crowd and Kut. AVZ –(amazing voice of Zoram), another name for Mami, had to milk her social goodwill in getting things done in style. Besides, inputs put in by the video cam men, Zova and Patea also fitted well in our scheme of things. Go Gospel was shot just before dusk by Zova on the bank of a far-flung river bank.. Aizawl city video that framed the spirit of the hill-top city, was entirely Patea’s creation.

The Dedication Minister: Rev. Dino needs no introduction in Christian circles of the national capital. A frequent inter-continental globe-trotter, words gushed out of his mouth effortlessly like the unloading sound of stone chips. The invitees listened with amused demeanour when he made light-banter digs and references to his college-day interactions with this pen-pusher in the early nineteen seventies. Me too felt a sense of rendezvous when brother Dino spoke on our salad days. We used to nick-name U.C.C, Barapani as U See Sea etc.

The Glocal Gospel: However, it was when he told stories on his children’s comments on his face-book and twitter accounts that struck a chord with the invitees. His fresh ideas on the Gospel going global and glocal created a good impact. The CEO of HFH said, “The gospel was already global. But we must play our part as NE Indians to speed up its globalization process”. The senior Pastor of KWS (Kuki Worship Service), Delhi declared the imminence of John 3:16, “For God so loved the world .........” in presupposing the global meaning of the Good news. Rev. Dino finally dedicated the GGG DVD in prayer.

The Inroduction: Before the grand speech of the Chief Guest happened, glib-tongued Brother Paothang, as an introduction to the former MP, waxed eloquent on the social spurs Pu H.T. Sangliana earned in the course of discharging his duty fearlessly as an outstanding IPS officer. The OM leader also stressed the simplicity of the stern strong-willed former super-cop who had a weakness for the poor and helpless people around him.
The master of ceremonies also shared interesting incidents when the big officer took utmost care not to make small folks feel small.

Speech From The Chief Guest: Excerpts: “God has been kind to me. I am where I am because of His blessing. I believe in God strongly”. No one who got glued to their seats doubted what the former DGP said. His life was an open book. The GGG Launch bash CG continued, “The release of GGG is meaningful because it encourages people to tell more about Jesus. Christ came into this world as a representative from heaven to experience all trials and tribulations”.

The Bold Preacher: Pu Sangliana was a cut above the rest. Through out his revered career-graph, he never minced words in respect of persons. Calling a spade a spade became his trademark. The uniformed cop who once saluted his God himself, all alone inside a Church, further preached, “Jesus gave a simple message, “I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the father , but by me (John 14:6). Whenever Christ affirmed “I am”, people thought he was arrogant or was bragging. But the truth is that if you want to live in heaven, you will have to take Him at His own word”.

The Truth Not Concealed: The ambience went Gospel with Dr. Sangliana going spiritual. “Brother Paothang stretched his praise for me a bit too far”, the staunch Christian Officer said further, “Today, we promote the GGG album that through this, people may come to know more about Christ, accept Him and live with Him for ever. I used to challenge non-believers to try Christ for 6 months or 1 year; and to throw Him out if not satisfied later. But I knew no believer would throw Christ out. I am sure God will bless this album”. Maddening applause rent the air after the CG’s sermon.

The Close: Following Mrs. Nengkim Haokip’s presents and gifts to the special invitees prior to her “vote of thanks”, and the singing of GGG numbers by Mami and Abea, the bash came to a close with a word of prayer by Pastor Angam Kipgen. Amen. A simple dinner was served by GGMI, L. Thinglhangphai, Manipur, India.


By: Lunminthang Haokip

1. God told Adam not to eat the fruit,
Eve got sold on lies that hid the Truth;
Win for Satan, heaven was saddened,
Sin of Eden gave men a burden;
The good that he wants, he cannot do,
The evil he hates, he cannot spew.

We do what we like and guilt we get,
We rue o’er our lot and for sin fret;
The Word is grave but the world’s naive,
The Lord in Love calls His own to save;
Coz God wants to sin in all dispel,
The old Gospel is going global.

2. To the globe’s ends His trained the Lord sent,
That them who grope and faint may repent;
The Spirit moves, good- spell goes global,
Here creed dupes and Gospel goes tribal;
It’s time to re-link self with soul’s thirst,
Let’s rethink and put things of God first.

3. Crises have men bold, led down and fall,
Jesus loves souls and shed blood for all,
That all who life had pained to lose hope,
May come back to Him and regain hope;
That at home the Good News each may get,
God made Word go global in the net.

Monday, August 30, 2010

The GGG Album Launch: 28 Augt, 2010

Recitation of GGG by Dr. Eunice Haokip
Mami and Abea; main vocalists of GGG
GGG Launch Banner: 28 August, 2010
Pu H.T. Sangliana, Chief Guest


By: Lunminthang Haokip

Mizoram House, Vasant Vihar, Delhi: The stage was set on 28 August, 2010 at Delhi’s swanky Mizoram house. At the stroke of 3:30, the punctuality freaks among the invitees had socially underlined their arrival. The chairman of the invitation committee, Pu L. Singson was a trifle worried that the majority of the guests to attend GGMI (Go Gospel Ministry, International) had not come full force. Early presence of dignitaries like Rev Dino Touthang, CEO, Habitat For Humanity, Delhi, Brother Sunder Singh, Senior Consultant, Standard Chartered Bank and Mrs Diki Hauzel, however, made up for the initial emptiness of the hall.

The Master of Ceremonies: Some guys cannot do away with their pride; others cannot shed their humility. Hyderabad-based Senior Pastor of GSCH – Good Shepherd Community Church, India, Rev. Paothang Haokip belongs to the latter category. Cheerful with a 100-watt smile always intact on his lips, the mobile OM (Operation Mobilization) dynamo took centre-stage following Rev. Letlal Haokip’s invocation. The proceedings of music album release bash gained momentum after the surprisingly competent compeer, Miss Kimneo Haokip of HFH, invited the star performers of the show, Miss C. Lalhmingmawii and R. Lalbiakthanga from downtown Aizawl, the city of cheer, to render the theme song. Pu T. Misao, Chairman, KWS, Delhi, welcomed all invitees after that.

The Recitation: To drive the message home in clearer terms, Miss/Dr. Eunice Chonghoi Haokip, Post-Grad student of NIFW, New Delhi, was called on stage to read out the wording of the title song, Gospel Goes Global. The poem was set to soul-haunting tune by Chris MS Dawngkima of Magdalene’s fame. The number turned out to be every hearer’s favourite. That includes Mami, the vocalist herself. That nobody is sensitive enough to take time to appreciate the song-writer, of course, is an ignorance all lyricists try hard to ignore ( I am joking seriously).

The Pen-Pusher: This author who wrote all the 11 songs recorded in the DVD that was launched in the event was the opening batsman in giving speech. Addressing the dignitaries, it dawned in me to correlate, by the literary technique of “violent yoking of dissimilar”, situation that I could recall in the professional adventures of former super-cop and the day’s CG, Dr. H.T Sangliana who presently serves GOI as the Vice Chairperson of NCM, National Commission For Minorities. The focused audience forced a sneer when I, the otherwise serious-looking non-socialite, made an attempt to split jaws by citing witty anecdotes featuring GB Shaw and W. Churchill etc.

The Making of GGG: 8 of the GGG video items were handled solo by Mami with Abea’s lip-smacking back-vocal support here and there. The rest of the 3 song items were recorded as duets with both the main vocalists lending their voices. In the location shoots, Mami doubled up as the Director, costume designer, production manager etc in my absence. Credit should go to her for having so beautifully organised the tedious video shoot of songs like Aids and Kut. AVZ –(amazing voice of Zoram), another name for Mami, had to milk her social goodwill in getting things done in style. Besides, inputs put in by the vid cam men, Zova and Patea also fitted well in our scheme of things. Go Gspel was shot just before dusk by Zova on a river bank.. Aizawl city video was entirely Patea’s creation.

The Dedication Minister: Rev. Dino needs no introduction in Christian circles of the national capital. A frequent inter-continental globe-trotter, words gushed out of his mouth effortlessly like the unloading sound of stone chips. The invitees listened with amused demeanour when he made light-banter digs and references to his college-day interactions with this pen-pusher in the early nineteen seventies. Me too felt a sense of rendezvous when brother Dino spoke on our salad days. We used to nick-name U.C.C, Barapani as U See Sea etc.

The Glocal Gospel: However, it was when he told stories on his children’s comments on his face-book and twitter accounts that struck a chord with the invitees. His fresh ideas on the Gospel going global and glocal created a good impact. The CEO of HFH said, “The gospel was already global. But we must play our part as NE Indians to speed up its globalization process”. The senior Pastor of KWS, Delhi declared the imminence of John 3:16, “For God so loved the world .........” in presupposing the global meaning of the Good news. Rev. Dino finally dedicated the GGG DVD in prayer.

The Inroduction: Before the grand speech of the Chief Guest happened, glib-tongued Brother Paothang, as an introduction to the former MP, waxed eloquent on the social spurs Pu H.T. Sangliana earned in the course of discharging his duty fearlessly as an outstanding IPS officer. The OM leader also stressed the simplicity of the stern strong-willed former super-cop who had a weakness for the poor and helpless people around him.
The master of ceremonies also shared interesting incidents when the big officer took utmost care not to make small folks feel small.

Speech From The Chief Guest: Excerpts: “God has been kind to me. I am where I am because of His blessing. I believe in God strongly”. No one who got glued to their seats doubted what the former DGP said. His life was an open book. The GGG Launch bash CG continued, “The release of GGG is meaningful because it encourages people to tell more about Jesus. Christ came into this world as a representative from heaven to experience all trials and tribulations”.

The Bold Preacher: Pu Sangliana was a cut above the rest. Through out his revered career-graph, he never minced words in respect of persons. Calling a spade a spade became his trademark. The uniformed cop who once saluted his God himself, all alone inside a Church, further preached, “Jesus gave a simple message, “I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the father , but by me (John 14:6). Whenever Christ affirmed “I am”, people thought he was arrogant or was bragging. But the truth is that if you want to live in heaven, you will have to take Him at His own word”.

The Truth Not Concealed: The ambience went Gospel with Dr. Sangliana going spiritual. “Brother Paothang stretched his praise for me a bit too far”, the staunch Christian Officer said further, “Today, we promote the GGG album that through this, people may come to know more about Christ, accept Him and live with Him for ever. I used to challenge non-believers to try Christ for 6 months or 1 year; and to throw Him out if not satisfied later. But I knew believer would throw Christ out. I am sure god will bless this album”. Maddening applause rent the air after the CG’s sermon.

The Close: Following Mrs. Nengkim Haokip’s presents and gifts to the special invitees prior to her “vote of thanks”, and the singing of GGG numbers by Mami and Abea, the bash came to a close with a word of prayer by Pastor Angam Kipgen. Amen. A simple dinner was served by GGMI, L. Thinglhangphai, Manipur, India.


By: Lunminthang Haokip

1. God told Adam not to eat the fruit,
Eve got sold on lies that hid the Truth;
Win for Satan, heaven was saddened,
Sin of Eden gave men a burden;
The good that he wants, he cannot do,
The evil he hates, he cannot spew.

We do what we like and guilt we get,
We rue o’er our lot and for sin fret;
The Word is grave but the world’s naive,
The Lord in Love calls His own to save;
Coz God wants to sin in all dispel,
The old Gospel is going global.

2. To the globe’s ends His trained the Lord sent,
That them who grope and faint may repent;
The Spirit moves, good- spell goes global,
Here creed dupes and Gospel goes tribal;
It’s time to re-link self with soul’s thirst,
Let’s rethink and put things of God first.

3. Crises have men bold, led down and fall,
Jesus loves souls and shed blood for all,
That all who life had pained to lose hope,
May come back to Him and regain hope;
That at home the Good News each may get,
God made Word go global in the net.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Delight In Cycle-Ride

Cans of water tied to a Bi-cycle at Sita village


By: Lunminthang Haokip

The Reason: Why do I delight in a bicycle ride? It's not that I had enrolled myself in the cadres of MPP (Manipur Peoples Party) which flaunts the bicycle as its symbol. But it has something to do with an MPP-leased obscure restaurant catering to the spoilt tastes of the masses and classes alike and doing a booming business of it somewhere near pologround's gate No. 1.

Recycled Appetite: When I cycle for hours before eating anything in the morning, the excess fat in the body is recycled, sweat is reproduced, the heart pounds faster and the torso is drenched down to the waist. Exhausted, I take a quick shower to wash away the sticky moisture the body emits out and after prayer, hit the dining table with the appetite of a hungry bear and the capacity to devour as much.

Eat To Heart’s Content: I'm not on a culinary promotion spree. But after a cycling sweat-out, nothing satiates one's hunger better than a fish-curry called 'atoiba', that is prepared with the critical palate in mind by the chef of MPP canteen no. 4, Pologround, Imphal, that you bought on the way back home. The sad part is, the delicious cuisine that beats any other stuff in its own category offered by star-rated hotels, demands one's demolition of hillocks of rice along with it. So, the poor cyclist, despite the fat burnt up in the limb-exercise, simply would not have a flat tummy.

Simple Simon: Cycling to office is no big deal. You notice a lot of the lower staff doing that every day. Heads turn and eyes are focused on it only when someone not lesser than a senior officer of the state civil service, who had always been seen seated smugly at the back of a car or the front of a Gypsy, is spotted pedaling the wheeled frame-of-steel in office premises. For the curious onlooker, such scenario has the shock¬ing effect produced by one's switch-over from watching a star-studded sleekly-made movie in 70 mm to a shabbily-shot 16 mm documentary in black and white.

Going Green With Envy: This convenient "steel-horse" is not only a scene-stealer but is a money-saver too. A rupee saved is a rupee earned. In these days of spiraling petrol prices, thanks to the highway blockades and black-marketing, I can, while biking on the roadside, read the mind of an envious owner of a swanky Zen. He rolls down the windshield, sticks his neck out, takes a good look at the simple on-wheels frame and silently curses the vanity in his own self for shying away from riding a bicycle at almost zero maintenance-cost. What a blessing in the present times when fuel price had shot up to absurd rates.

No To Journo: In no way am I alone in this noble crusade to not consider highway-rubbery on a cycle a drudgery. In the late seventies, Yambem Laba, our one-time only Investigative journalist-turned-mountaineering enthusiast turned-human-right-activist, who once was my class-fellow (but not necessarily a glass-fellow) at Donbosco, Chingmeirong, wrote in the then esteemed Thounaojam Tarun Kumar edited 'Resistance" on how he, an accredited journo, was halted by the cops-on-duty on his way to cover an Assembly-session just because he was riding what he called "the poor man's Volkswagen (cycle)". Bicycles not only made the manufacturers rich in cash but also made many celebrity-users rich in social respect. One such example was the fearless and athletic IAS Officer, Shri Y. Jugindro (now Secretary, MPSC), who was quite a sport when it came to having to cycle in and out of the State Secretariat before his big-time postings came about
Owner’s Pride; Neighbours Spite: In the villages founded on the plains that stretches up to the foothills of Manipur, bicycles play many roles in the economic activities of our less-fortunate brethren. As carriers of rural trade-items, there seldom occurs mismatch of role to player. From pigs to planks, milk-cans to pots and pans, paddy to sick-body, mats to pets and from charcoal to alcohol, the bicycle bears the brunt of the frequent movement of merchandise. The owner of a brand new Raleigh cycle in rural Manipur, in the distant past, enjoyed a clout that rivaled the possessor of the latest model of motor car today.

Carrier of Lovers: Inspired by movie-scenes where the hero mounts a bicycle with his heroine closing up in front while a haunting duet is shot with them, the boldest among love-struck village-guys takes the beauty of his locality for an occasional cycle-ride with starry dreams in their minds. They are awakened to reality only when the bumpy country road throws the day-dreaming twosome off-balance to fall together in a way they'll remember with tears of romanticism, even decades later—more so if separated. Sweet silly treasured nothings are attached to bike-rides that once featured would-have-been brides and someone else’s grooms.

Burma’s Take: Across the international border, in Myanmar, more than anything else, brand counts. Hero cycle, along with Nirma washing powder (a flop in India) sell like hot cakes. Other brands, how good they may be, are dropped like hot bricks. The Moreh-Tamu trade, despite the advent of Mitshubishi and Datsun taxies, thrives on bicycles that carry a huge chunk of trade items every business day..

Lady On Gents Cycle: Myanmarese girls, on behalf of family's bread and jam, tighten their lungis, bundle up the hemlines and pedal heavy loads on gents' cycles. For reasons best known to them, they prefer the gents' model. It's an awesome sight to see young 'tanakha' (weather-resistant cream) smeared round faces making a living out of cycle-lifting under-invoiced Chinese and Thai Products. Weird devices are conceived to tie and tag anything on the framed two-wheeler on the busy Tamu-Namphalong road. Perhaps, the only thing the female-pedaled bike-for-gents doesn't carry on it is a feminine outlook.

The Urge To Splurge: Human nature being what it is, there's a strong urge to splurge in the state-of-the-art luxuries. But, at the end of the day, it only strays, strains and stains the staid state-of-the-heart. There is no limit to self-pampering. These days the visual electronic media capitalizes on the spirit of consumerism Million of Rupees are invested in ads to make a product popular. The prices of things are worked out in such a way that the buyer bears the cost incurred on making the buy familiar to him. Nevertheless, a sucker is born every minute.

Yeh Dil Mange More: You skip meals, save and get what you'd been wanting for years. But for how long will you want what you got ? Models and makes change to suit the whims and fancies of targeted consumers of a given period of time. In no time, Pentium I paved the way for Pentium 2, 3 and 4 in Computer configurations. The unrestrained self in you craves to grab the best and the latest by hook or by crook. You had graduated from a bicycle to a Maruti 800. But given the choice, the mysterious desires of your covetous heart would settle for nothing less than a Tata Safari. What next then ? May be a Mercedes or a private helicopter ? Nearer to sea and big rivers, dreams zero in on yachts and luxury cruise ships.

The Mirage Chase: The higher your ambition, the more pliable you'll be to compromise with the shady ways of amassing wealth. If you think you can satisfy your ever-increasing demands by the plunder that befits a reckless player in the field, you're heading for big blunder. You may as well plant an oak tree inside a flower-pot and expect it to thrive. Unless you belong to the super-affluent bracket, all these vanity-necessitated purchases, after a momentary spell of cheap thrill, will make you feel miserable. Bred in liberty in your salad days, now you fret because you're neck-deep in a quick-sand cesspool of debt.

"Owe no one anything except to love one
another (Romans 13:8)"

. Loan-Takers Groan: Taking loans to indulge in luxuries one can scarce afford is an ensnaring folly one can resort to only at one's own spiritual declination. Christ loved and still loves us regardless of what we are. He gave His all to save us from hellfire. Each of us owe the same divine love to others. Owing anything else beyond that is sin in His sight. That's where the bicycle proves its utility to perfection. Using it saves a lot of borrowing we are compelled to do otherwise. It also simplifies human wants, reduces needs and humbles the user.

Taxing Roads: Major repair of an old Maruti car, for example, robs its burdened owner of a poor-man's fortune. He has to either borrow money or invent a deceitful means of earning so as to secure the "release" of his "ransomed" four-wheeler. And on our roads, which are punctuated by potholes and speed (or spine)-breakers, you never know when your car will conk out and be pulled back to the workshop. Bad roads may leave myriad motorists fuming but they certainly keep the kitchen-fires of garage-runners burning.

Emission Problem: Young girls are ashamed of their dad's conveyance by a bicycle. How sad ? I, for one, feel liberated when I pedal my way around town. There I enjoy the freedom motorists are denied. Bundhs or cutting corners at any point of the busy market-place isn't a problem. One-way restrictions and lack of parking space don't bother me one bit. Of course, there is a lurking worry that cycling would discharge oddly odorous sweat-drops. Will the body be presentable when one meets one's boss or the likes of his ilk?

The Message: But such trivial thoughts are easily out-balanced by the gain that one is losing weight and having a better appetite through faster circulation of blood. And so what if friends and foes happen to catch sight of you in the cycling act? It's a practical demonstration that you'd changed your attitude towards job and life. Without saying anything, you're proving to the world that you're denying yourself the sinful comforts on offer for the love of Jesus who asked every follower " to deny himself and take up his cross (Mt. 16:24)".

Changed Outlook: Priorities were different before my conversion. I was good from far but far from good. Self was pampered, and I had as much control over myself as a cyclist has over his brake-less bike on a downhill slope. I was hopelessly dictated by "What others will think of me ?" Taking criticism on oneself was impossible. The heart -condition remains the same even after conversion unless one is sanctified by the blood of Jesus. So, in the probation period of my salvation experience, I left no stone unturned to witness the truth I received. But my adversaries left no turn of mine un-stoned. Unable to handle that, at times, I flew off the handle. Now, I realize that basic human nature can't change without first accepting Christ as one's personal Saviour. And having confessed all the sins hiding which tormented me no end, God in His mercy, had forgiven me (John 5:14) and gave me a new heart. "I will give you a new heart and put on a new spirit within you (Ezekiel 36:26)".

Fresh Delight: The new heart delights in righteousness and austerity. There's great shame in falling for old weaknesses but no shame in cycle-riding because I regard myself as nothing in the sight of God and men. In fact, my Creator had changed my entire concept of the MCS I am lucky enough to be in. Earlier it was "me-first" and "mine-first". Now it's "God-first" and "His will first". The constant concern is "What will He think of me and what I do?" So, MCS, which was "My Chosen Service" to serve my own selfish interests becomes "Masses-Centred Service" for people's welfare. I praise God every time I can derive immense pleasure in disposing a matter without expecting anything in return. God says, " I am your exceeding reward ( Gen 15:1)”. Serving His interest is its own reward. When He blesses, the blessing far exceeds human requirements. And other blessings are no patch on it.

The Risk And The Challenge: However, When you give a serious try to go by divine righteousness in your daily deeds in the midst of diverse beliefs and adverse traditions, you risk being ridiculed, isolated and persecuted by your own people. Friends will become foes

and foes will delight in your fall in advance. But there lies the challenge to prove pricking predictions wrong.

Double Benefit: But that's a negligible price I'd pay gladly for being gifted in return "the joy of having a conscience that doesn't condemn". Using a bicycle as a means of conveyance is a lump-sum evidence of one's integrity and self-denial in these days of much-improved-mobility. It also decreases the level of environmental pollution and keeps the spiritual pollution-tendencies under check. Acquaintances say that it's not becoming of a Civil Service Officer to ride a bicycle for purposes other than physical exercise. My humble answer is that one who can psyche himself to cycling will enjoy the double benefit of keeping both physical and spiritual diabetes at bay.

The Key To Limitless Joy: And at times when I am being mocked at for the firm stances I take in obedience to God's word and get afflicted in the bargain by the rejection of my own folks, for no fault of mine, the promise of God always comforts and strengthens me. The bonus over the matter is that the joy that the Word of God generates is not sensitive and responsive to what the world says or thinks. Only if one can stick and follow the following verse in letter and spirit, happiness of one will not have limits and diversions:

"He that walketh righteously, and speaketh uprightly; he that despiseth the gain of oppressions, that shaketh his hands from holding of bribes, that stoppeth his ears from hearing of blood, and shutteth his eyes from seeing evil,
He shall dwell on high; his place of defence shall be munitions of rocks: bread shall be given him: his waters shall be sure (Isaiah 33:15,16)".

Friday, August 20, 2010


Singers and Song-lovers


By: Lunminthang Haokip

Introduction : On 13 August, 2005, nearly all the roads of Sadar Hills led to roam around Kangpokpi T.D-built Community hall. At 10 am the crowd had already swelled up and the 600-capacity auditorium threatened to burst in the seams. In the part- Sadar Hills administration and part-SSA, Sadar Hills-sponsored musical jamboree, the invitees were not the usual stuff. Some of them couldn't walk, some couldn't talk and others couldn't see and hear. One thing they shared in common, however, was social neglect and imagined hope that was partially addressed that day.

Love The Unlovely: Neglected and high-strung, they thronged Kpi Block head quarter with wounded pride to ventilate their long-suppressed feelings of hurt and longing for acknowledgement of their pitiable existence. The administration was ill-prepared to host and take care of such a mammoth gathering of God's specially able children. Thanks to the Secretary S.W, DC/Spt, DSWO/Spt staff of ADC/Kpi, SHADC/Kpi, ZEO/Kpi, NYK volunteers. HODs of Saikul and Saitu, a rare spectacle of "Love for the unlovely" could be pulled off. God blessed the combined effort with distribution of aids and appliances to the actually needy persons. It indeed was the disables' day-out. To love the lovely is easy. But it takes the right mixture of compassion and emotion to love the unlovely.

Day Function : A galaxy of Gospel singing stars gladdened injured hearts with their chart-topping numbers. The musical cheering picked up to a crescendo with "God loves you all the more'" which was penned with the disables in mind by this author, set to tune by Ginmang Khongsai and sung with genuine emotions by the voice of grace, Esther Sitlhou. A key-note address on the theme by this author-focused on the spiritual inability of the so-called 'able' persons and the special abilities of the disables was followed by a heart¬-warming message from John Freddy, who is a believer, a teacher and a preacher rolled into

Lonely In A Crowd: one. The curious gathering were enthralled by ageless melody queen, Mrs. Konnie Leivon's other-worldly number, Neicy Singson's high-pitched crooning, Onkholet Touthang's blind hit, Alen Chiru's moving presentation, Lalkhohen Chongloi's four-finger wonder item, group songs by TBA choir, Thangal Lalu and MTC choir. But the rendition that struck a chord with the mixed audience was this writer's testimonial song, "Lonely in a crowd", tuned by Seigoumang Lhouvum, instrumentally backed up by Tiken, Gugun, Milan, Minthang and John and sung with professional gait by Hechin Haokip, Lynda Neishiel and Seigoumang.

The Tear-Jerker : Mr. L.Lakher, the then Secretary, Social Welfare Deptt, could not attend the function. But the bureaucrat with a penchant to help the poor, saw to it that 20 Tri¬cycles, 7 wheel-chairs and 40 hearing-aids were distributed with the help of ALEMCO on the DD-out function. In appreciation of the heavenly song he composed, District administration honoured Lamkhohao Sitlhou, paralysed waist-downwards since 15 years, with the gift of a wheel-chair.

The Cynosure: The congregation was moved to tears when an emotion-choked Esther Sitlhou, who received the wheel-chair on dear daddy's behalf, before presenting the song of life, "Van Jerusalem Thah"' briefly recollected the pangs of pain her family had undergone following daddy's disability. Tears actually dropped when the voice that launched a thousand CDs coolly appealed to her audience that it will be sad for the specially able, after suffering infirmities on earth, to miss out on eternal rest with God in life thereafter. And that's possible only through being saved in Christ, she added.

The Motivating Factor : Disabilities are not a rare sight. There are all kinds of infirmities in our midst. It was Late Bunglienkung Hmar's heart-piercing composition, "New Heavenly Jerusalem " and the voice that popularized and endeared the promise of Revelation 21:4, "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying; neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away" When this author, in his responsibility as the chief administrator of Sadar Hills was getting hooked on the wording of the song mentioned above, it was time to get cracking with IED (Integrated Education for the Disable children) under SSA, Sadar Hills. As IED covered children from 6 to 18, a medical assessment camp was also conducted hurriedly, with the assistance of Directorate of health, at Kpi on 11 August, 2005, with the aged infirm in mind. More than 280 handicapped persons turned up. ZEO/Kpi and CMO/Kpi's staff had a tough-time arranging things for segregation of infirmity. Nevertheless, the job got done.

Moving Scenes: The Chief Guest of the occasion, Mr. Thangminlen Kipgen, Hon'ble Circle MLA, was visibly moved when Miss Hekhol Thomsong, a Polio-affected limping child of God, trudged her way up to present a shawl to him. In his speech, the Chief Guest appealed all and sundry to take a good care of the physically challenged around us. Some of the more sensitive among the concerned audience found it tough to hold back impulses to go wet in the eyes.

Heart-Stirring Scenes: Another scene of DD-Out that saddened every onlooker came when the last piece of Tri-Cycle was about to be handed out. One infirm child who wasn't supposed to get the last appliance sat on it and refused to be dragged out. With a heavy heart, the volunteers had to convince her about pre-assessment of disability which should be certified by a subject-specialist to be not less than 40% and that the beneficiaries' income shouldn't be less than Rs. 6500/- His Maker was glorified when a single-handed Lalkhohen Chongloi effectively used the four fingers of his left hand both to hold the guitar chord and strum the strings with his small finger to follow the tune of a song. The viewers from near and far, weren't far from tears.

Breath-taking Break: After the day's proceedings, God's special children were invited to lunch with ADC, Kangpokpi. Some of them had to rush back home. Those who made it to the luncheon prepared with panache by Miss. Nengnou and friends had recipes that would spoil one's taste for ever to settle for nothing less. Bellies filled, a bus-load of the invitees were taken to Senapati to be welcomed with warmth by Mr. And Mrs. Prem Singh, DC/Senapati and Mr. And Mrs. Athem Muivah, ADM/Senapati. Pressure on time resulted in the spirited VSP's (Very special persons) inability to visit the picturesque Haipi village, the enchanting Mission compound and the pristine KVK, Hengbung. However, visit or no site-visit, the choice destinations would remain Wordsworth's "Yarrow the unvisited" to the blind.

Love-Aid-Concert: By 6:00 P.M. on 13th August, 2005, Kangpokpi was geared up for a musical blast to cheer up the VSPs of the day. The comperes, Lulun Touthang and Roseline Suantak put in inputs to enliven the show that ended late. The debutants, Akip Karong, Hoinu Vaiphei, Esther Kipgen, Salome, Tongkholen and Haoneo performed better than expected. They were the surprise items of the show of the year. However the professionals, Jeff Akai, Seiboi Tuboi, Neicy Singson, Hechin Haokip, MTC boys and Gugun's band were greeted with thundering applause that made the VSPs forget their plight for a few hours. For once, the otherwise quite Kpi was rocked with high-decibel Gospel music.

The Never-Ending Skit: MTC students presented a skit that carried a moving message and which was attentively watched by the VSPs. It's a little sad that the Gospel message of the evening, delivered to touch hearts, was greeted with a collective aashhh!. It was said, the good rain and the bad speaker do not know when to stop. That night, if the impatience of the audience could be deciphered, it would have read, “the good rain and the bad skit do not know when to stop”. Everyone has a streak of hedonism in him. Although no efforts were spared to offer free Gospel Musical entertainment, some resorted to stone-pelting and when asked about their dissatisfaction demanding more songs from more popular singers. Yeh dil mange more.

Spiritual Disability: It's easy to notice physical disability in others. But God looks at the heart. Adamic nature is inherent in every fallen man and woman. Unless saved by the blood of Jesus through confession of sin that usually results in forgiveness of sin. man by nature cannot do the good he wants to do and cannot avoid the evil he wants to avoid. Spiritual disability in us is something we should give a serious thought and strengthen the inner man to become an over-comer. On the other hand there are disables who are mentally able to do good and forsake evil. There are folks born with infirmities but who through unflinching faith in God, turn the disadvantages into an advantage. All that one needs to know is that there's a merciful God who creates every soul with a special purpose. One has to find out one's own core-competence and persistently work on it to achieve excellence in one's chosen field. God helps those who helps themselves.

Theme Song: The theme-song of Disables' Day-Out at Kangpokpi reproduced below for readers' benefit, which was penned with burden by this author, tells all succinctly. The song was recorded Music Plus, Aizawl by C. Lalhmingmawii as a part of the 2007-audio album, Go Gospel.


1 .Never say brother, you cannot hear.
For God in your mind His thought can share; Never say sister, you cannot see.
He blinds some that they may better see;
Ear or no ear, eye or no eye,
Who hears Him and mourns deep shall notdie.

Coz you can't hear, God puts inner ear,
Coz you can't see, your mind's made to peer; Coz you can't speak, hand-signs do the trick, Coz you can't walk, help isn't far to seek;
For all pangs of woe infirm limbs bore.
Don't feel bad, God loves you all the more.
2. He gives ears that we may hear His word,
He makes mind that we may know He's Lord; He creates hands that all men may serve Him, He gifts hearts that ev'ry soul may love Him; But we end up doing things not noble,
So; to do good, we are disable.

3. This terse life on earth is but test,
we curse fate, yet that He does is best;
Some get it good now to rue later,
Some are sad to rejoice thereafter;
If God makes you suffer to the core
T'day, it's coz He loves you all the more.

4. For them who have new life in Christ
Tho' they're now denied limb-movement free.
More than they that with no thought of Christ,
Move limbs at will, blessed they shall be
So, don't you feel sadly ill at ease
One day your suffering shall come to cease.

Friday, August 13, 2010

MANIPUR: Too Rich For Poor Paradigm

View of Nature

By: Lunminthang Haokip

The Nehru-mind: The Indian Parliament was in session. The illustrious Jawaharlal Nehru was the Prime Minister. An opposition MP, in a spirited bid to score a debating point, took a personal pot-shot in sarcasm at the PM, "I would like to draw the attention of the august House that, for all the talk of pedigree and aristocracy, the Nehrus have nothing much to be proud of. The PM's great great grandfather served as an ordinary peon in the court of Bahadur Shah II".

Statesmanship Won: Pandemonium broke out. However, the seasoned leader was all calmness and composure. Flaunting his characteristic charm, he waved the enraged treasury-bench MPs to sit down and coolly said, " I congratulate that Hon'ble MP from the opposition who made an issue of my ancestry. In trying to pull me down, he had magnanimously conveyed to the house what I'd been trying to prove since I took charge as PM, that I am a man of the people". The statesman's statement silenced the House in awesome admiration .

The Rebuttal: A thought-provoking, but rabble-rousing article titled, "Manipur, a poor paradigm for Meghalaya", which was first published in The Shillong Times on 10 August, 2001, was reproduced verbatim in the 31 August 2001-issue of The Imphal Free Press. The critical column inked by a lady correspondent was well-written but ill-conceived in portions. When I was contemplating upon a rebuttal—rhetoric for rhetoric--a senior brother, Mr. C. Samarendro in his letter to the Editor of IFP on 5th September 2001, seemed to have stolen words right out of my mind. I am glad that in a satirical low-tone, the retired bureaucrat could ventilate the grieving grouse of thousands of IFP-readers.

Let Us Be Cautious: The Correspondent’s relentless crusade against frequent bundhs called by KSU and her vociferous exposure of political hypocrisy in her own land, simply deserves plaudit. But the same cannot be said of her journalistic brinkmanship in waxing negatively eloquent about a state she might not even have paid a visit to. State-bashing has the potential to whip up sentiments to a frenzy. So, let's hold in check impulses to be narrow-minded that we may remain.

Food For Thought: Nehru-minded. Taking a clue from our first PM's soothing expression in the historical anecdote cited earlier, I'd liked to use the said writer’s polemics to my advantage as a basis to echo the little known realities about a well-known state like Manipur. I thank her for providing me fast-food for recast-thought. At the same time, it impressed upon me that the wrongs in imagined opinion on Manipur needs to be righted.

The Shoot-Out: The daring columnist mentioned in her terse tirade, " Manipur must hang its head in shame for not being able to give minimum security to students from other states ". She might have been referring to the unfortunate shoot-out in the RIMS-premises that the entire state lamented over. To that I ask, which provincial govt. in the country provides fool-proof security to its educational institutions before they are being threatened seriously ? And who can foretell where lethal encounters will take place? It’s a part of the global madness sane people have nothing to do with.

Picnic Panicked: There were a few instances when Manipuri officials and students studying outside passed away under mysterious circumstances. Such deaths included employees too. But we had always been giving the benefit of doubt to the claims of the witnesses at the spot of occurrence. Recently, a Kuki boy and girl from Churachandpur district were drowned near Sweet-falls (which should be renamed as Bitter-falls) in the outskirts of Shillong. Reportedly, while they were posing for a photo-shoot, the earth below their feet slipped and sank down. They were brought home dead. What if the bereaved families blamed the Meghalaya administration for not displaying sufficient warning-signs to panic first-time picnickers around eroding river-banks ? Will that hold water ? No. Tears of sorrow were shed in silence, holding grudges on none. Accidents are accidents. Lives and deaths are in the Creator's hand.

Civility To Strangers: Credit should be given where it is due. I am a 44 year-old tribal by birth and a professing Christian by conversion. For the better part of my life, I'd been hobnobbing with the majority Meiteis--in school, college, university and offices. I don't remember any situation when I was roughed up or bombarded with diatribe on account of my tribe, or given a raw-deal for the sake of my faith. Neither do my children and relatives. Meiteis are highly cultured as a people. Youngsters respect the counsel of the elderly. Tradition vouches for it that a valley-brother, in his proper frame of mind, never harassed a stranger in his locality.

Good Samaritans: In my social circles, I came across guys who can sing pretty well in English but can't speak a sentence of it correctly. Likewise, we have men who can drive super-fast but know nothing about piecing nuts and wires together. Such amateurish motorists don't have to feel jittery. When a vehicle happens to conk out in his 'leikai', a Meitei-brother, equipped with his own lamp and tools, will put to use all the mechanical knowledge at his command to somehow repair the damage, restore its roadworthiness and see it off. The collective endorsement of such a "Good Samaritan"-like concern, by itself, is security enough to cover an outsider from harrn and danger in any Meitei neighbourhood.

Safe Environs: During my university days in the late 1970s, I was housed in an old sub-urban JNU (now MU)-Imphal Centre hostel. Being a movie-freak, then, every alternate day, I used to cycle back from city-theatres after late-night shows. Passing through Naorem Leikai, a much-feared residential colony, was inevitable. However, on the way back to my secluded Canchipur shanty, nothing pricked my peace of mind nor shook my sense of liberty, except, perhaps, the barking of a street-dog.

Shillong: A Gift from God: The writer also questioned "Do we have a rush of students from Meghalaya seeking college admission in Manipur? But we have hordes of students from the accursed state seeking admission here in Shillong". The awful author must thank God and the former British rulers for having first discovered the foggy township far away from the maddening crowd. Whatever the Whites touched turned into gold. The climate, location, altitude and the non-too-steep rolling hills of Shillong made it picture-perfect for a summer capital. And that was why it became—Assam's Rajdhani. Regional offices had to mushroom. The lush-green vegetation, refreshing air and clean environs, all God-gifted, attracted Missionaries to run reputed schools. Tourists were on cloud nine. And for young-in-heart parents, dropping children at the drizzling town during the monsoon was a kind of repeat honeymoon.

Well-Fed Hill Station: Therefore, if there is a mad-rush for college-admissions in the picturesque hill-station, is there anything to brag about for the local ? Meghalaya ought to be grateful to the other North-Eastern states for their craze for quality education and the enrichment of its coffers in the bargain. Remittances in favour of students enrolled there surely keep many home-fires burning. For all the patronage of the neighbours, a localite is often heard boasting, "Remember, this is Shillong". With paranoiac and parochial, outburst of emotions on the rise, as the prolific writer herself pointed out, the Meghalaya may no longer be as hot a scholastic destination in the future.

Prejudiced View: Another premature comment from the otherwise brilliant pen-pusher-in-issue was, "To look for one honest person in government there would be to look for a needle in a hay-stack". The needling implication is that there's none who's upright in GOM. Well, corruption is not the creation of my state. It's an all India-weakness and a world-wide-web that ensnares every worldly-inclined fellow. But to draw a conclusion that there is no single honest employee in the GOM will be like saying there's no other church except the Presbyterian in Meghalaya.

The Elijah Syndrome: I hope the columnist of the write-up-in-controversy is a believer and reads the Bible. In any case, her anxiety is akin to that of Elijah in 1 kings 19:14, " And he said, I have been very jealous for the Lord God of hosts; for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thy altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword: and I, even L only, am left.."

The Remnant: Incensed by the prophet's conquest at Mt. Carmel, Jezebel, the wicked queen of Israel, was after Elijah's blood. He fled and began to indulge in self-pity thinking there wasn't one soul, other than himself, who worshipped the true living God. But soon-after, God corrected him in verse 18, "Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal; and every mouth which hath not kissed him".

The Invisible Crusaders: Yes, there are many who do not bow down before mammon in officialdom, here. I knew of bureaucrats in high places who risked the wrath of their political masters in stick¬ing to their guns not to compromise. Years ago, an honest Collector prepared FCS-rice for the CM of the day and his entourage, which is not the done thing here. The DC told the VVIPs that he could only offer what the Authority supplied; better supply— better offer.

Small-size Pockets: Besides, there are Engineers who fine-tune their hearts with God's own and won't touch the ill-gotten stuff, even to save their lives; and Lecturers who live dangerously as they zero in on and show zero-tolerance upon any kind of unfair-means in exams. We also have Graduate Teachers holding SMD- Spiritual Master's Degree . When the Lord revealed the evils of proxy-teaching, defying the cares of the world, they resigned and restituted as they could.

Suffer For Christ: Another Range Officer of excellent integrity, fearing God who commands," and fire shall consume the tabernacles of bribery (Job 15:34)", shunned graft and endured social sanctions ever since. For their aversion to filthy lucre, several incumbents in the white-collar cadres, suffer isolation, reviling and mockery of their own peers and kindred. Such black-tea sipping and bicycle-riding ilk of other-worldly govt. servants are in no position to school their children in expensive places like Shillong. It's doubly frustrating when ignorance presumes that there isn't a single clean hand in the GOM.

Better Equals: The natural-man wants to equal his betters and better his equals. When he doesn't possess what others do, he feels left behind. The desire to take graft will never be outgrown as long as a man cannot do without certain comforts and luxuries he pampers himself with. And when he gets hooked on to a habituated standard of living, he can't settle for anything less. This accelerates the desire to grab even more. It's only when one isn't fussy about inconveniences, is immune to others' point of view on him and take life's indignities with dignity, that one will be contented with what one is and has. The Bible says, " But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition ".

" For the love of money is the root of all evil: (I Timothy 6:9 & 10)".

Change d System Required: We Christians are constantly reminded of these verses and many more that upbraid bribery, like, " And you shall take no bribe: for a bribe blinds the discerning, and perverts the words of the righteous (Exodus 23:8)". It's sad that most of us Christians do not have victory over it. Those who refuse to mend their greedy ways have many excuses and maintain that the ends justify the means. But to be accepted by God, both the means and the ends need to have the stamp of His approval. Instead of resorting to blame game, we must tire our brains to bring about changes in the system that righteousness may become a fashion; and not an exception.

Self-Searching First: Obedience, any day, is better than sacrifice. You can't hit the bull with the butt facing it, can you ? God is to be worshipped as He pleases and not as man does. After a century and a half of Gospel-preaching in our region, if most followers of Jesus, still find it tough to show forth consistent Christ-likeness and transparency in public life, how can we point a finger at those who had not even heard the Word of God ? And if we do, three of our own fingers are pointing at us, aren't they ?

Manipur is no perfect state. It's inhabited by over 23 lakh fallible mortal humans. They have their own strengths and weaknesses, triumphs and defeats and hits and misses. To understand the 'whys' and 'hows' of the behavior patterns of its citizenry, one has to be well-versed in its history, geography and sociology. Any judgment on the land-locked province will be lop-sided unless the strides it made in the fields of sports ( at national and international levels), medical science, Urbanization, Agriculture, Dress-sense, Technical Pursuits, Dietary Excellence, Classical Dances, Theatre, Cinema etc. are taken into consideration. At the same time, In earnest zeal, I implore my dear fellow-Manipuris to admit our mistakes in certain areas and policies and deplore to rectify the attitudinal errors. We'll do well not to ignore the bitter truth that we have become shakers, movers, news-makers, and a point of reference, all for the wrong rea¬son.

Need For paradigm Shift: The unsavoury remarks of the said pen-pusher were quite unflattering. She faltered in bits, blundered in parts, and reveled in half-truths. Nevertheless, her vehement affront in writing wasn't without an element of truth. Let's face it. Coming to terms with the truth about oneself, by itself, will help one to delve deep from sole to soul; and with renewed vigour and revived rigour, adopt a fresh system of living, earning and giving that would redress societal ills and usher in a new era of peace, liberty and prosperity

"And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32)". What and who is the truth? "Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6)".

An Appeal For Verdict: : It's true that Manipur is rocked often by ethnic and political upheavals. But by such surges, its people will be purged. It's also true that the wholeness of my state's amalgam occasionally threatens to burst; but it's certainly not true that it has degraded so low to be a poor paradigm. Given the option to settle there, I strongly feel that Manipur, for all the accepted norms we flout and the assorted clout we wield, is still a better place to dwell in than the abode-of-clouds called Meghalaya. And I sincerely believe that we have better quality natural, financial and human resources to make our state the best in NE India.